Non-Player Characters

Below is an ever-growing list of the NPCs the players meet and a rundown of their interactions as well as their known current whereabouts in the story.

Named Characters

  • #3

    Tremere. This CEZ agent was mentioned by Pontifex Peter Dorfman to Number 7 during his report on December 6, 1994. He stated that #3 is another of his great assets working the same Domain in some fashion.

  • #4

    Tremere. This fellow CEZ agent helps to put #7 through orientation at the NA1 Chantry starting on May 11, 1983.

  • Abraham

    Malkavian. While never met by any of the characters, Abraham was mentioned by Lance Polloch at the Vencor board meeting on February 13, 1989 as having been executed by Prince Elaine for reasons unknown at a time before that meeting, yet some time in the recent past. He had some sort of controlling interest in hospitals in Northern Virginia and with his absence, the Ventrue look to move into that resource with the building of the new INOVA Fairfax Hospital. He might well be the same “Abraham” mentioned by Immanuel to Zachary on November 29, 1994, and thus Zachary’s grandsire. Or this might be a different Abraham altogether. On December 3, 1994, Jason Li told his childe Thaïs that the “Abraham incident” involved human sacrifices and mass embraces in the hospital in Fairfax before the building of the new facility. On December 5, 1994, Thaïs got a more complete picture of what had happened with Abraham from Jeremiah Banks. Jeremiah told her that Abraham had committed unspeakable acts involving pregnant women and unauthorized embraces and all manner of messy blood rituals before being found out. The affair required a massive Masquerade cleanup with many minds wiped. It was back some time in the early 1960s. Abraham was executed and his childe Immanuel was made an “undesirable” outlaw. On December 7, 1994, Thaïs confirmed the tale of Abraham from the Brujah Primogen Aloysia at the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo.

  • Adams, Damien Luther

    Malkavian. Also a childe of Immanuel, the Malkavian has been a quiet resident of Alexandria, living on its fringes. Damien met Jinx and Rose on Theodore Roosevelt Island on March 5, 1989. He was playing an oboe “lullaby” for Hirut, the ancient. He was contacted on December 3, 1994 by the Prophet Zachary through the Cobweb. He tried to give as many answers as he could to Zachary’s many questions. He was headed to Loudoun to find Immanuel so that he wouldn’t be alone. But then he was to find Jordan and make him “Alexander” again . . . whatever that means. He was supposedly with Immanuel around the time he died, though Zachary never saw him. Perhaps he was waylaid. Zachary reconnected with Damien through the Cobweb on December 8, 1994, shortly after the attacks and the rise of the psychic ribbon wall. Zachary determined that Damien was indeed working at cross purposes and as his “brother” from the same blood experiment which birthed Zachary, Damien was hard-wired to carry out his mission.

  • Adébisi

    Ventrue ghoul. Adébisi was a CIA agent in life. He had retired and was doing some “freelance” work when he was recruited to join an elite team for Vitus Armandasanti’s Legionnaires. On Tuesday, December 7, 1994, Adébisi was ordered to the rooftops on the other side of the street from the entrance to the Smithsonian National Zoo to watch over Elysium. The Sabbat made their surprise attack. While two of Adébisi’s comrades were cut down by Lasombra and Tzimisce, Adébisi mowed through a few fighters and made it into the zoo to meet up with Vitus. He was slightly injured, but Vitus ghouled him on the spot. Under Vitus’ orders, he scaled a wall and climbed down a ravine to the woods below. He was attacked by a pack of wolves but shot several as the rest of the assembled team killed the rest. Later, he helped to steal a van and drove it in front of a truck one of his comrades stole. The caravan moved through the panicked streets of D.C., looking for a way into Alexandria. They all came to Chain Bridge into Virginia, but were stopped by the great psychic ribbon wall. Adébisi couldn’t even perceive the wall and was unaffected by its powers. He stayed with his domitor and their party as all decided what to do next. He fired upon Sabbat forces at the Chain Bridge when they began to attack. 

  • Aguliar, Mario

    Mortal. Mario, with his supermodel looks, was one of Danė’s blood dolls and “boyfriends.” After Danė was sentenced to a decade of torpor in a box on February 14, 1983, Mario eventually had his mind wiped by Sandra Polloch and was sent on his merry way as a model for London Fashion Week.

  • Alec

    Gangrel. Alec attended the meeting of the Brujah and other malcontents at Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax on December 8, 1994 in reaction to the Prince’s potestas edictum.

  • Aloysia

    Brujah. Brujah Primogen of the Domain of Georgetown. Aloysia has been around since the 1600s at least and is the eldest Brujah known to be walking the earth in the Potomac Empire. Thaïs sought out Aloysia at the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. After exchanging a few pleasentries, Aloysia agreed to impart to the neonate a few tales of times past in exchange for unspecified favors in the future. Aloysia told Thaïs about the “Abraham Incident” in the Domain of Alexandria and tried her best to tell Thaïs some of their Clan history (as far as she cared to know it, anyway). Aloysia stood by during the Venrue coup on Prince George. As things got hot with a Sabbat attack, Aloysia fled. Her fate is unknown at this time.

  • Alviera, Danica

    Tremere. Danica performs some sort of blood ritual on Alazar, tattooing a “7” blood sigil onto his chest on May 7, 1983. Danica is later at Alazar (now #7)’s embrace late at night on May 9-10, 1983. Danica has George taken off the street on December 3, 1994 after he had called into an unlisted Tremere number spouting things he should not. She had him black bagged, but was shocked at seeing his Tremere blood tattoo (she, having “forgot” Number 7 due to a powerful application of Obfuscate). Later that morning in Hangar 13, she applied a new tattoo to the agent, one which will cause him great pain but will protect him from some of Malkav’s mind tricks. Danica went in the armored SUV with Pontifex Dorfman, Number 7 and Lt. Garber to Daingerfield Island in Alexandria. Under orders, Danica beat Number 7 within an inch of his unlife and threw him in the river, thus to make the agent’s cover story more believable.

  • Amanda

    Mortal. Amanda is a bank teller at Common Commerce. She had a black eye from her drunk boyfriend when she went to work. Vito noticed this and had his boys teach the man a lesson in manners. Amanda was thankful, if a bit scared, afterwards. She was last seen working in Common Commerce in late June of 1985, and likely still works there as an even-more-loyal employee.

  • (Dr.) Anderson

    Tremere Ghoul. Dr. Anderson works at Hangar 13 and monitors Alazar during his stress tests starting on May 4, 1983.

  • Andrej

    Tzimisce. Andrej was the Pack Priest of Bowie. He was leading a vaudlerie ritual on New Year’s 1986 at the derelict Bowie Skate-O-Rama when the Camarilla S’eth Adar forces rolled up on his crew. He fought valiantly, destroying a Gangrel, before he was attacked from behind by a ravening Rose and destroyed.

  • Andrews, Dr. Jamie

    Nosferatu. Dr. Andrews is the D.C. Node Manager and one of the Developers of SchreckNET. He is friendly with Henry, who has helped him with the grunt work of repetitive data entry in coding. Through 1990-1994, Dr. Andrews works with Henry in setting up a reliable cell network (as well as networked computers) for the Clan. Henry helped Dr. Andrews set up a reliable cellular network for the Undercity and expand SchreckNET in the early 1990s. Jaime contacted Henry on December 6, 1994 to let him know that there was to be an important meeting in the Undercity.

  • Anistaz, Miriam

    Toreador ghoul. Miriam was an agent of the Mossad in life and had been working on contracts in a shady world known unto Alexander Chaykovsky. He brought her in to Club Euphonia on December 9, 1994 to meet with his mistress, the Toreador Desirée. Desirée used Presence on Miriam and then ghouled her, having her stay in Del Ray Tower Apartments.

  • Ansara, Martino

    Ventrue. Ventrue Primogen of Georgetown. Vitus has met him at the portion of Board meetings he has been allowed to attend . . . Vitus being the most junior of members. Martino is Vitus’ laissez-faire liege lord in Chevy Chase and impressed him with a helicopter ride from the Vencor building in Rosslyn to Vito’s haven in Maryland on February 14 (first night), 1989. Martino gave the Georgetown coterie a lift in his helicopter from Vitus’ manor to the Alexandria Elysium (Old Torpedo Factory) in order to discretely transport the staked Brock Thompson on February 17, 1989. Martino attended VenCor Board meetings throughout the early 90’s and was a gracious neighbor to Vitus in Chevy Chase. Ansara’s manor was attacked by assailants thought to be allied with the Sabbat on the morning of December 6, 1994. Following the investigation, Jinx was able to see that Martino had put up quite a fight against the Sabbat pack, but must have eventually lost. However, his body has not been found. Vitus learned of his fate (tied up to the ceiling, exsanguinated and diablerized at a Sabbat war council) when Vitus diablerized German the Gangrel antitribu.

  • Ansiza, Victor

    Toreador ghoul. Victor was an agent of the Special Forces in life and had been working on contracts in a shady world known unto Alexander Chaykovsky. He brought Victor in to Club Euphonia on December 9, 1994 to meet with his mistress, the Toreador Desirée. Desirée used Presence on Victor and then ghouled him, having him stay in Del Ray Tower Apartments.

  • Architect, The (a.k.a. Pierre L’Enfant)

    Nosferatu. Chief Architect of the Undercity and master of the builders. He was regularly seen floating amongst the upper crust of the Undercity as well as attending concerts and galleries that Henry would attend. The Architect was at the emergency gathering of the commune on December 6, 1994 as the Undercity went on lockdown and battle mode.

  • Arland, Diane

    Salubri. Diane began watching Asa Freeman and saw something in him that would fit the Salubri ethos. She first appeared to Asa at a bus stop on Halloween of 1994. Diane scared Asa in his apartment later that night, but apologized later. She offered him the embrace after explaining the Salubri and the stakes at the end of the world. Asa agreed and the two began and sire/childe relationship with their haven in a condemned YMCA building in Fairfax. Diane went with her childe on November 2 to track down his best friend Lily so that she can use Dominate on Lily to help “sell” Asa’s sort-of fake death. Afterwards, the two return to the YMCA and begin their training.

  • Armandasanti, Marina

    Mortal. Marina was a traditional Italian immigrant woman who was married to the late mafioso Roberto Armandasanti. She never questioned where the money came from, but rather focused on raising her children, Vito and Scarlett, in the Church and with proper manners. She loved cooking and gardening. She lived with Vito in his sprawling estate in Chevy Chase, Md., as did her daughter, Scarlett. Marina was shocked to learn that she has a grandson, Matthew DuVaule, when Vito decided to donate a kidney to save his love child. Marina was at Georgetown University Hospital on Wednesday, June 13, 1985 waiting for her son and (new-to-her) grandson to get out of surgery. She was there as Vito awoke and wanted to see her grandson. She was later moved from the main manor into the Dowager Mansion on Vito’s complex in Chevy Chase, Md. When Vito returned after a two week “vacation” (post-Embrace), Marina noticed something was wrong with her dear son, something of the devil. After a day of fretting and nightmares of satan, Marina went to Vito’s main house to confront him. She had a heart attack and died in fear and confusion on Sunday, June 26. 1985.

  • Armandasanti, Scarlett

    Mortal. Scarlett is a spoiled mafia princess who lives in a palace in Chevy Chase, Md. with her brother Vito and her mother Marina. She was with Vito as he emerged from his kidney transplant. On another day, as Vito was wanting to move her to the Dowager Mansion, Scarlett begged for a place of her own. Vito got her a house and a job as a teller at Common Commerce before his Embrace on July 3, 1985. She was shocked to find her mother, Marina, dead in the manor on June 26, 1985. Scarlett got pregnant and did the Catholic thing and married Frankie “Luca” Morsetti. She had a daughter, Marina. Vitus has visited Scarlett over the years up through 1994.

  • Armandasanti, Vito “Vitas” Joseph

    Ventrue. [NOTE: Vitus was a Player Character from the beginning through BOOK I, Story 3, Chapter 5, part 2: “Up Against the Wall.” Everything the character has done after that will be listed here. To see Vitas’ notes as a PC and read his PC Page, click here.] Domitor of Shrilington. Don of the Southeast Docks. Vitus threw up his hands as his coterie was surrounded by marauding Sabbat on December 8, 1994 at the Chain Bridge from D.C. to Alexandria. His companions hid as he turned himself in to the “mercies” of the Sabbat commander, Phelan. His fate is unknown at this time, but few would trade places with him.

  • Ashford, Hunter

    Gangrel. Hunter attended the meeting at Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax on December 8, 1994 of the Brujah and other malcontents of Prince Elaine’s potestats edictum. He seemed to be in favor of doing something to stand against this ruling of the Crown, including withholding blood from the census takers.

  • Aslin, Brandon

    Toreador. Brandon is a fine sculptor and a Toreador of Alexandria. He attended the Guild Salon below Signature Theatre in Shirlington, Va. on February 14, 1983 and witnessed the unveiling of Desirée’s masterwork. He is told to keep his mouth shut about Desirée and sent on his way. Brandon attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989. He was enraptured by the painting of the Prince Desirée had painted a few years previous. Brandon was at Alexandria Elysium on December 8, 1994 for the Prince’s potestas edictum. He was shocked to see the great debutante Desirée covered in filth when she entered Elysium with her friend, Thaïs.

  • (Colonel) Atkinson

    Tremere Ghoul. Colonel Atkinson is the military brass who seems to be in charge at Hangar 13 at Andrews Air Force Base. He meets Alazar on May 4, 1983 to begin his assessment. He orders Alazar to “bring in” his fellow CIA agent, Jackson Hodges, for questioning. Later, he gives Alazar (now #7) the mission to infiltrate his former workplace at the CIA on May 9, 1983. Number 7 attempted to call Col. Atkinson on the secure line amidst his mission on December 2, 1994, however Atkinson reacted strangely before hanging up.

  • Atubby, Bill “Big Bill”

    Mortal. Big Bill is a sound board operator at WRXL 102.1 FM Radio Alexandria and likes coffee too much. He was at Zachary’s show on the fateful night the station lost power and strange things started to happen. His body was “taken over” by some external force that spoke in the voices of three people, thanking Zachary for being its “Voice.” Bill snapped out of it and left for home.

  • Avarosis, Roslyn

    Ventrue. Roslyn Avarosis is a Ventrue “fixer” stayed behind with Priest at the Elk’s Lodge in Bowie, Md. and then helped to fix Masquerade breaches after the dust settled in the Battle of Bowie on January 1, 1986. She was likely in Elysium during Rose and Jinx’s Presentation before Prince George. Vitus has seen her at Vencor board meetings. She attended the board meeting on February 13, 1989 and discussed the S’eth Adar with Vitus. She also gave a progress report about the secret phosphorus gun production line in the Vencor weapons facility near Louisville, Ky. Vitus has worked with Roslyn in cleanup for Masquerade breaches in Georgetown in the early 1990s. Roslyn attended the emergency Vencor board meeting on December 7, 1994 to determine if the Clan chose to depose Prince George at the next night’s Elysium. Roslyn voted “yes,” still angry at the possible death of her sire Martino, and her vote carried. Roslyn attended the Georgetown Elysium on December 7, 1994 and stood with her Clan in its bid for power. The coup was successful, but the Sabbat attacked just after the deed was done. Roslyn, a trained S’eth Adar officer, joined the phalanx of Ventrue and others who marched through the zoo with the deposed Prince’s torpid body. According to a report by J.T. of the Brujah on December 9, 1994 at College Park, Md., Roslyn apparently died valiantly in the Battle of the Smithsonian Zoo with the invading Sabbat horde.

  • Ayalew, Eden

    Mortal. Alazar’s ex-wife. Eden spoke with Alazar briefly on the phone before he accepted his mission transfer to Andrews Air Force Base on Tuesday, May 3, 1983. Her ex-father-in-law noticed her missing from church that Sunday and told Alazar he hadn’t seen his grandkids. Peter Dorfman told Alazar (now #7) that Eden and her two children had been placed in the Witness Protection Program and sent far away, as they were a liability. Whether she is still alive or not is a matter of trust.

  • B., Welly

    Brujah. S’eth Adar fighter. Welly was among the S’eth Adar refugee survivors who met at College Park on December 9, 1994.

  • Banks, Jeremiah

    Brujah. Brujah Primogen of Alexandria. Jeremiah attended the Alexandria Elysium with his Clanmate James Nash on February 18, 1983 to complain about Gangrel in his Route 7 Corridor Domain. He met Desirée there during her Presentation. Jeremiah laughed on August 5, 1984 when the unveiling of the portrait of Prince Elaine was a flop. He was not particularly nice to Desirée or Thaïs either. Jeremiah was at the Valentine’s Day Alexandria Elysium on February 14, 1989. He spoke up for the two neonates on the chopping block and spent a Princely boon to spare their lives. He didn’t give a fuck about his Clanmate Brock, who had a Blood Hunt called upon him, saying he deserved his fate. Jeremiah met up with Vitus, Jinx, Henry and Rose at his base of operations: Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax on February 17, 1989. The coterie has a pleasant interaction with the Primogen. After some coaxing (and promises of a Boon transfer), he agrees to take on the staked college student Brujah thinblooded fledglings in Vitus’ possession. They have a further discussion, leaving room for building a more lasting friendship in the future. On February 19, 1989, Vitus and Jinx handed over the two staked college students to Jeremiah at the Brown Bear Brewing Company in Centerville, Va. in exchange for a boon to be gifted to Jeremiah through Rose. Jinx noticed Jeremiah seemed to be overly pleased by the arrangement. Jeremiah attended Elysium on February 23, 1989 to accept that boon transfer. During 1989 to 1994, Rose occasionally helped Jeremiah ferret out undocumented Kindred from the clutches of the S’eth Adar to the Anarch Free States. Rose worked with Jeremiah to smuggle unauthorized childer out of Alexandria. Thaïs met with Jeremiah at Franklin’s Pub in Fairfax City long after closing time on the morning of December 5, 1994. Thaïs asked Jeremiah about the “Abraham Incident” which led to the ouster of Malkavians from Alexandria. Jeremiah gave Thaïs his best second-hand account. Thaïs made a proposal to Jeremiah to help take down Barnaby Wilcox. He took it under consideration. Jeremiah was seen at the chaotic Alexandria Elysium on December 8, 1994 as Desirée and Thaïs entered and demanded an audience with the Prince. That night, the Prince gave her potestas edictum at Elysium and Jeremiah reacted in rage. He had to be held back by his clanmates. He called a meeting of the Brujah and any other malcontents for that evening at Franklin’s Pub in Fairfax City. When the meeting took place, he gave a speech saying that the Prince had gone too far and that something had to be done. After Thaïs’ voice of support, Jeremiah affirmed that he was no “bubble bitch.” Jeremiah urged his supporters to refuse their blood to the crown. Desirée tried to calm matters, but he was unmoved . . . though he agreed to meet with Desirée at her club later. Thaïs challenged Jeremiah, but he physically threw her against a wall. She threw a brick at him, but he pretended not to notice (though it must have hurt). Later that morning (still December 8), Jeremiah met with Desirée at Club Euphonia. Desirée managed to use her Presence on Jeremiah, Enthralling him. The two agreed to support one another before he left.

  • Barnett, Robbie

    Mortal. Eager beaver front-door clerk at the Falls Church News Press. Robbie met H.B. Kershaw at the Falls Church News Press office on October 11, 1993 and falls over himself to be helpful to a writer from the Washington Post. Robbie shows Harold the archives and tells what he knows of Brexco and Donovan.

  • Baron

    Ventrue ghoul. Baron was a special forces commander in life. He had retired and was doing some “freelance” work when he was recruited to join an elite team for Vitus Armandasanti’s Legionnaires. On Tuesday, December 7, 1994, Baron was ordered to the rooftops on the other side of the street from the entrance to the Smithsonian National Zoo to watch over Elysium. The Sabbat made their surprise attack. While two of Baron’s comrades were cut down by Lasombra and Tzimisce, Baron mowed through a few fighters and made it into the zoo to meet up with Vitus. He was slightly injured, but Vitus ghouled him on the spot. Under Vitus’ orders, he scaled a wall and climbed down a ravine to the woods below. He was attacked by a pack of wolves but shot several as the rest of the assembled team killed the rest. Later, he helped to steal a truck and drove it behind a van that one of his comrades stole. The caravan moved through the panicked streets of D.C., looking for a way into Alexandria. They all came to Chain Bridge into Virginia, but were stopped by the great psychic ribbon wall. Baron couldn’t even perceive the wall and was unaffected by its powers. He stayed with his domitor and their party as all decided what to do next. Baron fired upon Sabbat forces when they attacked at the Chain Bridge.

  • Baruch

    Mortal. Baruch is a large fighter who challenged Rose at an underground street fight at The Red Dog on Boxing Day of 1985. He was last seen being a sore loser after unexpectedly losing to Rose.

  • Bennett

    Gangrel. Not much was known of the tall, lanky fellow, other than he bet against Rose in an underground street fight at The Red Dog on Boxing Day of 1985, yet rooted for them nonetheless. He was a customer at The Red Dog and made some strange small talk with Rose before the big match. He was next seen launching himself from the misty snow in Rock Creek Park at Rose where he struggled and then embraced his new childe. His whereabouts are unknown, but he told Rose he’d be looking out for them and that he would expect to see them at the strike of midnight of the New Year in 1986 at the Elks Lodge in Bowie, Md. Bennett met up with Jinx and Rose alongside the rest of the S’eth Adar of the Camarilla at the Elk’s Lodge in preparation for the New Year’s Day attack. He stayed guard at the Elks Lodge and didn’t get involved in the actual attack on the Bowie Skate-O-Rama. Nonetheless, he joined in afterwards to congratulate his childe’s heroism. The next week, he joined Priest and Rose for Rose’s Presentation to Prince George. He gifted his childe with an old camper in Belt Woods Natural Environment Area near Six Flags America in Maryland that he could use as a haven. Rose has occasionally run into Bennett at Gangrel Gathers over the early 1990s, and he often takes credit for Rose’s accomplishments  a la “Look at my Boy! That’s My Boy!” like he did shit. Bennett was among the Camarilla refugee survivors at College Park, Md. on December 9, 1994 who met with Rose to decide next moves.

  • Bentley

    Toreador Ghoul. Bentley is Melisand’s driver and takes her and her “childe” Desirée to various places in early February 1983.

  • Beth Ann

    Caitiff. Daughter of Mercy thinblood. Beth Ann was taken in by Desirée as a sponsor, even though she was a lowly Caitiff. Her clan of origin is a mystery and her sire is useless or finally dead (unknown at this time). Beth Ann was at Club Euphonia at its opening on May 7, 1988 alongside her other Daughters of Mercy coterie. Desirée gave them permission to discretely feed from the guests. Desirée went to meet with her “Daughters” in Burke, Va. on December 9, 1994. She found them arguing (and starving) in their shared haven in the middle of suburbia.

  • “Bette”

    Unknown Nosferatu operative. Bette is Marcel’s arm candy at Club Euphonia on August 5, 1984. She is in on the job, but it is unknown what her motivations might be or if she is even Kindred. She left the club shortly after Marcel was taken into Desirée’s private chambers. Henry has worked with Bette, also known by any other honeypot name, in various Nosferatu Operative operations throughout the early 1990s.

  • Billingsly, Dr. Gerald H.

    Mortal. Dr. Billingsly is the Entomology Department Head at the University of Maryland College Park and was Henry Vasiliev’s supervisor. He was shocked to find a strange specimen of Armadillidium vulgare and showed it to Henry Vasiliev to investigate. He was last seen at UMD-College Park in early October of 1985, having just shown Henry the curious specimen.

  • Bingham, Jordan

    Ventrue. Ventrue Primogen of the Domain of Alexandria, Duke of Rosslyn, Praetor of the Ventrue, Chairman of the Vencor Board of Directors. Jordan was gregarious and kind to Vitus Armandasanti upon his presentation to the elder. He personally presented Vitus to Prince Elaine of Alexandria following a helicopter ride on Friday, June 24, 1985. Jordan was very cordial when meeting Henry at the Alexandria Elysium on February 10, 1989. Jordan presided over the Vencor board meeting on February 13, 1989. He gave constructive criticism and encouragement to his Clanmates. He did mention that there might come a time in which Prince George of D.C. would go too far and suggested vigilance from his Clan. Jordan gave the most Junior of his associates, Vitus, the Clan’s mission of clearing up the Brujah contested territory dispute one way or the other, and to begin by finding out what exactly they were up to. He was ever his polite and congenial self at Alexandria Elysium the following night. Vitus reports his findings to Jordan at the Pendentist Club. Jordan reads Henry’s mind and tells Vitus that Henry is a Nosferatu operative, but still has his uses. He suggests Vitus find out what was stolen in the Texas Instruments heist by the Anarchs. Vitus calls up Jordan a few days later to ask for his help finding a contact number for Jeremiah Banks. Jordan directs Vitus to Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax. They speak in a coded way about the capture of Brock Thompson and Jordan tells Vitus to come and see him at some point before or after Elysium the following Thursday to discuss the docks matter, but to take no further action until they had spoken face-to-face. Jordan met with Vitus on the links at the Army-Navy Country Club where he thanked his clanmate for his service. In return for Vitus’ silence on the “sandstone pillar” matter, Jordan offered him a future favor as well as his sovereignty over the Brujah-Ventrue import-export joint venture. Jordan attended Elysium on February 23, 1989 and beamed with pride at the accomplishments of the new domitor of Shirlington. Vitus met with Jordan after his early accomplishments to seek some advice. The elder counseled Vitus to continue making friends, to learn Auspex to see the Nosferatu and to pick your enemies well. Jordan continued to lead Vencor Board meetings throughout the early 1990s. Jordan had Vitus lead the S’eth Adar investigation into the attack on Martino Ansara on December 6, 1994. Following Vitus’ investigation, Jordan called an emergency meeting of the Vencor Board of Directors. In the morning of December 7, 1994, Jordan cast his vote behind the will of the Board and thus to lead a coup to replace Prince George as the leader of the Domain of Georgetown. The Ventrue were to make their move at the Elysium at the National Zoo the following night. Jordan arrived at the Smithsonian National Zoo for Elysium flanked by his Ventrue supporters. They had already shorn up the support of the Gangrel and Tremere. He confronted George and the two used a mastery of Presence in the battle for supremacy. Jordan’s coup was successful and he drove a stake into the deposed Prince’s heart. His victory was short-lived however, as the Sabbat attacked immediately afterwards. He led a phalanx of Ventrue and others through the zoo with the staked body of his defeated predecessor. J.T. of the Brujah and a fighter of the S’eth Adar was a part of the Ventrue phalanx and survived to report about it on December 9, 1994 in College Park, Md. J.T. said that Jordan and some of the Ventrue had survived and got into an armored vehicle before the Sabbat forces were able to completely overtake the Camarilla forces. While assumed alive, Bingham’s location and fate is unknown at this time.

  • Bonnie

    Gangrel ghoul. Bonnie left a message with Rose on December 7, 1994 to call back General Karl Raeger before Elysium was to begin that night.

  • Bottleneck the Infested (a.k.a. “James”)

    Nosferatu. Bottleneck helped load a torpid Settite into Cylus Pine’s van at the Bowl America Parking Garage on August 6, 1984. Bottleneck posed as a mortal named James and seduced Henry Vasiliev while simultaneously stalking him in October of 1985. He embraced Henry and brought him to the “changing room” in the Undercity. Fully revealed as a disgusting creature with hundreds of bottleneck flies clinging to his neck, Bottleneck tutors his childe in the ways of the Nosferatu as he gives him a tour of the vast Undercity. Bottleneck and Henry became Blood Bound lovers and now Bottleneck is completely obsessed with his childe and will jealously watch over him. He is tasked with getting miles of cords to wire all of the Undercity with Ethernet. Bottleneck, ever the clingy lover, had a Valentine’s Day surprise for Henry on February 14, 1989. He told Henry that he was pulling of a heist of a Texas Instruments truck headed to George Washington University with a group of Georgetown Anarchs (a couple of Brujah, and a Malkavian named Comet). Bottleneck had flown into a rage when Henry didn’t return home. Bottleneck destroyed their underground home, killing Henry’s ghouled insect friends. On February 18, 1989, Bottleneck confronted Henry in the woods near Vitus’ manor. Rose had been following stealthily and struck at Bottleneck in an attempt to stake him. Having not quite hit the mark, Bottleneck moved into Obfuscate and ran, feeling betrayed by his childe who had sent his bees after him. Through the years of 1989 to 1994, Bottleneck sent disturbing “love packages” to Vitus’ manor addressed to Henry: including human body parts (hearts, fingers, et cetera). The Moravignians used their sight-beyond-sight to determine that Bottleneck was sending the packages from Baltimore and had likely joined the Sabbat: betraying the commune’s secrets. Jinx found in her telepathic mind-stealing from a dying Gangrel (German) on December 7, 1994 that Bottleneck’s intel was instrumental in the Sabbat’s victory over the Camarilla.

  • Boxcar

    Demon. “Boxcar” has been living in Thaïs’ head since she was a little girl. He’s gotten her out of some scrapes, and put her into a few in turn. Now, he wants her help to find love for the Lady of the Lake. Boxcar spoke to Thaïs on December 3, 1994 in the bathroom of Desirée’s art gallery. Boxcar was surprisingly quiet in OTCAL when Thaïs read the ancient texts the following evening. He congratulated Thaïs later once she was alone for her great service. Satisfied for the moment, Boxcar retreated in Thaïs’ mind to continue his plotting. During the day of December 5, 1994, Thaïs had a dream of a demon creature below the earth who sunk down there holding the ancient Cainite known only as “the heretic” following a battle. It called to her in the dream, pleading for her to find them and rescue them from the desert ruins. Boxcar echoed this sentiment in Thaïs’ dream, possibly speaking as the demon itself. Thaïs called upon Boxcar to help her when she was faced with the panic of the city late at night on December 7, 1994. Boxcar told Thaïs that he could help her get through the wall if she would find a chicken or a small animal to sacrifice and the use of her arm for a moment. She put a pin in that idea, thinking to possibly circle back later to take the demon up on that. When Thaïs got to H&H Ranch later (in the morning of December 8, 1994), she communed with the demon and followed her advice on a ritual. She didn’t do the ritual calling for small animal sacrifice (but had a cat secured, just for good measure), but did a ritual stopping the Tremere from being able to track her blood. All the ritual took was her stabbing her own hand and then willingly giving Boxcar her arm to use. Boxcar seemed happy by this arrangement.

  • Bozwell

    Brujah. Bozwell first came to Thaïs’ attention on July 13, 1984 at a rave in an industrial park before she was turned. He called her “Puddin’.” She would later meet Bozwell at a different rave on August 5, 1984 after her transformation and would engage in (friendly) single combat and best the man. He is Jeremiah’s childe. Bozwell was manning security when Vitus, Jinx, Rose and Henry went to visit Jeremiah Banks at Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax on February 17, 1989. He was friendly, but forceful. Thaïs has run into Bozwell on several occasions and has done a few jobs with him throughout the early 1990s. The two of them have become relatively good friends. Bozwell was hanging out with his sire Jeremiah at Franklin’s Pub after hours on December 5, 1994 when Thaïs stopped by. He said a friendly hello to “Puddin’” and excused himself for the night. Bozwell met with Thaïs for a game of bowling on December 6, 1994. He told Thaïs what he knew of the powers-that-be in Georgetown and answered what questions he could of the inquisitive neonate before losing to her in the lanes. Bozwell was at the Alexandria Elysium on December 8, 1994 for the Prince’s potestas edictum. Bozwell had to hold back his sire before Jeremiah went on a rage for the Prince’s overstepping. A meeting was called for the Brujah and assorted other malcontents and the Brujah, including Bozwell, stormed out of Elysium. Later that morning, they met at Franklin’s Pub in Fairfax City to discuss the Prince’s actions. Bozwell supported Jeremiah’s bellicose position.

  • Brady, (Officer) Jack

    Mortal. Officer Brady had a long chase with a bloody Juniper through the streets and offices of D.C. and arrested her for credit card fraud after she passed out from blood loss. He was last seen sitting beside June in the ambulance on April 2, 1985. Officer Brady pulled over “George” who was driving an overfilled Mustang with Benjamin, Zachary and four little girls on December 6, 1994. His mind was wiped by George’s Dominate powers.

  • Broaddus

    Brujah wight. Some ravenous creature wearing the skin-suit of a man crept into the warehouse where Petra had a squat and attacked the mortal friends there on Friday, July 13, 1984. It likely killed Drea and possibly killed Petra. It gravely injured Darnell as he and a group attempted to subdue it. Jason managed to stake the beast with Thaïs help, but Thaïs was mortally wounded in the process. The pitiable wight was brought into Elysium to be drained. Thaïs was given an opportunity to fuck him up and she took a souvenir: his teeth (as well as a couple of sips of vitae). He was exsanguinated and enjoyed by the Kindred attending Elysium that night on August 5, 1984. On December 5, 1994, Thaïs had a dream/daymare of killing the creature with a pound of her fist.

  • Broadus

    Nosferatu Ghoul. Nosferatu servitor. He paddles the boat for Margolis, among many other tasks. He is one of hundreds of ghouls in the Undercity. Henry sees him occasionally. Henry fed off of Broadus, a little too much in fact, just before his presentation before the Princes of the Two Domains on February 10, 1989. Broadus tied up Henry’s skiff when he came to the Chamber of Horrors in the Undercity for a full-commune meeting on December 6, 1994. Broadus was seen rowing Cylus Pine to Heart Island in the Undercity (though Thaïs and Desirée didn’t know who he was) on December 7, 1994 shortly before the Ribbon Wall bisected the island, killing Cheesehead and deeply wounding Cylus. Broadus didn’t even see the ribbon wall and could walk right through it without a problem. This demonstrated that ghouls were unaffected by its power. Broadus rowed the gravely wounded Cylus with Desirée and Thaïs to an intersection in the sewer so that the Smoothskins could leave the Undercity.

  • Bulworth, Gage

    Ventrue. Gage is Roslyn Avarosis’ childe and a fellow member of the Georgetown S’eth Adar and a junior associate on the Vencor Board. He attended the board meeting on February 13, 1989 and gave a report for the Clan’s holdings in the financial services industry (which he manages), praising Reaganite policies for increasing Ventrue profits. Gage has worked with Vitus over the early 1990s in the S’eth Hadar, cleaning up Masquerade violations. He has also been seen in monthly Vencor Board meetings. Gage attended the emergency Vencor board meeting on December 7, 1994 to determine if the Clan chose to depose Prince George at the next night’s Elysium. Gage voted “yes,” and his vote carried. Gage stood alongside his clanmates at the Georgetown Elysium the following night (still the 7th) to support the Ventrue play for the throne. The coup was successful, if short-lived, for the Sabbat immediately attacked after the Ventrue victory. Gage, a trained S’eth Adar officer, evacuated in the phalanx led by Jordan Bingham. According to a report by J.T. of the Brujah on December 9, 1994 at College Park, Md., Gage apparently died valiantly in the Battle of the Smithsonian Zoo with the invading Sabbat horde.

  • Caius

    Nosferatu. The One Below. The Prince of the Undercity. The ancient entity that is Caius rules the Undercity as its unquestioned father. He (as a mass of creatures) met with Henry on two occasions. Once, shortly after his Embrace to make him a Shepherd, and a second time in 1990 to make him an Operative after another Operative was killed. Caius met with H.B. Kershaw on October 21, 1993 during his presentation to the One Below at the Court of Darkness. Caius, unsurprisingly, made H.B. an Operative.

  • Cara

    Sisterhood (Ahrimane). Kara is a woman with bushy, curly red hair. Rose met her on December 9, 1994 at the Sisterhood’s mountain cave. Kara went hunting with Rose in her cat form. The following night, Kara had a tunic she had made for Rose to wear. Kara transformed into her werecat form and startled Rose. After Nana calmed down Rose, Kara joined with her Sisters in the rites to transform Rose into one of them.

  • Cameron

    Brujah. Cameron is a friend of Thaïs who occasionally will join her on jobs. He is a skilled fighter when pushed. He is Bozwell’s childe and occasionally helps out the Rangers (though also occasionally is known to fraternize with Anarchs). Cameron was at the meeting of the Brujah and other malcontents at Franklin’s Pub in Fairfax City on December 8, 1994, following the potestas edictum by the Prince, enraging much of the city.  Cameron nodded his head in agreement with Jeremiah’s call to action against an over-reaching Tremere-led government.

  • Carillo, Rommel

    Toreador/Caitiff. It was intimated by Priest that Rommel is from an unauthorized siring and so is sentenced to likely die in the upcoming attack against the Sabbat forces in Bowie, Md. on January 1, 1986. He seemed very scared, but managed to do well and shot a few Sabbat from atop a shed. He was Presented before the Prince of Georgetown by Priest, as he was not claimed by the Toreador for his unauthorized siring and thin-blood (13th generation) status. The Prince drooled over the young flesh, however, and decided that he could be taken to the Prince’s chambers to “work something out” for him to be granted continued existence. Rommel was also initiated into the S’eth Adar by Priest for his valiant efforts in the Battle of Bowie. On February 10, 1989, Rommel was wearing a skimpy outfit at the feet of Prince George during Henry’s Presentation. Rommel was dressed in a panda hat and gloves with a speedo (and otherwise naked) to attend to his master, the Prince, at the Georgetown Elysium at the National Zoo on December 7, 1994. He was seen running into the zoo as the Ventrue completed their coup. Somehow, Rommel managed to escape, as he was later among the S’eth Adar refugees who met at College Park on December 9, 1994. 

  • Cedric

    Malkavian. Once known only as “mustache man” of Jinx’s visions, Cedric is Prentiss’ sire and Joan’s lieutenant amongst the Malkavian leadership in the Malkavian Domain of Gallaudet/Ivy City. The Ventrue Barnaby Wilcox told his childe that Cedric was an old friend of his and in his coterie. Jinx has run into Cedric in Ivy City and Gallaudet University throughout the 90s. He is often with his sire when he is not hanging around his friends, the Brujah Peter Forsythe and the Ventrue, Barnaby Wilcox. Cedric met with George and Zachary after they awoke from their blood-sweats on December 4, 1994. He suggested the use of muslin robes for the Prophet to wear. He was slightly rude, but not downright mean. The next evening, Cedric warmed up to George, Benjamin and Zachary. He helped to train Zachary in the use of the Cobweb and combinations of Dominate and Obfuscate. Later, Cedric procured a Mustang for the team to use. In the eraly morning of December 6, 1994, Cedric greeted Zachary and George at Gallaudet University, seeing the four little girls that they had rescued. The following evening, he met with them alongside the rest of the assembled Malkavian Clan. The Malkavians had a vision of Jinx siring Chad (through Chad’s eyes . . . Jinx’s mind was still blank to them). Cedric was cagey and strange with Jinx on December 6, 1994. He ushered her away from the Malkavian library at Gallaudet and told her to meet with Joan on the Quad. Cedric was actually hanging out with Zachary, George, Joan and the four rescued girls at the time and they didn’t want to bother Jinx with all of that. Cedric taught Zachary quite a bit (from the Malkavian perspective) what the Clans were and the Disciplines. The next night on December 7, 1994, he left from the Malkavian library fairly early to attend Elysium. Cedric represented the Malkavian Clan at Elysium at the National Zoo on December 7, 1994, his sire noticeably absent. As the Ventrue made their move against Prince George, Cedric went into Obfuscation. His fate is unknown at this time.

  • Celina

    Nosferatu. Curator of the Undercity Gallery. Henry would often see her whenever going to a show to support his friend, Droop. Henry has run into Celina throughout the 1990s in the Undercity and occasionally goes to a show.

  • Charles, “Aunite” Desmond

    Mortal. Auntie Desmond is more than one of Asa’s clients: he’s become almost a mentor and friend. Desmond is an aging queer person living mostly through the stories of times long past when he was a jazz performer in Harlem. Asa took care of Desmond at Desmond’s senior flat on October 31, 1994. The two shared a sad, friendly, dance to Desmond’s jazz records.

  • Chaycovsky, Alexander

    Toreador Ghoul. Alexander is Desirée’s head of security at Club Euphonia and personal ghoul. He has blonde hair, green eyes and is in his 40s. He has been made aware of the World of Darkness so as to protect his mistress from the dangers therein. Alexander had security under wraps on the day of the grand opening of Euphonia on May 7, 1988. Alexander checked with Desirée on December 2, 1994 to make sure that she was fine when leaving with three strangers from her club. Alexander let Zachary and Benjamin wait inside of a locked closet on December 8, 1994, just as the city was enveloped in the frenzy of the “terrorist attack.” The two had come to Club Euphoina looking for Desirée and Thaïs. Alexander was given the green light to head out into the chaos of the city to track down some of his retired special forces buddies and offer them the moon to come and work for Desirée. The following night (December 9, 1994), Alexander returns to Euphonia with three of his contracting contacts with a look to make them ghouls. He feeds Desirée and makes a point of taking the lead with the new ghouls.

  • Cheesehead

    Nosferatu. Engineer childe of the Architect. Cheesehead was at the emergency meeting of the commune at the Chamber of Horrors on December 6, 1994. Cheesehead found the refugees Desirée and Thaïs in the upper sewers following the attack at the Smithsonian Zoo on December 7, 1994. He used Animalism on a white alligator from the zoo and sent the majestic beast to Margolis and the Shepherds of the Deep. He then led the two “smoothskins”to Heart Island in the Undercity to meet with Cedric Pine. Once there, he was killed instantly by the psychic force of the Ribbon Wall as he exploded with pink and purple energy. The Wall came up for the first time and bifurcated the island, as it ran right below the Potomac River. Read “Cheesehead’s Final Nights” here.

  • Comet

    Malkavian. Jinx’s broodmate, childe of Prentiss. He is an Anarch in the Domain of Georgetown and holds a grudge against his sire. He has yet to really interact with Jinx, but they know of one another. Bottleneck of the Nosferatu mentioned to his lover Henry that he and a group of Anarchs, including Comet, were pulling off a heist of Texas Instuments technology from a truck headed to George Washington University on February 15, 1989. Comet met up with Jinx the following night when Jinx brought Allie along to be ferreted out of the city. Comet introduced her to the Anarchs. After those antics, Comet went home with his great-grandsire Joan when the Malkavian elder came to Dharma with Rose for some reason. Jinx has run into Comet occasionally at Malkavain family gatherings. He continues to be a surly teenager with an Anarch sensibility.

  • D., Erica

    Mortal. Attendant at the Seville Palliative Care Center in Arlington, Va. Erica was bubbly and bright when talking with Asa at the beginning of his shift on October 31, 1994.

  • D’Andre

    Brujah. D’Andre is an Anarch of Georgetown. Jinx vaguely knows him from Dharma Coffee House. D’Andre was at the Coffee House celebrating after a job the Anarchs ran on a Texas Instruments shipment when Jinx barged in, asking for a major favor. D’Andre didn’t have much to do with that.

  • Danė

    Toreador. The cute twink designer was enraptured by Adrianna Dior so much at the Ball at the Mill that he made a point of befriending her (with the help of Presence). The next day, on Saturday, February 12, 1983, he drank too much and killed her in his passion. Filled with regret and panic, he managed to Embrace her, but was nearly Diablerized in the process. Danė took his new childe to his penthouse atop Del Ray Tower for her Change. The next night, the two discussed the Kindred and the Toreador and hatched their plan to try to survive the unauthorized siring. On Valentine’s Day of 1983, Danė and Adrianna, now calling herself Desirée, went to Signature Theatre in Toreador-held Shirlington to throw themselves at the mercy of Keeper Melisand Granger. Melisand was so impressed with Desirée’s talent that she allowed Danė to only suffer a decade in torpor and lose his assets as opposed to be turned over to the Prince as a Tradition violator. Melisand audibly missed Danė’s party-planning abilities during the Valentine’s Day ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Sandra Polloch Boat House on February 14, 1989. Danė was freed from his torpor sentence in 1993. He has been working as Desirée’s party-planning assistant at the Alexandria Elysium. Danė was at Elysium for the potestas edictum on December 8, 1994. He saw Desirée and Thaïs come into Elysium covered in filth from the Nosferatu sewers following the attack on Georgetown.

  • Daria

    Gangrel. Deputy Sheriff of the Domain of Alexandria. Daria attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 as a guard of the proceedings. She had a brief conversation with her clanmate, Rose. Vitus has had reason to work with the Rangers on occasion as a volunteer mindsweeper throughout the early 1990s. Daria was at the Alexandria Elysium on December 8, 1994 for the Prince’s potestas edictum following the Sabbat attack on the Domain of Georgetown.

  • Darius

    Nosferatu. Chamberlain of the Undercity, Right Hand of the One Below. He manages the night-to-night functioning of the Undercity from the Court of Darkness. He was last seen by Henry in 1990 when he translated for his sire Caius to tell Henry that he was to be made an Operative. Darius led the proceedings at H.B. Kershaw’s presentation before Caius at the Court of Darkness on October 21, 1993. Darius led the emergency meeting of the Undercity on December 6, 1994 in which he determined that the Undercity should be sealed and the Nosferatu prepare for war.

  • De La Croix, Pierce

    Ventrue. Gerousia (Board) of Ventrue of Rosslyn. Vitus has seen Pierce for brief moments at the portions of Board meetings that he is allowed to participate in . . . Vitus being the most junior of members. Pierce attended the Vencor board meeting on February 13, 1989 following a closed-door session with only the Gerousia (Jordan Bingham, Martino Ansara and him). Pierce attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989: appearing disinterested as he watched the proceedings. Pierce has attended monthly Vencor Board meetings throughout the early 1990s. Pierce attended the Vencor board meeting on December 7, 1994 to determine whether the Ventrue were to act to remove George immediately and stage a coup at the upcoming Elysium. He voted “no,” but was overruled. As a relative elder, he went along with Jordan and Barnaby to a private chamber following the vote to discuss their course of action. Pierce stood alongside his clanmates at the Georgetown Elysium on December 7, 1994 in the Ventrue’s play for the throne. The Ventrue’s coup was successful, but the Sabbat attacked Elysium directly afterwards. Pierce was among the phalanx of Ventrue and others who made their way through the zoo to find a safe exit. According to a report by J.T. of the Brujah on December 9, 1994 at College Par, Md., Pierce apparently survived at least long enough to get into an armored vehicle, though his exact fate is unknown at this time.

  • Desirée

    Toreador. [NOTE: Desirée is a Player Character, however, the player needed to take a step back from the game for a while. So, here are the notes of Desirée’s actions while she was briefly an NPC. To see notes from Desirée as portrayed while a PC, click here.] On December 3, 1994, Desirée met her friend Thaïs at the H&H Ranch in Chantilly. Desirée brought a couple of her ghouls and two vehicles. She had her new associates driven in one vehicle as she and her friend Thaïs rode in another. While in the car, she discussed with her friend how she didn’t trust George and also she was worried about her partner/ghoul Elijah and his troubles at work. Desirée met with Nikoli and Joan at Daingerfield Island. She snuck alongside Joan to OTCAL through the streets of Old Town Alexandria. Once there, Desirée read an ancient Enochian tablet and was sent into a seizure with blood foam flowing from her mouth at the mention of a Word of Power. She recovered with the help of her friend, Thaïs. Having enough of that, Desirée left OTCAL shaken, but resolved to wash her hands of the matter, if possible. Desirée and Thaïs went to meet with Barnaby Wilcox at his penthouse office in Georgetown. He was condescending and couldn’t believe that Desirée wasn’t spying on him by sending her ghoul to his chief business. He fired Elijah and Thaïs and Desirée left, swearing (eventual) vengeance for the slight. Desirée met with Thaïs on December 7, 1994 as the two got ready in Desirée’s penthouse for the “party” of Georgetown Elysium. Desirée presented Thaïs to Prince George as her guest at Elysium. Elysium was turned upside down following a Ventrue coup and then a Sabbat attack. Desirée escaped, much to her disgust, through a manhole into the sewer with her friend, Thaïs. She travelled through the upper sewers and at last came upon a white alligator who had escaped from the zoo. The Nosferatu Cheesehead appeared and used Animalism to send the gator back to the Deep Undercity. Desirée took a skiff with Cheesehead and Thaïs to Heart Island in the Underlake. There, the deadly Ribbon Wall came up for the first time, though Desirée jumped to safety. [NOTE: the Player Character rejoined at this point in the story]

  • DiFranco, Paulie

    Ventrue Ghoul. Paulie is Vito Armandasanti’s right-hand-man in his criminal empire. He was at Carapace Containers on the Southeast D.C. docks on Tuesday, June 12, 1985 giving a report to Vito about the information his boys gleaned over the Russian mafia invaders. He accompanied Vito and “the boys” to the abandoned parking garage of ManTech International for the meeting with Nikoli. Vito then began to groom Pauli for more leadership (at least, during the day) before Vito’s Embrace on July 3, 1985. Paulie was made Vitus’ servitor (ghoul) following Vitus’ return from his Agoge, and thus manages the daytime needs of his domitor. He told his domitor on February 14, 1989 that his boys had noticed the Russians starting to stockpile trucks at their warehouse. Also, he had noticed some unrelated folks moving in on their drug trade in Southeast. Paulie continues to serve his domitor as the head of Vito’s underworld empire. On December 7, 1994, Vitus told Paulie to put out a call to find Zachary Sellz and his associate “DJ Benjammin” and to bring them in alive. Vitus offered several million dollars to the crew to find them. 

  • Dior, Alexandra

    Mortal. Alexandra is the Mother of the House of Dior in the Ballroom scene of Southeast D.C. She maintains the apartment at the Camden Garden Apartments. She led the House to victory at the Artistic Extravaganza Ball at The Mill on Friday, February 11, 1983.

  • Dior, Alexis Larimore

    Mortal. Alexis of the House of Dior in the Ballroom scene of Southeast D.C. works as a temp at ManTech International when she can get work. She was a part of the Dior entry in the Artistic Extravaganza Ball at The Mill on Friday, February 11, 1983.

  • Dior, Artie

    Mortal. Artie of the House of Dior in the Ballroom scene of Southeast D.C. is a sex worker and dancer. He was a part of the Dior entry in the Artistic Extravaganza Ball at The Mill on Friday, February 11, 1983. He was besotted by Danė when he swooped in using his Presence on Adrianna Dior (and Artie). He left on the Metro in the opposite direction as Adrianna.

  • Dior, Baroque

    Mortal. Baroque of the House of Dior in the Ballroom scene of Southeast D.C. is a drug dealer and dancer. He was a part of the Dior entry in the Artistic Extravaganza Ball at The Mill on Friday, February 11, 1983.

  • Dior, Bernice

    Mortal. Bernice of the House of Dior in the Ballroom scene of Southeast D.C. makes her money through theft and scams, mostly. She was a part of the Dior entry in the Artistic Extravaganza Ball at The Mill on Friday, February 11, 1983.

  • Dolores

    Mortal. Elijah Fields’ maid. She made most of breakfast in bed (except for the scrambled eggs that Elijah made) for one of Adrianna Josephine Dior’s last meals on Saturday, February 12, 1983. 

  • Dorfman, (Pontifex) Peter

    Tremere. Tremere Pontifex under Councilor Meerlinda. Peter is an enigmatic figure who seems to be running the show at Hangar 13 of Andrews Air Force Base. He meets Alazar on the night of Thursday, May 5 following his first unsavory mission. Though a series of tests and missions in early May of 1983, Peter molds Alazar, now #7, into a super soldier with the help of little red tablets that Ghoul him to his will. Peter reveals himself to #7 late at night on May 9, 1983 as he exsanguinates him using a device and then uses a chalice to Embrace him (using blood not likely to be his own). Peter attends #7’s rites and oaths on May 10, 1983 and gives his apt pupil a study in the politics of the Kindred. Over the next decade, he occasionally teaches #7 any number of things. On November 29, 1994, he gives #7 his first actual away mission as well as his new cover name: “Septimus.” Once George was brought in to Hangar 13 for questioning (because everyone’s mind had been tampered with in regards to the agent due to a powerful application of Obfuscate), he had him cut out his tongue and the curse was lifted. He immediately alerted his superiors and had Number 7 testify before the Council of Seven. Following the debriefing, he took 7 back to Alexandria, talking to him along the way about his new mission parameters and cover story. He had Number 7 beaten and thrown into the Potomac River and wished him success on his mission: stressing the dire stakes. From OTCAL on December 4, 1994, George informed Peter of cult activity and time travel. Peter told George that he knew about it and instructed his agent to stay on the case and look for the Temple with Zachary (the target). George reported into Peter on December 6, 1994 to tell him of the Ålixir demon and the possible location of the Temple (Manassas Battlefield). The pontifex assured #7 that he would send a team to investigate with the full force of the Tremere behind them. He also warned his asset that maneuvers were afoot in Georgetown among the Sabbat. The Inner Council of the Camarilla were aware but were unlikely to lift a finger until after the dust settled.

  • Downie, JR., Leonard

    Mortal. Editor at the Washington Post and H.B. Kershaw’s boss (until he was laid off). Leonard can sometimes be an imperious and angry drunk, but he was walking-on-eggshells nice to Kershaw when he basically fired him on October 8, 1993.

  • Drew

    Toreador Ghoul. Drew was dispatched by Melisand Granger to help Desirée with the missing painting matter on August 5, 1984. He showed up a bit late, but was helpful in offering his blood to Desirée. Drew was dressed as a Renaissance Venetian juggler and entertained at the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989. Drew continues to work for the Toreador clan and occasionally is leased out to Elysium.

  • Droop

    Nosferatu. Famed Nosferatu artist. Henry’s friend. He’s still doing fine, creating art in the Undercity. He invites Henry to his upcoming show in the Undercity when he sees Henry in the Chamber of Horrors on February 16, 1989. Droop held an art show and Henry attended, however, Henry left in tears when the piece de resistance was a “meditation on the eternal love of Henry and Bottleneck.” Droop was at the commune meeting on December 6, 1994 when Henry and the rest of the Underfolk were informed of the Creature from the Depths stirring as well as disturbing reports of topside events that had the Nosferatu deciding to seal off most passageways to the surface. Droop offered his Undercity apartments (specifically, his nasty couch) to his friend Henry, should he need to stay somewhere other than his own place.

  • DuVaule, Matthew William

    Mortal. Matthew is Alice DuVaule-Simkins and Vito Armandasanti’s son, though he did not know of his father’s identity. The only father he knows is his step-dad Alan Simkins. Matthew is a good student at Cardozo High School in D.C. and is quite good at baseball. However, despite being a parents’ dream, he was facing renal failure from a genetic disorder from his mother’s side. Alice had to reach out to Vito, as he was likely the only person who could save their son’s life with the donation of his kidney. After confirming the paternity, Vito complied. Matthew went on the operating table preparing for the kidney transplant at George Washington University Hospital in D.C. on Wednesday, June 13, 1985. He pulled through successfully and wanted to thank Vito for his kind gift of life. He and Vito hung out once at a baseball game and they got along well. Vito told him that he was going away for a while and that they might only see each other at night. Matthew thought it odd, but left it there. They continued a relationship. After Vitus’ embrace, Matthew was accepted into Princeton (paid for by Vitus) in the Class of ‘91, majoring in architecture. Matthew graduated and got a job working in Dubai as an architect.

  • Durani, Dr. Salim

    Mortal. Harold’s oncologist. Harold made an appointment with Dr. Druani for October 13, 1993, but he collapsed and required an ambulance on the 12th. Dr. Durani gave his patient H.B. some bad news after he was hospitalized: essentially telling him to get his affairs in order.

  • DuVaule-Simkins, Alice

    Mortal. Alice is Vito Armandasanti’s ex-girlfriend from their youth. She had secretly gotten pregnant and hid the child from Vito before breaking up with him and ending all contact. She didn’t contact him again until 16 years later when she needed him to donate his kidney to save the life of their son. She was in the waiting room of Georgetown University Hospital in D.C. on Wednesday, June 13, 1985, waiting for her son to emerge from surgery. She was last seen sheepishly thanking Vito following his initial recovery at the hospital. She has managed at truce with Vito, accepting his help to send her son to Princeton. Alice remains with her husband in relative obscurity up through the 1990s.

  • Eddie, Fat

    Brujah. Fat Eddie is a S’eth Adar fighter who was left in reserve at the Elk’s Lodge with Priest during the Battle of Bowie on January 1, 1986. He was likely at Elysium for Jinx and Rose’s presentation before Prince George. Fat Eddie has been impressed with Vitus’ contributions to the S’eth Adar as a model volunteer fixer.

  • Eichmann, Karl

    Ventrue. Karl is the Chief of Operations in the CEZ and serves as the direct instrument of the Camarilla Inner Council. #7 has had cause to meet him in passing in the CEZ, but has no real relationship with the elder Blue Blood.

  • Elissa

    Mortal. Elissa is a nine-year-old girl who was kidnapped by the Barbie-toting Fat Man demon. She had been locked in a cage in the creature’s basement when she was found by Zachary on December 6, 1994. He unlocked her cage and mesmirized her to be calm. After tricking the demon, Zachary and George brought the girl to Joan in Gallaudet. Joan worked to wipe the minds of the victims. After Joan had completed a mind wipe on Elissa, she had Theodore take her and her fellow abductees from the Malkavian library to a block away from George Washington University Hospital to have them walk there and turn themselves in and ultimately be reunited with their parents.

  • Etrius

    Tremere. The member of the Tremere Council of Seven appeared to be the leader as 7 gave his report to the Council using Meerlinda’s blood ritual in NA1 Chantry on December 3, 1994. He argued patience and observation in the Malkav matter . . . that all had been foreseen by Tremere himself and that they were to monitor Zachary through 7. 7 Was to find the location of the Temple , and when the time was right, they would pounce.

  • Eugert, Bob

    Mortal. Political strategist. Former Chief of Staff to the late Andy Lewis (R-Virginia). Current deputy assistant Chief of Staff to Rep. Adam Wolf (R-Virginia). Bob spoke with H.B. on October 10, 1993 amidst the reporter’s investigation into Bob’s former boss’s successful challenger, Bryce Donovan. Eugert was skittish, but let it out that all of Lewis’ family is dead of pancreatic cancer.

  • Evans, Delia

    Mortal. Delia is Juniper’s case worker from when she was a youth, yet she still maintains a relationship with her. She is getting worse in the throws of early-onset dementia and has been placed in the Sunrise ElderCare Community in Southeast D.C. Delia was moved to a nicer facility with the help of an anonymous angel investor (Vitus). She was visited regularly by Chad Thomas up through 1994.

  • Fallon

    Lasombra. Fallon was the Ductus of Bowie and was sitting atop his “throne” of stacked tires in the Skate-O-Rama on New Year’s 1986 when the Camarilla’s S’eth Adar troops rolled up on his crew. He was close to killing the attack leader, Karl Raeger, when a Camarilla phosphorus gun went of and sent him into Rötschreck. He ran for his unlife, but was tracked down by a blood-mad Rose. Rose drained him, but did not diablerize him (not really knowing how), and thus was hailed as the conquering hero of the Camarilla. (Off screen) Fallon’s fate was rather tortuous in the end. He was put through the resanguination-exanguination process, his vitae supped from him to provide a victory feast at the Elysium. His husk of a body was burned to ashes.

  • Falstaff, Roberta

    Toreador. Roberta is a fine painter and a Toreador of Alexandria. She attended the Guild Salon below Signature Theatre in Shirlington, Va. on February 14, 1983 and witnessed the unveiling of Desirée’s masterwork. She is told to keep her mouth shut about Desirée and sent on her way. Roberta attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 and was captivated by the ghoul dancers.

  • Federman, Andrew

    Toreador Ghoul. Andrew was first seen as Danė’s driver and dropped off his master at Adrianna’s art gallery in Del Ray, Va. on February 12, 1983. He was later introduced by Danė as the Toreador’s former lover and current ghoul servant. The long-suffering man does anything his domitor demands. Federman’s fate was uncertain after his domitor Danė was sentenced to a decade of torpor in a box on February 14, 1983, but Melisand had Andrew shipped to Elysium to be a ghoul of the Crown. Andrew was serving blood flutes of the Elder vitae of Broaddus the Wight at Elysium on August 4-5, 1984. Andrew served blood flutes at the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989. Andrew is still seen at Elysium throughout the early 1990s, but at least is happy to see a released Danė returned. 

  • Fields, Elijah

    Toreador Ghoul. Adrianna Dior’s boyfriend, Elijah lives the comfortable life of a rich lawyer for a petroleum lobby on K Street. He has a fine estate in Reston, Va. On February 12, 1983, Elijah told his girlfriend Adrianna that he was going to the Middle East for a work event and wouldn’t be back for a week. He left her with a credit card and full use of his house et cetera. Elijah had a difficult phone call with his girlfriend who sounded like she was breaking up with him while he was on his trip to Dubai. Upon returning, he was made into a ghoul and now serves his domitor and girlfriend, Desirée. Elijah noticed a Masquerade breech on May 7, 1988 when a news reporter ranted on the air about vampires before he was taken off and the station cut to commercial. He went with Desirée to H&H Ranch and later to the grand opening of Club Euphonia later that evening. He witnessed his mistress make out and feed from various other people, and though jealous, there was little he could do about it. Desirée went to see her hubby at their home in Reston on December 3, 1994, ditching her friend and new acquaintances, after Elijah stressed that he wanted to see her. Later in bed, Elijah told his domitor/girlfriend that he was concerned about work. Someone named Henderson had started asking him prying questions involving why he didn’t appear to be aging and Elijah had been asked to come and see a Mr. Wilcox at an evening meeting the following night. Elijah did not attend the fateful meeting with Barnaby Wilcox at Desirée’s insistence. Despite Desirée’s attempts when meeting with Wilcox (or perhaps because of them) on December 5, 1994, Elijah was summarily fired and blackballed, though a nice “one week of paid vacation” was given as severance. Following the “terrorist attacks” in D.C. and the erection of the Tremere’s psychic ribbon wall on December 8, 1994, Desirée had her friend Thaïs’ ghoul go to Reston to pick up Elijah to bring him to the relative remote safety of H&H Ranch. Elijah is elated to speak to his girlfriend/domitor Desirée when she is able to get through to him using her new satellite phone from her building in Del Ray on December 8, 1994.

  • Flowers, Lily

    Mortal. Mortuary Services Provider. Lily is one of Asa’s best friends. She befriended Asa back when he worked for the ICU and has remained his confidant ever since. Lily went over to Asa’s place to comfort him on October 31, 1994 and again on November 1, 1994. Lily and Asa went out on the town to Dupont Circle on Asa’s “last day” on November 1, 1994. The two have a good time and Lily makes plans to see Asa the following day. When he is nowhere to be found, Lily freaks out. She leaves several messages on Asa’s voicemail and stops by his apartment at least once. He sees her later the following night at the parking lot to her work (Fairfax Inova Hospital). She is confused, scared and angry, but Asa does his best to explain and say goodbye to his best friend before his sire Diane takes Lily back into the morgue after Dominating her. Lily believes Asa dead and is instrumental in faking his death. She organizes Asa’s funeral.

  • Folliard, Patrick

    Mortal. Patrick is the CFO of Common Commerce Bank and is Vito Armandasanti’s consigliere on his mostly-legal investments and businesses. He was at Common Commerce Bank on Wednesday, June 13, 1985 advising Vito about an “angel investor” who put $2.6 million in cash into the bank. Patrick was made the CEO of Common Commerce as Vito was preparing to delegate his daytime responsibilities in preparation to his Embrace on July 3, 1985. Vitus ensured that Patrick would hire a new CFO to keep some of the burdens of his new position off of him. Patrick knows nothing of Vito’s true nature, but manages his friend’s “daytime” holdings assiduously.

  • Forsythe, (Professor) Peter

    Brujah. He brought his new childe, Raleigh, to be presented at the Alexandria Elysium on February 10, 1989. Vittorio wanted a message to be sent to Barnaby Wilcox through him. The Ventrue Wilcox let it be known to his childe, Vito, that he is in a coterie with the Professor. The Professor was seen at the Alexandria Elysium again on February 14, 1989 engaged in conversation with his coterie-mate Wilcox. Apparently he didn’t notice (or care) that his childe Raleigh was busy (rudely) sucking face with some other Kindred. Peter attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 and spoke with his friend Barnaby Wilcox. Barnaby chided Peter on his choice of childer. Peter met Jinx and Vitus. Peter continues to go to Alexandria Elysium throughout the 1990s and is often embarrassed by his childe, Raleigh. He is seen in the presence of his friends Cedric and Barnaby in various places throughout Georgetown as well. Peter met with Thaïs on December 5, 1994 and guided her through the reserved section of the library at George Mason University. He spoke with Thaïs at length about ancient religions and beliefs and armed her with books and further materials and told her that he would look into her demonology questions in Mesopotamian culture as well. They formed a “Brujah Book Club,” of sorts. Peter attended the Brujah Clan meeting on December 8, 1994 at Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax where the malcontents had gathered following Prince Elaine’s potestas edictum. He urged calm and patience where the majority urged immediate action against the Crown.

  • Fowler, Billy

    Mortal. This college Junior was murdered on the campus of the University of Maryland College Park near his frat house, Sigma Nu, by exsanguination on February 13, 1989. His body was found by a ghoul police officer (luckily, for the Masquerade’s sake) and reported to the Domitor of College Park, Robert Shroyer. Robert called in the S’eth Adar who investigated the death and found the perpetrator to be the victim’s boyfriend, an unauthorized childe fledgling, Allie.

  • Francesco, Alberto

    Ventrue Ghoul. Alberto manages Vitus’ security apparatus in Chevy Chase. He was unable to detect Henry’s Obfuscation on February 15, 1989, but otherwise performed admirably. Alberto noticed the heat signatures trigger an alarm at the manor on February 18, 1989 when Rose was following Henry. Alberto alerted his domitor of the commotion when Bottleneck confronted Henry. Vitus had Alberto assemble the guards and led them to fire on the area where Bottleneck had been. Vitus then had Alberto sequester all of the guards until he had a chance to have a little “talk” with them. After Vitus conditioned his guards and troops, Alberto continues to manage them throughout the early 1990s. Alberto ensured that all of the crows watching the estate were slaughtered on December 7, 1994.

  • Freeman, Rev. Josiah Samson

    Mortal. Asa Armstrong’s father. Preacher at the House of the Sunrise on the New Day Baptist Church. Asa connects with his estranged father over the phone on November 1, 1994, though their conversation does not go well.

  • Frederick, Amanda

    Mortal. Communications Director at Brexco. Harold asked a few questions of Amanda in a phone interview on October 10, 1993, though she was not very helpful: giving corporate pat answers and sly misdirection to any of his questions.

  • Freyjasdottir, Helga

    Valkyrie (Ahrimane). Helga has never been met as yet by the Player Characters, but Rose heard tale of Nana/Kahenta’s sire who braved the icy waters of the North Atlantic in a viking longboat to make her way to Vinland (modern day Newfoundland, Canada). She was either sent into torpor or final death by the Beast who attacked her and her childe some time before the English and French colonization of North America.

  • Frieda, Big

    Gangrel-turned-Sisterhood (Ahrimane). Frieda is a an outlander Gangrel who Rose has befriended. She doesn’t travel much into the cities unless she has to. Rose sought her advice and training on a number of occasions, as they were introduced at a Gangrel Gather in the 80s. Rose flew as a bird of prey to meet Frieda on December 8, 1994 at one of her farms out in the boonies of Virginia following the Fall of Georgetown. She gave Rose shelter for the day and some advice and intel. The next night, she took Rose to meet with someone who had “changed her life forever,” Nana. She hunted with Rose and the other cats of the Sisterhood and revealed to Rose that she had already made the transformation. Once Rose was ready, Frieda was a part of the ritual spiritual embrace of Rose into the Sisterhood.

  • Gabriela

    Sisterhood (Ahrimane). Gabriela appears as a middle-aged hispanic woman. Gabriela met Rose at the Sisterhood’s mountain lion-filled cave in the mountains near the West Virginia border on December 9, 1994. Gabriela went hunting with Rose as a great cat. On December 10, Gabriela was in her monstrous (yet beautiful) werecat form to perform the rites upon Rose, transforming her into a Sister.

  • Garber, Lt. L.

    Tremere Ghoul. The lieutenant at Andrews Air Force Base Hangar 13 leads #7 through to his tests in becoming a super soldier in early May, 1983. Lt. Garber pulled George off the street in front of Club Euphonia on December 3, 1994. He black bagged and transported the agent to Hangar 13. Later that morning (after Number 7’s identity had been authenticated), Lt. Garber went in an armored SUV with Number 7, Pontifex Dorfman and Danica Alviera to Dangerfield Island in Alexandria to beat up Number 7 and throw him in the river, so as to make the now-cleared agent’s cover story believable to his targets.

  • Garcia, Elizabeth

    Toreador ghoul. Desirée’s “face” in the mortal world. As such, Elizabeth oversaw the day-to-day operations getting the cast and crew sourced for the D-list vampire movie Des and Ty produced in May-July 1988. Elizabeth is staying at Club Euphonia during the time of troubles on December 8, 1994.

  • Garrow, Juniper Anne / JINX

    Malkavian. [NOTE: Jinx was a Player Character from the beginning through BOOK I, Story 3, Chapter 5, part 3: “Bubble.” Everything the character has done after that will be listed here. To see Jinx’s notes as a PC and read her PC Page, click here.] Seer freed of the Cobweb. Gateway of Chaos?

  • Gavreau, Dr. “Ant Man”

    Tzimisce. The Fiend had been seen in a vision by Jinx from her embrace on April 3, 1985. The creature with carapace for skin was seen ripping Prentiss in two. The actual creature, it’s name unknown at this time, confronted Joan at the entrance to the Malkavian library in Gallaudet during the Fall of Georgetown on December 7, 1994. The Tzimisce had two others with it and overpowered the elder Malkavian, sending her “Colette’s regards” as it staked her. The creature took Joan and threw her into a car. It was about to leave when it spotted George. It mangled George’s face, but he was able to call upon the power in his blood to boil the creature from the inside and then drain its vitae. George diablerized Dr. Gavreau and learned of many of its secrets.

  • (Prince) George

    Toreador. Prince of Georgetown. The hedonistic George rules from his golden throne in Elysium, concerned mostly with filling his empire with pretty, sparkling things. He accepted Rose and Jinx into his Domain on January 6, 1986, a few days following the Battle of Bowie, as they were both Presented by kindred to whom he had promised the right to sire. He allowed the 13th-Generation Toreador/Caitiff neonate Rommel Carillo to stay alive in his Domain, as he had him delivered to his personal quarters for further “examination.” He allowed the registration of Vitus as a member-in-good-standing of the Camarilla population of Georgetown at the behest of Vitus’ sire, Barnaby Wilcox. Apparently, George owed Wilcox and his coterie a major boon of some sort, which was paid by the embraces of Raleigh of the Brujah, Vitus of the Ventrue (and what Cedric did with his boon, if anything, is unknown). Prince George met Henry as Presented by Cylus Pine on February 10, 1989. George flirted with Ambassador Carlo Giovanni when the latter had come to court at the Smithsonian Castle on November 27, 1994 to present Gwenevieve Rossellini as a Registered Dignitary of Clan Giovanni. George granted Gwenevieve temporary residency, provided she abides by the Promise of 1528 and doesn’t cause any trouble. George held a giant Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. He was surrounded by his sycophantic Toreador and held court, accepting Thaïs as a visitor when she was presented by Desirée. Later in the evening, he introduced the Daughters of Cacophony Nerys and Mi’chell as resident performers, but their concert was cut short by Jordan Bingham and the Ventrue who openly called for the Prince to step down. George then used Majesty to cow his subjects, but Jordan used his own Presence to counter. The Ventrue won the day and Jordan staked George into torpor with his own hand. George’s torpid body was dragged behind the Ventrue phalanx as they sought an exit from the zoo as the Sabbat attacked. George’s fate is unknown at this time.

  • Genet, Dr. Carlotta

    Giovanni. Dr. Genet is a spirit realm researcher and attaché at the Giovanni Embassy in the Congressional Cemetery. She met Gwenevive Rossellini, her new assistant, on November 27, 1994 in the sotto sudario (sub-shroud dimension) laboratory “inside” Congressional Cemetery.

  • Germaine

    Nosferatu antitribu. Germaine was a part of the Sabbat Pack of Bowie and was celebrating the vaudlerie on New Year’s 1986 when the Camarilla’s S’eth Adar led a sneak attack against the Pack at the Skate-O-Rama. Germaine slid away using Obfuscate, and just has they were about to sneak-attack the Gangrel Vandie Rae, they were shot by Jinx. They were later staked by Vandie Rae. Following the battle, Germaine was put through the tortuous resanguination-exsanguination process so that their blood could be used in the feast at the Camarilla’s Elysium. Their husk of a body was likely burned or left for the sun.

  • German

    Gangrel antitribu. German was a part of the Sabbat expeditionary force which attacked the Georgetown Elysium on December 7, 1994. He and two of his comrades were watching the back of the zoo near the panda enclosure to catch stragglers after the main attack. Vitus, Rose and Prentiss attacked and were successful. Vitus bested German and diablerized him. Now what is left of German’s soul, his memories (including what he knew of the Sabbat attack plans) and his Disciplines are now a part of Vitus. Read German’s Final Nights here.

  • Ghiribaldi, Vittorio

    Tremere. Seneschal of the Domain of Alexandria. Vittorio met Desirée before her Presentation at the Alexandria Elysium on February 16, 1983 and questioned her, but was rebuffed by Melisand Granger. He was later at Elysium during the Presentations on February 18, 1983. Vittorio stood behind the Prince during Elysium on August 4, 1984 when Desirée’s painting was revealed to be missing, and he was present when the painting was finally revealed to the Prince two nights later. Vittorio was also at Andrews Air Force Base in the NA1 Chantry for #7’s initiation rites, and thus must be better-connected than he lets on. He met Ventrue Primogen Jordan Bingham and his presentee Vitus Armandasanti before a Presentation before Prince Elaine at the Alexandria Elysium on Friday, June 24, 1985. He met Henry as he was Presented at the Alexandria Elysium on February 10, 1989. He had a private word with Professor Peter Forsythe about something involving Barnaby Wilcox. Vittorio attended Elysium on Valentine’s Day 1989, but stayed mostly at the side of the Prince. Vittorio met Jinx, Rose, Vitus and Henry in Elysium on Saturday, February 18, 1989 to accept the staked and torpid body of Brock Thompson. He granted Jinx and Prentiss temporary visas to stay in Alexandria until Elysium and took the body of Brock below for “further study.” Vittorio attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989. He announced the Prince and led the proceedings, inserting his signature snarky comments where he felt appropriate. Vittorio was a the rooftop of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on Nov. 29, 1994 for “Septimus’” briefing and prep for his mission into the Domain of Alexandria. Vittorio next saw “Septimus” on the following night when he was presented to the Prince at the Lighthouse of Alexandria Chantry. Vittorio then gave some further instruction to his charge via telepathy. “Septimus,” now “George” called Vittorio, but he didn’t seem to know who his agent was. Later that night, Vittorio investigated the call at Club Euphonia and was convinced that “George” was an illegal Malkavian who had come to fuck with his mind and phone with the sort of impossible knowledge that troublemakers of his Clan are known for. Vittorio left the club. Vittorio was instructed by the Council of Seven to keep up the presence that Number 7 is, in fact, an undesirable Caitiff and to sweep under the rug any disturbances that this mission might cause. On December 4, 1994, Vittorio called Sheriff Sampson while the Gangrel was in a flirty sparring match with the Brujah Thaïs. Thaïs overheard Vittorio tell Sampson that there was an immediate emergency at the Alexandria Elysium requiring the Sheriff’s attention. Early on December 8, 1994, the two soiled survivors Thaïs and Desirée entered a chaotic Elysium to demand an audience with the Prince. Alexi Petrunich caught Vittorio’s ear and had him greet the two. Vittorio brought Thaïs and Desirée away from the crowd and down the hall to another chamber. Following a very brief meeting with the Prince (and Desirée wolauld rather surmise that her mind had been toyed with), Vittorio questioned Thaïs and Desirée further, but ultimately let them go. Later that night, Vittorio drove with Sheriff Sampson to the Chain Bridge crossing of the Tremere’s psychic ribbon wall separating the Domains. He let refugees cross who were willing to pay the toll of 3.3. million and abide by the new potestas edictum.

  • Gino “Pizza Face”

    Mortal. Gino is a server at The Red Dog and is a part-time underground street fighter at the secret matches in the basement. He is on friendly terms with his coworker Rose. He and Rose sparred before their match. Rose defeated their coworker, but there were no hard feelings. Gino was last seen at the match in the basement of The Red Dog on the evening of December 26, 1985. He would likely be curious why Rose didn’t show up for their shift the next day, but who is to say?

  • Giovanni, Andreas

    Giovanni. Andreas is the head of the Family in Boston, and as such is also the shadow ruler of the Kindred of the city (paying only lip service to the Malkavian-led Camarilla administration). He rarely interacted directly with Gwen, though she was presented to him when she first arrived on the Family island in Boston Harbor on October 23, 1982 and she saw him just before her departure for D.C. on November 26, 1994.

  • Giovanni, Carlo

    Giovanni. Clan Ambassador to the Camarilla. Domitor of Congressional Cemetery. Carlo met Gwenevieve at the Baltimore Washington International Airport on November 27, 1994. After he pays of Sabbat Templars to look the other way, he escorts Gwenevieve to the Camarilla Principality of Georgetown (D.C.). There, he presented Gwen to the Prince while unabashedly flirting with him. It clearly worked to his advantage. After leaving Elysium with Gwen, Carlo had a long and forthcoming chat in the SUV with her about his purpose there and the Family’s objectives. He attended the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994 when it was overrun by Sabbat. He made a speedy exit while the Ventrue were making their moves in a coup. His fate is unknown at this time.

  • Giovanni, Francesca

    Giovanni. Francesca was a fellow pupil alongside Gwenevieve Rossellini of Marco Giovanni at the Family’s private island in Boston Harbor during the 1980s and early 1990s. She did not fare as well as Gwenevieve, though her fate is not exactly known.

  • Giovanni, Giancarlo

    Giovanni. Giancarlo was a gaoler at the Well of Souls at the Family’s private island in Boston Harbor. He worked alongside Gwenevieve Rossellini during the 1980s and early 1990s. He voiced doubts about the Family’s project to Gwen. On November 26, 1994, Giancarlo was called into a meeting with the visiting Anziani, Lucretia. He would not leave that meeting alive. The ashen cake made from his remains were served to Gwen as a lesson in loyalty to the Family.

  • Giovanni, Giorgio

    Giovanni. Anziani of Clan Giovanni. Gwen met “Uncle Giorgio” only once on the night of October 21, 1982. He was the commanding presence sent from the highest echelons of the Family to test the Rossellini prospects for the embrace. After Gwenevieve murdered her sister in cold blood before the assembled family, he declared her worthy. This angered Gabriella Rossellini, as she had hoped that Gwenevive’s sister, Agatha, would have won the high-stakes contest. Giorgio found this funny and enjoyed the test of loyalty he made by forcing Gabriella to embrace Gwen. Georgio had Gwen shipped to Boston to be trained in necromancy.

  • Giovanni, Lucretia

    Giovanni. Anziani of Clan Giovanni. Lucretia is the enforcer and herald of her sire, Ambrogino. She landed on the Family’s private island in Boston Harbor on November 26, 1994 to “clean house” and to meet with Gwenevieve and send her to do a task in the Potomac Empire for the Family. Lucretia killed her nephew Giancarlo and had his remains made into an ashen cake to feed Gwen. 

  • Giovanni, Marco

    Giovanni. Marco was tasked with training his young niece, Gwenevieve, in the Path of Bones and more on the Family’s private island in Boston Harbor. He spent much of 1982 to 1994 teaching Gwenevieve and his other charge, Francesca, as much of necromancy as he knew.

  • Golightly, Hosanna

    Mortal. Church Lady. House of the Sunrise on the New Day Baptist Church, “Sunrise House,” receptionist. She spoke tersely with Asa on November 1, 1994 when he was looking to speak with his father, the reverend at Sunrise House.

  • Goliath

    Brujah antitribu. Goliath was a part of the Sabbat Pack of Bowie, Md. and was guarding the shed with the shovelhead at the start of the Battle of Bowie at the Skate-O-Rama on January 1, 1986. He was viciously murdered by Rose.

  • Goss, Katerina

    Ventrue. Katerina is a Ventrue functionary of the Inner Council working within the CEZ to maintain the global Masquerade and Camarilla hegemony. With a veritable army of ghouls, Katerina keeps track of the United States Government and turns it to the interests of the Kindred. #7 has had cause to run into her in the CEZ, but has no deep relationship with the powerful Ventrue.

  • Granger, Melisand

    Toreador. Keeper of Alexandria Elysium and a Harpy of Alexandria. Danė first mentioned over Adrianna’s dead body on Saturday, February 12, 1983 that his sire Melisand would be very angry with him and tried to remember how she had embraced him so that he could do the same to Adrianna. Melisand met with Danė and Adrianna (now Desirée) before the Guild meeting at Signature Theatre in Shirlington. She considered their fates, but when Desirée produced a masterwork, she decided to take the fledgling under her wing and slap Danė on the wrist with only a decade spent staked in torpor in a box. Melisand took Desirée under her wing and raised her as her own, but it was an expensive exchange: she lost her Shirlington Domain and over 4 million dollars to the Crown following Desirée’s presentation to Prince Elaine on February 18, 1983, not to mention the boon she owed Sandra Polloch for wiping the minds of Danė’s five “boyfriends.” Melisand was mortified when Desirée’s painting was unveiled and missing at Elysium on August 5, 1984. She used Spirit’s Touch to determine that someone was using obfuscate to steal it. Melisand directed Desirée and Thaïs to Simone Laurentiis at Alexandria Elysium on July 23, 1988. She later witnessed the boon granted by Simone Laurentiis on behalf of the Tremere to Desirée and Thaïs. Melisand wistfully missed Danė at the chaotic party at the Alexandria Elysium: the Valentine’s Day ribbon cutting and regatta at the new Sandra Polloch Boat House on February 14, 1989. Melisand orchestrated the entertainment at the Venetian Renaissance-themed Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989. She stared daggers at Vitus of the Ventrue when the newcomer was gifted her old domain of Shirlington. Melisand is happy to have her childe Danė back following the end of his sentence in 1993 and now has him as her personal purse puppy / assistant party planner at Elysium. Melisand was seen at the chaotic Alexandria Elysium on December 8, 1994 as Desirée and Thaïs entered and demanded an audience with the Prince. She was there during the Prince’s potestas edictum.

  • Greaves, Howard

    Ventrue Ghoul. Howard is Vitus’ English bodyservant/butler. He sees to the Armandasanti estate. He was ghouled shortly after Vitus’ embrace in 1985. Howard was ever ready to entertain at Vitus’ haven when he had a Nosferatu guest on February 15, 1989. Howard did his best not to vomit when seeing Henry’s hideous visage. Howard measures Henry for a suit and sees to his needs whilst running Vitus’ household. Howard further sees to the needs of Vitus’ other guests the following night. When the dervish that is Jinx messed up the manor the next night, Howard was about to clean further until Vitus insisted that Jinx do the job herself. Howard is busy trying to find a suitable pilot for the helicopter. Howard did his best to cater to Jinx’s wishes, but was always cognizant of which side his bread was buttered and deferred to the wishes of his master before fulfilling Jinx’s more outlandish requests. Otherwise, he found clothes for the coterie and kept the new ghoul Chad busy. Howard continued to keep up the house and see to the needs of the guests during their stay in February of 1989. Howard continues to serve his domitor’s needs and those of his domitor’s guests, however outrageous. Early on December 7, 1994, Vitus gave Howard a drawing that Jinx made of a mystery man from her visions for Howard to pass along to Aaron Smith-Walter to investigate. Howard had the security team scare off (and where that failed, kill) all of the crows watching the manor house.

  • Grey, Bernice

    Toreador Ghoul. Bernice is the General Manager of the Del Ray club, Fuse, and is Danė’s ghoul. Bernice Grey’s fate was uncertain after her domitor Danė was sentenced to a decade of torpor in a box on February 14, 1983, but Melisand had her keep her job managing Fuse and would serve now as Desirée’s ghoul. Bernice managed the “grand opening” of Euphonia on May 7, 1988. Bernice made sure that Desirée was alright as her domitor left Club Euphonia with three strangers on December 3, 1994. Bernice saw to the needs of her mistress on December, 8, 1994, shortly after the “terrorist attacks” and subsequent martial law left the region in turmoil. Desirée’s forces (those still alive, anyway), were gathered at Club Euphonia at Del Ray Tower. Bernice does her best to ensure the Tower is well stocked and prepared for what is to come.

  • Green, Patricia

    Mortal. Patricia is the night producer at WRXL 102.1 FM Alexandria radio and DJ Ben Jammin and DJ Zakz’s co-worker. She is shocked by Zachary’s behavior at one of is sessions and fears he is on drugs. Her mind seemed to be taken over or go blank when a strange little girl, “Joan,” came on air to give a haunting message. Patricia was at Zachary’s show on Tuesday, November 29-Wednesday, November 30 when the station lost power and a strange man came in and Dominated her. Zachary got her outside and her body was taken over again, this time by a far more powerful entity who thanked Zachary for being its “Voice.” After Patricia snapped out of it, she told Zachary to go home and that she would call the owners to tell of the supposed gas leak.

  • Greenway

    Ventrue ghoul. Greenway was a Navy Seal commander in life. He had retired and was doing some “freelance” work when he was recruited to join an elite team for Vitus Armandasanti’s Legionnaires. On Tuesday, December 7, 1994, Greenway was ordered to the rooftops on the other side of the street from the entrance to the Smithsonian National Zoo to watch over Elysium. The Sabbat made their surprise attack. While two of Greenway’s comrades were cut down by Lasombra and Tzimisce, Baron mowed through a few fighters and made it into the zoo to meet up with Vitus. Greenway was slightly injured, but Vitus ghouled him on the spot. Under Vitus’ orders, he scaled a wall and climbed down a ravine to the woods below. He was attacked by a pack of wolves but shot several as the rest of the assembled team killed the rest. Later, he got into a van that one of his comrades stole. The van and truck caravan moved through the panicked streets of D.C., looking for a way into Alexandria. Everyone in the vehicles all came to Chain Bridge into Virginia, but were stopped by the great psychic ribbon wall. Greenway couldn’t even perceive the wall and was unaffected by its powers. He stayed with his domitor and their party as all decided what to do next. Greenway fired on Sabbat as they attacked the Camarilla refugees at Chain Bridge.

  • Harden, Marci

    Gangrel. Marci attended the meeting of the Brujah and other malcontents on December 8, 1994 at Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax in reaction to the Prince’s potestas edictum.

  • Harris, Bretton

    Mortal. Bretton, with his supermodel looks, was one of Danė’s blood dolls and “boyfriends.” After Danė was sentenced to a decade of torpor in a box on February 14, 1983, Bretton eventually had his mind wiped by Sandra Polloch and was sent on his merry way as a model for London Fashion Week.

  • Henderson

    Ventrue Ghoul. Henderson is well-kempt and has the bearing of the ruling class. Henderson is one of Barnaby Wilcox’s servitors, alongside Maranda Logue. He was first seen sitting in a Presidential Box with Maranda staring down Vito Armandasanti at the Opera on Saturday, June 8, 1989. Vito has since met him in-person on various occasions doing his master’s bidding. Though “off screen,” Henderson had apparently been asking Elijah Fields (Desirée’s ghoul and boyfriend) some strange questions involving why he hadn’t been aging over the past decade and had scheduled a meeting with the silent owner, Mr. Wilcox, that was mandatory for Elijah to attend. Elijah told Desirée about it on the morning of December 3, 1994.

  • Hendricks, Officer J.

    Mortal. D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer (Badge # 12771A50). Officer Hendricks responded to a call by Gerald Kershaw on October 11, 1993 when his son’s apartment had been broken into. There wasn’t much Officer Hendricks could do. They dusted for prints, but found nothing out of the ordinary. As nothing was stolen, the police largely ignored it.

  • Hirut

    Unknown. The “Lady of the Lake.” The powerful entity rests somewhere in the vicinity of the Potomac Empire: and Jinx believes that it is in the proximity of Theodore Roosevelt Island. Damien Luther Adams is seen on March 5, 1989 playing her a lullaby with his oboe, naming the entity Hirut, telling Jinx that it is important that she stays asleep. Hirut has called out to the minds of Malkavian seers for help. Her identity, or indeed what she is, has yet to be determined. Immanuel and Samal have told Zachary that the Lady of the Lake is an ancient who will help to destroy the world by waking her lover, meeting (or embracing) herself. Boxcar, the demon inside Thaïs’ head, tells her that Hirut’s lover is a demon like him.

  • Hodges, Jackson

    Mortal. Jackson was a CIA agent out of Langley. He goes on morning runs with his work friend Alazar. Following Alazar’s “promotion” he is fingered as a double agent that Alazar must “bring in” outside of any mortal authorities or other agents from finding out. Alazar drugs him, kidnaps him and brings him to Hangar 13 in Andrews Air Force Base on Thursday, May 5, 1983. On that following Monday, Jackson is trussed out in a cage and set free to slake the thirst of the newly-embraced Kindred, #7. After a brief conversation, #7 drained him dry, ending his life.

  • Immanuel

    Malkavian. Immanuel Embraced Zachary after abducting him and taking him in a stolen car to Ben Brenman Park in the morning of Tuesday, November 29, 1994. He spoke of the end of the world and Zachary’s part in that. He later appeared to Zachary the next night in a mirror using the Cobweb. He warned Zachary that he was being tracked by the Black Hand and the only way to keep them off of Zachary’s trail was for Immanuel to walk into the sun, but that he’d try to talk to him again. On December 3, 1994, Immanuel sees Zachary through the Cobweb moments before his death. Immanuel is in a burning barn in Loudoun County when he is surrounded by armored forces of the Black Hand commanded by Shadaal. He imparts some bit of final information to his childe before he sacrifices himself in the flames to avoid capture. On December 5, 1994, Thaïs asks Jeremiah Banks about the “Abraham Incident” to learn why the Malkavians were so persecuted in Alexandria. She learns that following Abraham’s execution, his childe Immanuel was basically made an outlaw and had lived on the margins ever since.

  • J.T.

    Brujah. Jinx met J.T. on the one night she was able to escape Gallaudet/Ivy City before her presentation to the Prince. They kicked it a little before Jinx returned to face her punishment. Jinx (and Rose) ran into J.T. again at the Elk’s Lodge in Bowie, Md. on January 1, 1986 in preparation for the battle for control of the border town occupied by the Sabbat. Apparently, J.T. is a member of the Camarilla’s S’eth Adar fighters. J.T. fought valiantly in the Battle of Bowie, ripping off a Gangrel antitribu’s head. He was likely at Elysium on January 6, 1986 for Rose and Jinx’s Presentation before Prince George. J.T. was at the Ansara estate on guard duty on December 6, 1994 during the S’eth Adar investigation into the Ventrue Primogen’s assassination. He retrieved some firefighter’s gear and reluctantly followed Vitus into the smoldering building. J.T. was one of the few S’eth Adar attending the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on January 7, 1994. He stood by as George was deposed in the Ventrue coup. He joined the phalanx of Ventrue as they marched through the National Zoo, looking for a way out. J.T. managed to survive the attack, but witnessed the fall of many of his comrades, including General Karl Raeger. J.T. joined the other refugee fighters at College Park, Md. on December 9, 1994 where he gave a rundown of what he had seen.

  • Jaconda

    Moravignian. One of the Seers with Maud and Morag who scrutinized Henry in the Court of Darkness in 1985 and again in 1990. Joaconda was among the Moravignians gathered in the Court of Darkness when H.B. Kershaw was presented to Caius on October 21, 1993. Jaconda was in the line of Moravignians in the procession of Darius in the Undercity’s Chamber of Horrors for an emergency meeting of the commune on December 6, 1994.

  • James, Janice “JJ”

    Mortal. JJ is a tech entrepreneur. While her efforts have not paid off just yet, Thaïs continues to groom her and support her work.

  • Jamila

    Caitiff. Possibly a Brujah? Daughter of Mercy. Jamila is in a coterie of “thinblooded” Kindred in a city that barely tolerates them, and that was before the Wall. Desirée, her patron, allowed her to hunt alongside her friends in Club Euphonia at its opening on May 7, 1988. Desirée went to meet with her “Daughters” in Burke, Va. on December 9, 1994. She found them arguing (and starving) in their shared haven in the middle of suburbia.

  • Janette

    Toreador Ghoul. Melisand Granger dispatched her ghoul Adrianna to Club Euphonia to help Desirée in her quest to determine what happened to her missing painting on August 5, 1984. She got high to give Marcel some “weed blood” and allowed the Settite to feed from her. After her part in the little affair was done, she left the club. Janette was a dancer/entertainer at the Alexandria Elysium of February 23, 1989. For some reason, Janette was helping to mind the door at the Smithsonian National Zoo for the Georgetown Elysium and thus recognized Desirée and Thaïs. Why she was now working for Georgetown was never explored: perhaps she was “on loan?” She must’ve been in the first line of attack when the Sabbat came. Screams were heard in her direction, so it is likely that she is dead, but her fate is unconfirmed at this time.

  • Janis

    Gangrel antitribu. Janis was a part of the Sabbat Pack of Bowie. She was killed in the Battle of Bowie at the Skate-O-Rama on New Year’s 1986.

  • Jefferson, Carla

    Caitiff wight. Carla was slain by Thaïs with help from Cameron in 1988. Thaïs was paid by the Nosferatu for her work.

  • Joan

    Malkavian. Malkavian Primogen of the Domain of Georgetown and Domina of Ivy City/Gallaudet. Jinx was presented to Joan on April 3, 1985. Joan seemed to know more about Jinx’s destiny than she knew herself. She told Jinx (in her mind) to seek her out when she returned from her Travels. Joan told Prentiss to present Jinx to the Prince of Georgetown within the year, but that Jinx was confined to Malkavian territory until such a time. Joan was at the Georgetown Elysium below the Kennedy Center on Thursday, July 23, 1985 when Vitus was Presented to the Prince. She spent a boon to intercede in favor of a condemned neonate. Joan was at the Smithsonian Castle Elysium on Monday, January 6, 1986 for Jinx’s Presentation before Prince George. She whispered in George’s ear and he accepted Jinx into the fold. Rose woke to find Joan waiting for him after he had broken into Jinx’s haven in Malkavian Domain. She politely scolded him, but then helped them to find Jinx by seeking out Comet. In the process, she gave away some more cryptic portends to Rose. When she found Comet at Dharma Coffee House, she left Rose to their own devises with her other great-grandchilde, Jinx, and departed with Comet. Joan helped Jinx learn about her powers of Auspex and guided her through the astral plane in various lessons during the years of 1989-1994. Joan was at the presentation of Gwenevieve Rossellini to the court of Prince George at the Smithsonian Castle on November 27, 1994. She excused herself to “make a phone call.” A little girl who called herself Joan made a strange and cryptic call as “Caller Number 3” on DJ Prophet’s Power Hour on WRXL 102.1 FM Radio Alexandria just after midnight on Sunday, November 27, 1994. She warned the Prophet that what must come to pass must come to pass. On December 3, 1994, Zachary contacted Joan through the Cobweb and learned more about his destiny and where next to look. Joan met Zachary and his entourage at Daingerfield Island in Old Town Alexandria and used her mastery of Obfuscate to hide the troupe from the watchful eyes of the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Benjamin and the assembled Kindred bobbed and weaved through the crowds of tourists to a quiet alleyway. Joan used some mechanism to enter and brought the group to the underground library. She waited there as Zachary’s coterie entered the chamber of Samal. When Zachary presented his third eye, Joan fell prostrate on the ground in worship of the Prophet. Following the events at OTCAL on December 4, 1994, she led the group through Obfuscation back to Daingerfield Island. She then took George, Benjamin and Zachary to her domain in Gallaudet University to bed down for the day. 

On December 5, 1994, Joan had a discussion with Zachary about the use of muslin during the day to capture dream-induced blood-sigils for future interpretation. She unveiled much more about the nature of the Mekhetim and the forces arrayed against the Prophet. She spoke briefly through the cobweb with Zachary about Manassas and other matters on December 6, 1994 in the A.M. Later that morning, she helped lead the rescued children from the mustang given to the Prophet and George to a “safe place.” The next night Joan was wiping the rescued girls’ minds when all of the Malkavians in the library were beset by an expansion of the Cobweb with Chad’s embrace. That morning (the A.M. of December 7, 1994), Joan spoke with Jinx at a gazebo on the quad of Gallaudet University in an Obfuscate bubble and revealed that Jinx is one of the Gateways of Gehenna and that her destiny is great and terrible. On December 7, 1994, after the girls’ minds had been wiped, Joan had her grandchilde Theodore take the children to George Washington Hospital to have the reunited with their families. She was headed to Elysium when she was accosted by a group of Tzimisce, led by the “Ant Man.” The creature told her that “Colette sends her regards” before staking Joan. The creature threw Joan into a car and tried to drive off with her, but it was stopped by George using his power over blood. Zachary unstaked Joan and the two of them snuck down to the Malkavian library to fetch some blood stores and Benjamin. They then used Obfuscate to get back to George and the car. George had finished his diablerie of the now-dead Dr. Gavreau Tzimisce ant-like creature. The four took off in the stolen vehicle as the two Tzimisce gave chase. When George took the others to the Jameson Inn in Annandale, Va., he stepped out of the motel room to “make some contacts.” Joan took that as an opportunity to get away. She took Zachary and Benjamin to OTCAL. She warned that OTCAL was now compromised and so she would be working with the cult to move artifacts and Samal soon, but Zachary and Benjamin should hide elsewhere. And so, Zachary and Benjamin left Joan at OTCAL on December 8, 1994 with the understanding that she would be in contact over the Cobweb.

  • Johnson III, Chadwick

    Mortal. Chadwick was the victim of one of Juniper’s schemes when she stole his wallet and blamed him for attempting to sexually assault her. Juniper used his credit card for a night on the town and an expensive stay in a hotel. Chadwick was last seen gaping and angry at the Central Greyhound Station in D.C. on April 1, 1985.

  • Johnson, Sylvester “Silver”

    Brujah ghoul. The local crime boss spoke with Thaïs on the phone on Friday, July 13, 1984. He had a chop shop job for Thaïs that he was to bring to Hybla Valley Motors at 4 a.m. the next day. Thaïs never arrived. Silver likely seethed, but he doesn’t know what became of his old associate. Thaïs ghouled Silver and he manages her underworld endeavors throughout the early 1990s.

  • Jones, Anne

    Mortal. Delia Evans’ nurse at the Sunrise ElderCare Community. She was last seen telling Juniper what a nice person she was for visiting Delia so often on April 1, 1985.

  • Jones, Darnell

    Brujah Ghoul. Darnell, wearing a suit, burst into the warehouse below Petra’s squat on Friday, July 13, 1984 to wrangle a creature attacking Thaïs and her friends. One of his compatriots called him “Darnell.” He was gravely injured by the beast. He survived with the aid of the Blood of his Domitor. He would spar with Thaïs during her training at the dojo following her embrace. Darnell continues to serve his domitor and spar alongside others as necessary. Darnell was at the dojo on December 4, 1994 when Thaïs had her sparring date with Sampson.

  • Jones, Geronimo “G”

    Nosferatu. Information peddler in D.C./Nosferatu operative. He is regularly seen by Henry in the Undercity whenever he is not topside on a mission. Henry was paired with G for his first training mission: a scavenger hunt at the Smithsonian National Zoo on Saturday, February 11, 1989. Henry has worked alongside G in various operations for the Nosferatu Operatives throughout the early 1990s. Geronimo was at the commune emergency meeting in the Chamber of Horrors on December 6, 1994.

  • Jones, Yolanda

    Mortal. Yolanda is the smartest student in Henry Vasiliev’s Introduction to Entomology class at the University of Maryland College Park. She was last seen at Henry’s final lecture in early October of 1985. She is likely graduated by now and with a promising career in entomology.

  • Julius

    Mortal. Julius is a sexist pig who works at Hybla Valley Motors. He was last seen nearly in a fight on Thaïs’ final shift on July 13, 1984.

  • (Lord) Kairns

    Tremere. Lord Kairns had some terse words for Barnaby Wilcox when he brought his new childe Vitus in to be Presented at Georgetown Elysium at the Kennedy Center on Thursday, July 23, 1985. Lord Kairns scrutinized newcomers to Elysium using some form of Thaumaturgy (or bullshit) on January 6, 1986, before he granted them entry in the depths of the Smithsonian Castle. On Sunday, November 27 of 1994, The Tremere Lord scanned the Giovanni delegation at the Smithsonian Castle before they were allowed entry before His Majesty, Prince George. Gwen thought his thaumaturgical methods to be laughable. Lord Kairns was attending the fateful Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. He was seen conversing with Priest of the Gangrel and Barnaby Wilcox of the Ventrue, but seemed to vanish when the actual coup went down (and the attack later). His fate is unknown at this time.

  • Kara

    Mortal. A regular customer and betting woman at The Red Dog. She was last seen at the underground street fight between Rose and Baruch on December 26, 1985.

  • Kershaw, Gerald Daryl

    Mortal. Retired Navy photographer, Harold’s father and Elizabeth’s husband. Gerald went with his son Harold to Falls Church, Virginia on October 11, 1993 for him to pour through archives. Gerald waited in the car, but he wanted to be helpful to his dying son. Later, when they stopped by Harold’s apartment to pick up some essentials, they found that it had been broken into and everything rearranged. Gerald called the police. Gerald had his son stay with him and his wife (H.B.’s mother, Elizabeth) and helped him out over the next few days, including over a hospitalization. 

  • Kershaw, Elizabeth

    Mortal. Harold’s mother and Gerald’s wife. Elizabeth was happy to speak to her son, but is deeply worried about his health. Harold began staying with his mother on October 8, 1993. H.B. disappeared while investigating a personal matter and Elizabeth hasn’t seen him since.

  • Key, Solene

    Mortal. Thaïs’ mother. Thaïs called Solene on Friday, July 13, 1984. Through an awkward phone conversation, Thaïs agreed to go to her half-brothers’ (Christopher and Connor Jr.) birthday party that following Sunday. Thaïs missed that birthday, and it was the start of the worsening of their relationship, as Thaïs got so heavily involved with “gang” activity, that she distanced herself from her family. Nonetheless, Thaïs saw her mother in a fever dream as she was dying: in her greatest memory of her at the Louisiana State Fair.

  • Kiesha

    Mortal. Kiesha is a 7-year-old girl who was kidnapped by the Fat Man demon. Zachary found her locked in a cage in the creature’s basement. He mesmerized her into compliance and freed her after tricking the demon into fleeing. Zachary and George brought Kiesha to Joan in Gallaudet to have the Malkavian elder wipe the little girl’s memory. After Joan had completed a mind wipe on Kiesha, she had Theodore take her and her fellow abductees from the Malkavian library to a block away from George Washington University Hospital to have them walk there and turn themselves in and ultimately be reunited with their parents.

  • King, (Prince) Quentin

    Malkavian. Prince of Boston. Gwenevieve was presented to the nominal Camarilla leader of Boston by Jonathan Milliner on October 23, 1982. At the Boston Elysium inside the Custom House Tower, The Prince sized up Gwen (in his more lucid moments), but was ultimately uninterested in her as long as “Andreas was happy about it and she sticks to the Promise.”

  • Klytaimēstra

    Malkavian. Klytaimēstra is an elder Malkavian seer who helps to guide the Camarilla Inner Council operation in the CEZ. #7 has had reason to see her while in the CEZ, and she can be unnerving, but they have not established any sort of meaningful relationship. Klytaimēstra sensed the ripple in the Cobweb created by Zachary on November 29, 1994 and suggested the Inner Council investigate. Thus, the Tremere sent their agent Number 7.

  • Kruger

    Tremere Ghoul. Kruger keeps the time and runs the tests that #7 goes through in becoming a super soldier at Andrews Air Force Base Hangar 13 in early May, 1983.

  • Kyrsten

    Toreador Ghoul. Melisand Granger dispatched her ghoul Kyrsten to Club Euphonia to help Desirée in her quest to determine what happened to her missing painting on August 5, 1984. She got high to give Marcel some “weed blood” and allowed the Settite to feed from her. After her part in the little affair was done, she left the club. Kyrsten was a dancer/entertainer at the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989.

  • Langley, Dr. Braxton

    Mortal. Dr. Langley is an entomologist at the University of California - Davis and conferred with Henry Vasiliev over his specimen find. Henry was to send him a photo of the giant pill bug, but never had the opportunity. Dr. Langley was last hea rd on the phone with Henry on Friday, October 6, 1985, warning him that a hoax of this type had ruined the career of another budding entomologist.

  • Laticia

    Mortal. Laticia is a hairstylist in Centreville (Fairfax County). She cut Thaïs’ hair three times, the third time on December 7, 1994. She is likely very curious as to how Thaïs’ hair grows back so quickly, and this may balloon into a full-scale Masquerade breach if Thaïs handles this poorly.

  • Laurentiis, Simone

    Tremere. Simone met with Desirée and (a very high) Thaïs at Club Euphonia for its grand opening on May 7, 1988. She discussed with the pair the need for them to use their contacts to create a D-list movie about vampires to seal a Masquerade breach: a news reporter had made wild (if accurate) claims about vampires before being taken off the air — the Camarilla spin would be that it was all a bad attempt at publicity for a movie. After Thaïs and Desirée produced a movie, they gave their film canisters to Simone only after Simone had conferred a boon onto the pair on July 23, 1988. Simone attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989, staring at Jinx the whole time. Simone met “George / Septimus” (#7) at the doors to the Lighthouse Chantry in Alexandria on November 30, 1994. She led him into the pocket dimension to see the power of the node the Tremere control and then on to meet with the Prince and Seneschal. Simone was either mind wiped or told to obey by the Council of Seven to not reveal that she had seen Number 7 (as Septimus) report to the Lighthouse of Alexandria Chantry.

  • Lavers, Lt. M.

    Tremere Ghoul. Lieutenant Lavers is an officer who helps to manage Hangar 13. Alazar meets him on May 4, 1983.

  • Li, Jason

    Brujah. Bodyguard to the Prince of Alexandria. The martially-inclined and muscled Asian man burst on the scene with superhuman speed looking for the creature attacking Thaïs and her friends on Friday the 13th of July, 1984. He managed to subdue the beast with the aid of Thaïs, but not before the creature punched a hole in Thaïs’ mid-section. He embraced the brave fighter to preserve her and took her to his dojo to go through the Change. He would tutor her and spar with her over the next month in preparation for her presentation to the Prince at Elysium on August 5, 1984. He released her with his blessing and pledges of support. He saw his childe’s victory at the Brujah Rave that night and was proud. While the pair have some communication difficulties (just due to personality differences), they still were able to successfully spar together the next night. He was seen by Henry and Vitus at Elysium on February 14, 1989, serving as the Prince’s hulking bodyguard. Jason stood as the Prince’s bodyguard at the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989. Thaïs called Jason twice on December 3, 1994 to discuss Nikoli, Nikoli’s beef with Jeremiah (and thus the rift between Alexandrian and Russian Brujah), history of the Malkavian ban in Alexandria, his relationship with the Prince and others in Alexandria who might know what happened with the sacrifice and mass embraces at the hospital committed by the executed Malkavian Abraham. Jason Li briefly met with his childe Thaïs on December 4, 1994, when he opened up his dojo for the sparring match between Sheriff Sampson and Thaïs. After Sampson left, Thaïs asked her sire about the history of the Brujah and if there were powers before Celerity. He honestly had no idea what she was talking about. Jason was attending the Prince for her potestas edictum at Alexandria Elysium  on December 8, 1994. He then went to the Brujah (and assorted malcontents) meeting following the pronouncement at Franklin’s Pub in Fairfax City where he urged caution, though he was in the minority.

  • Liu, Ryan

    Mortal. Owner/operator of Red Dragon Books in Arlington, Va. Asa Armstrong has a crush on Ryan and (despite the fact that he was dying) he went in to Red Dragon Books on November 1, 1994 in order to awkwardly flirt with him.

  • Lewis, Birdie

    Brujah Ghoul. Birdie, wearing a suit, burst into the warehouse below Petra’s squat on Friday, July 13, 1984 to wrangle a creature attacking Thaïs and her friends. One of her compatriots called him “Birdie.” She shot at the creature. Later, she would spar at the Annandale dojo with Thaïs following her embrace. Birdie continues to manage Jason Li’s dojo by day throughout the early 1990s. Birdie witnessed the sparring match between Thaïs and Sheriff Sampson at Jason Li’s dojo in Annandale on December 4, 1994.

  • Lewis, Connie

    Brujah. Connie was at the Rave in Fairfax on August 5, 1984 when Thaïs bested Bozwell in single combat. Connie attended the Brujah (and other assorted malcontents) meeting at Franklin’s Pub on December 8, 1994, following the Prince’s potestas edictum and thus the established draconian laws for the Domain in the time of war. She seemed to be nodding her head in agreement with Primogen Jeremiah Banks in his call for action.

  • Logue, Maranda

    Ventrue Ghoul. Maranda represents Deritrex Exchange, which is found to be a subsidiary of Vencor. She is predatory and very sure of herself. She attempted to buy Common Commerce from Vito Armandasanti but was not upset when he turned her down. She was in her palatial office in Rosslyn, Va. on the evening of Tuesday, June 11, 1985 after making Vito an offer that, apparently, he could refuse. She met up with Vito/Vitus at the beginning of his Embrace on July 3, 1985 and then poked her head in following Vitus’ ordeal to lead him to her Domitor, the Ventrue Barnaby Wilcox. Maranda is Barnaby’s right-hand-ghoul alongside Henderson. Maranda met Desirée, Thaïs, Sebastian and Theo outside of Barnaby Wilcox’s K Street office building on December 5, 1994. She, alongside her fellow Ventrue ghoul Shehzad Nadeem, led Desirée and Thaïs up to Barnaby Wilcox’s office for their meeting.

  • Lutzburry, Fred

    Mortal. EPA bureaucrat. Fred is Melinda Wyatt’s boss and told her to overlook the Brexco discrepancy in the EPA’s reports, at least that is what she told Harold Kershaw at the Pop Stop coffee shop on October 12, 1993. His name and picture was also in the packet that had been given to Harold a few days prior, which had started his investigation.

  • Lysandra

    Moravignian. One of the Seers with Maud and Morag who scrutinized Henry in the Court of Darkness in 1985 and again in 1990. Lysandra was among the Moravignians gathered in the Court of Darkness when H.B. Kershaw was presented to Caius on October 21, 1993. Lysandra was a part of the Moravignian procession ahead of Darius in the Chamber of Horrors for the emergency commune meeting to discuss the Creature from the Depths and the reports of danger topside on December 6, 1994.

  • Makonnen, Alazar / #7/ George / Septimus

    Tremere. [NOTE: Number Seven was a Player Character from the beginning through BOOK I, Story 3, Chapter 5, part 2: “Bubble.” Everything the character has done after that will be listed here. For information on the PC #7, go to his character page here.] Agent of the Tremere. Number 7 diablerized the Tzimisce Dr. Gavreau in the yard behind an administration building in Gallaudet University on December 7, 1994. Following this, he was a bit “out of it” and scared off his target/travel companion, Zachary. “George” drove Joan, Zachary and Benjamin across the river just before the psychic ribbon wall went up. They all checked into the Jameson Inn in Annandale. Zachary, Joan and Benjamin gave Number 7 the slip when he went to go contact his superiors, as they no longer trusted him. Number 7 traced Zachary to Club Euphonia that night, but the Prophet appeared to be under the protection of Desirée who lied to Number 7’s face about the matter. Thus, the Tremere agent decided it best to wait for the right time to make his next move.

  • Makonnen, Makeda “Mak”

    Mortal. Mak is Alazar’s daughter and, at only six, enjoys dancing and singing. She went with Alazar on May 3, 1983 to Chuck-E-Cheese and that was the last time he saw her before her disappearance. Peter Dorfman told Alazar, now #7, that Mak was placed into the Witness Protection Program and sent far away as she was a liability. Whether she is still alive at this point is a matter of trust.

  • Makonnen, Tessema

    Mortal. Tessema called his son Alazar (now #7) on Monday, May 9, 1983 to tell him that he hadn’t seen Alazar’s ex-wife Eden nor their children at church that Sunday. He admonished his son to come to the Ethiopian Community Center more often.

  • Makonnen, Tewodros “Teddy”

    Mortal. Teddy is Alazar’s 3-year-old son (as of 1983). He went with Alazar, the father Teddy didn’t even recognize, on May 3, 1983 to Chuck-E-Cheese and that was the last time Alazar saw him before his disappearance. Peter Dorfman told Alazar, now #7, that Teddy was placed into the Witness Protection Program and sent far away as he was a liability. Whether he is still alive at this point is a matter of trust.

  • Malkav (Ma’ail)

    Antediluvian. The Father of Madness, the Shepherd of the Web, the Ascended, the Mind Beyond . . . or a damn good ancient impersonator with loads of Auspex and Chimerstry . . . has made themselves known to his “Voice,” the humble neonate Prophet Zachariah upon DJ Zakz’s final radio broadcast on Wednesday, November 30, 1994. He later made himself manifest within the mind of a prying Tremere meddling in forces beyond his comprehension . . . only for a split second, but that was certainly long enough to give said Tremere a Derangement. Malkav spoke again to Zachary when he was in the bowels of OTCAL. Malkav denied saying any of the words attributed to him on the parchments in the collection, though the Word of Power Ma’ail caused Zachary to enter into a fugue.

  • Manetti, Frankie “Luca”

    Mortal. Frankie is Vito’s biggest bodyguard. He was at Matthew DuVaule’s school on Monday, June 11, 1985, where he did his job well intimidating others. He was with Vito on his face-to-face with Nikoli on Tuesday, June 19, 1985. He began a secret relationship with his boss’ sister, Scarlett. Amazingly enough, though he was a bit in the dog house, Vitus didn’t have him killed. Instead, he married into the family and became the father of Vitus’ niece, Marina Manetti. Luca continues to serve his boss, Vito as hired muscle for mundane underworld endeavors throughout the early 1990s.

  • Manetti, Marina

    Mortal. The child of Scarlett (nee Armandasanti) and Frankie “Luca” Manetti, Marina was born on March 16, 1986. She was named for her deceased maternal grandmother.

  • Marcel

    Settite. Marcel went to Club Euphonia for a night of drugs and sex but was staked by Thaïs after a seductive deception by Desirée on August 5, 1984. His bones were broken and he was given to the Nosferatu who supposedly took him back to the Church of Light in Anacostia. He appeared to be no worse for the wear a decade later at the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo. He attended alongside his sire, Nebasha. They greeted Henry and Vitus in a pleasant exchange. Marcel gave Vitus his number and invited him to the Church of Light in Anacostia (after giving them sufficient warning of their arrival, of course). Marcel and Nebasha made their exit before anything major went down at Elysium.

  • Marci

    Gangrel. Anarch of Georgetown. Marci was at Dharma Coffee House on February 15, 1989 when Jinx came in to an Anarch celebration following their successful Texas Instruments heist. Jinx wanted the Anarchs to smuggle an unauthorized childe, Allie, out to the Anarch Free States. They agreed to get her as far as Chicago. Marci drew the short straw to take her on the train after working out a deal with a Brujah, likely J.T., to look the other way.

  • Marconi the Great

    Nosferatu. Composer of merit at the Symphony of the Deep. Henry has been to several of Marconi’s performances in the Undercity over the years. Marconi was among the assembled Underfolk at the emergency commune meeting in the Chamber of Horrors on December 6, 1994.

  • Margolis

    Nosferatu. Shepherd of the Deep. Henry’s grandsire and supervisor/mentor at the Bestiary. Henry sees him regularly in the Undercity. Henry worked with his grandsire to understand his bee infestation better. The Shepherd aided Henry throughout the early 1990s in his biological experiments. Margolis met H.B. Kershaw at the Spawning Pool with his sire, Mary Pine, on October 21, 1993. Margolis was at the emergency commune meeting in the Chamber of Horrors on December 6, 1994 to discuss dangers facing the Undercity from both above and below. Cheesehead sent a white alligator who had escaped from the National Zoo following the Sabbat attack to Margolis using his Animalism on December 7, 1994.

  • Maria

    Sisterhood (Ahrimane). Maria was among the Sisters in the mountain lion cave high in the mountains of the West Virginia border that Rose met on December 9, 1994. She is a heavy-set white woman. She told Rose that in life, she was a battered housewife, but embraced by the Gangrel and left to wonder, until Nana found her. On December 10, Maria was in her monstrous (yet beautiful) werecat form to perform the rites upon Rose, transforming her into a Sister.

  • Marie

    Tremere. The member of the Tremere Council of Seven was heard by 7 as he gave his report at NA1 Chantry on December 3, 1994. She argued that Zachary and everyone he had ever met should be purged. She was overruled by Etrius.

  • Matteo, Jacob

    Brujah. Jacob was at the Rave in Fairfax on August 5, 1984 where he witnessed Thaïs defeat Bozwell in a brawl. Jacob was acting a a bodyguard for Nikoli and the Russian Brujah at the Southeast docks in D.C. on February 15, 1989. Vitus used Presence on him and sent him on his merry way. Jacob attended the meeting of the Brujah and other malcontents of Prince Elaine’s potestas edictum at Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax on December 8, 1994. Jacob remained mostly quiet and made no quarrel against the majority calling for greater action against the Crown.

  • Matton, Dr. Geraldine

    Mortal. Dr. Matton is one of Henry Vasiliev’s mentors and is head of the Entomology Department at Cornell University. She was last heard talking on the phone with Henry in early October of 1985, giving him advice to call her colleague, Dr. Braxton Langley of the University of California - Davis, to confer on the find of a strange specimen of Armadillidium vulgare.

  • Maud the Wise

    Moravignian. The progenitor of the Moravignian Bloodline, First Seer to the One Below. Maud was seen in 1985 in the Court of Darkness and calmed her witch childer, saying that “they should not be walking the earth for another decade,” when another Moravignian, Morag, saw something strange about Henry’s stride. Maud used the sight-beyond-sight of the Morivignians to trace the “present” that Henry received from Bottleneck sent to Vitus’ manor. She found that the human heart was plucked from Sabbat-infested Baltimore. She fears that Bottleneck has defected, and has shared state secrets of the Nosferatu commune. Maud was among the Moravignians gathered in the Court of Darkness when H.B. Kershaw was presented to Caius on October 21, 1993. Maud was at the head of the procession of Moravignians which led in Darius at the emergency commune meeting in the Chamber of Horrors on December 6, 1994.

  • McGee, Granite “G”

    Gangrel. G McGee is a fighter in the S’eth Adar forces in the Battle of Bowie on January 1, 1986. He was injured in the battle, but survived. G was seen by Vitus and Rose on various S’eth Adar missions throughout the early 1990s. Granite was a S’eth Adar soldier on guard duty in the investigation at the Ansara estate on December 6, 1994 following the assassination of the Ventrue Primogen. He donned a firefighter’s suit and entered the smoldering estate at the behest of Vitus. He survived the ordeal without frenzying. G was one of the few Gangrel in attendance at the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. He was wearing his S’eth Adar coat. He stood by as the Prince was deposed and did nothing to help Prince George. Following the staking, G followed Karl Raeger and the phalanx of Ventrue as they set out into the zoo, looking for a way out other than the main entrance. Granite survived the attack alongside J.T. of the Brujah, as he was a part of the survivor refugees at College Park on December 9, 1994. 

  • (Councilor) Meerlinda

    Tremere. The powerful member of the Council of Seven oversees North America largely from the NA1 Chantry affixed to the material plane below Hangar 13 at Andrews Air Force Base. She must have approved of the program that has trained #7, as she personally oversaw his rites and oaths on May 10, 1983. Meerlinda met up with Number 7 after the Obfuscation curse had been lifted from him on December 3, 1994. She gathered the Council of Seven with a blood ritual to communicate. They had 7 testify about the dangers to come.

  • Meyer, Benjamin “DJ Ben Jammin’”

    Malkavian Ghoul. Benjamin is Zachary’s best friend and co-host on the night show at WRXL 102.1 FM Radio Alexandria. He shook Zachary out of it when Zachary had some sort of waking nightmare attack while on air. Benjamin was last seen in the early morning hours of Tuesday, November 29, 1994 offering his friend a ride home, but Zachary chose to leave by himself. Benjamin hung out with his friend the next day, despite him acting strangely. During their broadcast, Zachary again prophesied and things got . . . weirder. The lights flickered off and a strange Grey Man appeared and had odd questions and used some sort of powers on Patricia in the producer’s booth. They all left the station in fear, but then Benjamin joined with two of his co-workers to cry out in a single voice to Zachary: “Thank you for being my voice.” When Ben snapped out of it, he went with his friend first to a restaurant and then to his apartment to try to figure out the alien conspiracy going on. By the end of the night, however, Zachary “came out” at last to his best friend . . . as a vampire. Ben spent the next day checking out books from the library on vampires and getting animal blood from the butcher shop for his friend. On December 1, 1994, Ben went with Zachary and “George” to the Americana Hotel to debrief far away from where folks might be looking for them. Suddenly, birds started killing themselves by bashing into the window of the hotel room. After getting some of the “facts of unlife,” Zachary reluctantly made Benjamin his ghoul so that they could get more information as Ben was now “of the blood.” Benjamin continued to learn and fret over his friend-turned-domitor as they hid out in the Hotel Americana. Ben joined George and Zachary on the night of December 2-3, 1994 as they went to Club Euphonia to find the two women from Zachary’s vision. After they met up with Thaïs and Desirée, they left the club as George was taken away by Tremere agents. Benjamin tired to piece together what was going on at Desirée’s art studio. Benjamin went with the group to Arlandria to meet with Nikoli at an abandoned warehouse in the wee hours of the morning on December 3, 1994. Benjamin went with his friend and new associates to the H&H Ranch. Zachary told him to sleep for the day. When he woke, Eric Normandin made Benjamin some flapjacks. Benjamin went with the crew to Daingerfield Island in Old Town Alexandria to meet with Nikoli and the ancient child Joan. Joan used her mastery of Obfuscate to help Benjamin and those with him to hide from the prying eyes of the Lighthouse of Alexandria as the troupe bobbed and weaved through the throng of tourists. Benjamin arrived at OTCAL with the rest. Even though Joan and Nikoli refused to leave the confines of the library, Zachary entered the double doors into the heart of the underground OTCAL facility and Benjamin dutifully followed. Inside, the assembled encountered the entity calling itself Samal. Samal entered the mind of Benjamin’s friend, and to Benjamin’s eyes, all of his erstwhile compatriots became nearly comatose in shaking medical distress. Benjamin witnessed his friend grow a third eye and the cultists begin to worship him. Undaunted, he continued to help Zachary. Later that morning, he left OTCAL and said goodbye to Nikoli, Thaïs and Desirée. Benjamin, Zachary, George and Joan went from Daingerfield Island in Alexandria to Gallaudet University in the Domain of Georgetown to bed down for the day. Benjamin was given a dorm room to rest in. Benjamin went with George and Zachary to Manassas Battlefield Park on December 6, 1994. Though the team seemed to find nothing of interest there, on the way back they stopped for gas. While at the filling station, George and Zachary saw something that alarmed them and so left Benjamin with the keys to the Mustang that was given to them by the Malkavians and left him alone. George came back for Benjamin and took over the Mustang. The group drove with four rescued girls across the river and back to Gallaudet (with a brief pit stop of a traffic stop by the police: but the officer was easily managed with George’s mind powers). Jinx had seen Zachary in a vision and drew a sketch for Vitus. It was only a matter of time before Vitus’ detective found a match for the local DJ. On December 7, 1994, Vitus put out a search among his forces for Zachary and his known associate, “DJ Ben Jammin.” Benjamin listened to Cedric in the Malkaivian library on December 7, 1994 as he told Zachary about the Clans and Disciplines, attempting to write down the wisdom, but was stopped by Cedric who told him to memorize it instead. The next night (also the 7th), Benjamin was with George and Zachary in the Malkavian library below ground as Joan was attacked by a pack of Tzimisce on the campus above. He was told to wait in the crypt as Zachary and George went up the stairs to face the attackers. Once Zachary had unstaked Joan, the two went back down to the library to retrieve Benjamin and some blood stores. The three the made their way to the car through Obfuscation and gave the attacking Tzimisce the slip. Benjamin then went with Joan, George and Zachary to the Jameson Inn in Annandale. When George went out to “make some contacts and be right back,” Joan, Zachary and Benjamin took their opportunity to get away from an ever-more-erratic George. The three went to OTCAL. Joan determined that the place was compromised and so would work to move material with the other cultists, but that would take time. In the meantime, she suggested that Zachary and Benjamin find another place to hide. Benjamin went with Zachary to Club Euphonia to meet up with Desirée and Thaïs once more. They were greeted by the security ghoul, Alexander, who locked them into a closet until Desirée could return. Once Des and Ty arrived late that morning (December 8, 1994), the four reunited and stayed the day in Del Ray. The next night, Benjamin went out onto the terrace to view D.C. in chaos. He also could sense when Thaïs was very hungry and looking at him. Luckily, Zachary had some blood bags. Zachary, Thaïs and Benjamin played UNO for a while as Desirée recovered from her blood vision with Zachary’s blood. The following night (December 9, 1994), Benjamin stays in the Penthouse to watch the news, compile notes, watch from the top of Del Ray Tower in the penthouse as Thaïs and Zachary go out to hunt.

  • Mi’chell

    Daughter of Cacophony. Mi’chell and her broodmate Nerys are artists-in-residence brought in by the Toreador-controlled Arts Council to entertain at Elysia for the Domain of Georgetown. The pair were entertaining at the Smithsonian National Zoo Elysium on December 7, 1994 when the Ventrue held a coup and the Sabbat subsequently attacked. They attempted to calm down the crowd with their siren songs, but their pleas fell on “deaf ears,” as it were, as ultimately they were unsuccessful. Mi’chell fled during the chaos with Nerys and their fate is unknown at this time.

  • Miles, Barry

    Gangrel. Barry Miles was a fighter in the S’eth Adar forces in the Battle of Bowie on January 1, 1986. His head was merged with his torso by a Tzimisce priest. He was euthenized at his own begging.

  • Milliner, Jonathan

    Giovanni. Jonathan is the consigliere to Andreas Giovanni for the Family in Boston. He has his fingers deep within the international banking industry, but his primary duty is in running the night-to-night operations of the Giovanni city, much like a Camarilla seneschal. Mr. Milliner met Gwenevive Rossellini at Boston Logan Airport on October 23, 1982 after her arrival from the Rossellini Estate in New Jersey. He then brought Gwen to present her before the Malkavian Prince King of Boston — a formality, as Prince King is only a nominal figurehead. He then brought his clanmate before the true boss of the city: Andreas Giovanni. Over the next few years, Gwen would see Milliner from time to time. He would tend to stay in downtown Boston rather on the island, so she didn’t see him nightly, but Milliner’s duties did often take him back to the island to report. Milliner was also at the family gathering on the island on November 26, 1994 when Lucretia Giovanni arrived in a helicopter to “clean house” (dispose of Giancarlo) and  take Gwenevieve away.

  • Moalemi, Dr. Anahita

    Mortal. Dr. Moalemi is a nephrologist (kidney specialist) and surgeon at George Washington University Hospital in Northwest D.C. She led the surgery on Vito Armandasanti and his son, Matthew DuVaule on June 13, 1985. Following the surgery, she told Vito of upcoming lifestyle changes (no salt . . . but boy if only she knew of Vito’s much bigger lifestyle changes). She parted on friendly terms and wished Vito well. Vito would later find out that his Sire had pulled strings (or used any combination of Influence, Resources or Disciplines) to put Vito and Matthew higher on the list for transplant.

  • Molly, Beatrice

    Mortal. Secretary at Washington Post. Beatrice is the most friendly secretary Harold knows at the Post. She was sad to see him go when he left work for the last time on October 8, 1993. Harold spoke to her again over the next few days as he continued his investigations into the Brexco/Donovan matter.

  • Montbatton

    Malkavian antitribu. Montbatton was the sole Sabbat survivor of the Battle of Bowie on New Year’s 1986. He fled for Baltimore, but not before connecting with Jinx in the Cobweb (the first time she had successfully done that) to tell her to find him later. Montbatton reentered Jinx’s mind on December 7, 1994 when Jinx had gone to the Panda enclosure for an intimate moment with Rose while the pair were on drug blood. He first taunted her with a “get it, gurl,” but then warned Jinx to leave immediately. Apparently, the Sabbat were poised to attack the Elysium. Montbatton spoke with Jinx in her mind, but the attack began. Later (in the a.m. of December 8), he entered Jinx’s mind when she called out to him during the battle near Chain Bridge. He was bringing Sabbat reinforcements, but he was also working to make sure Jinx was hidden well so that they might talk.

  • Montcomb, (Prince) Elaine

    Tremere. Prince of the Domain of Alexandria. The Prince received Desirée at court on February 18, 1983 to less-than-enthusiasm for the unauthorized childe. She, through a backhanded way, extorted the Domain of Shirlington and over 4 million dollars from the Toreador to make up for the embrace. Nonetheless, Desirée was granted citizenship. The Prince was not impressed with Desirée’s missing masterpiece when it was unveiled on August 4, 1984. She was elated with the painting after it was finally recovered two nights later, so much so that she waived the artist’s $1.7 million annual dues to Elysium. Elaine received Vitus Armandasanti, sponsored by Ventrue Primogen Jordan Bingham, for his Presentation at the Alexandria Elysium on Friday, July 24, 1985. She welcomed Vitus unreservedly to her Domain. Elaine received Henry (as well as Raleigh the Brujah) at the Alexandria Elysium on Friday, February 10, 1989. She was polite to her new subject, but was dismayed that Henry wasn’t yet taught the Traditions. Prince Elaine oversaw the trial of two unauthorized childer at the Valentine’s Day Elysium on February 14, 1989. She paid Primogen Jeremiah Banks’ boon by sparing the life of the accused (yet had them twice bound to her and commuted their sentences to unlife in servitude to the Rangers). There was to be no mercy for the sire, Brock Thompson, however. A Blood Hunt was called upon him. The Prince attended Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 to pass judgement upon Brock Thompson (death by sun torture) and to gift out boons to the team who captured him. She gifted Vitus with the crown domain of Shirlington, she gifted Jinx with a non-resident hunting permit over Roosevelt Island and Little Island. She begrudgingly assented to the transference of boons from Rose to Jeremiah and from Bobby Schroyer to Prentiss. Prince Elaine met with “Septimus” (#7) at the Lighthouse Chantry of Alexandria on November 30, 1994 and tasked the supposed neonate with finding a Masquerade breacher, DJ Zakz, when her seneschal Vittorio suggested him for the job. Prince Elaine was likely informed about the Number 7 mission, as she had given him reign to walk in her Domain, yet would need to maintain his cover. How this was done is not known at this time. The Prince interrogated Thaïs and Desirée following their flight from Georgetown on December 8, 1994 (as Georgetown had just fallen to the Sabbat). While they can’t be sure, Desirée and Thaïs are relatively certain that the Prince wiped their minds after draining them of information. The Prince then made her potestas edictum, calling for all citizens to surrender a draught of blood for their own protection and to submit to blood screening at Elysium events.

  • Morag

    Moravignian. The seer saw something strange in her vision of Henry in the Court of Darkness in 1985. She pointed out to her coven that there was something about his stride. Morag was among the Moravignians gathered in the Court of Darkness when H.B. Kershaw was presented to Caius on October 21, 1993. Morag was in the procession of Moravignians ahead of Darius during the commune emergency meeting on December 6, 1994 to discuss the dangers facing the Undercity from above and below.

  • Morrison, Ricky

    Brujah. The 13th Generation unauthorized childe of Brock Thompson was intercepted by the Ventrue of the S’eth Adar at George Mason University. He was later put on trial on February 14, 1989 in Alexandria (why there and not in Georgetown is not known . . . the S’eth Adar usually only have jurisdiction there. Perhaps they had been called in as a special favor to Prince Elaine? Why didn’t the Rangers take care of this? All unanswered questions.) and sentenced to two draughts bonded to the Prince and eternal servitude to the Alexandria Rangers (or, well, until killed by Lupines). His erstwhile sire, Brock Thompson, had a Blood Hunt called upon him.

  • Murphy, Liam

    Brujah ghoul. Liam is a bartender at Franklin’s Pub in Fairfax City. He greeted Jinx, Vitus, Rose and Henry when they went to meet Jeremiah on February 17, 1989. Liam opened the door to the Irish pub after hours on December 5, 1994 to Thaïs so that she could meet Jeremiah within. Liam watched the door at Franklin’s Pub on December 8, 1994 for the meeting of the Brujah and other malcontents following the Prince’s potestas edictum.

  • Nadeem, Shehzad

    Ventrue Ghoul. Shehzad is an “angel investor” who supposedly represents a sheik from Saudi Arabia who wanted to put $2.6 million dollars into Common Commerce Bank. He was last seen in a meeting with CCB CFO Patrick Folliard on Tuesday, June 12, 1985. Likely an intermediary on the payroll of Barnaby Wilcox. That was later confirmed by Vitus: Shehzad is one of his ghouls. Shehzad met Desirée, Thaïs, Sebastian and Theo outside of Barnaby Wilcox’s K Street office building on December 5, 1994. She, alongside his fellow Ventrue ghoul Maranda Logue, led Desirée and Thaïs up to Barnaby Wilcox’s office for their meeting.

  • Nadia

    Brujah. Nadia was with Sergei and Nikoli at the Southeast docks on the morning of February 15, 1989 as they unloaded material from overseas in preparation for shipment to Old Town Alexandria. She briefed Nikoli on the “facility.” In the following nights, Nadia was made co-leader of the joint Ventrue-Brujah export-import project on the docks alongside Vitus of the Ventrue. Nadia attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 alongside her sire, Nikoli. Nadia made a positive working relationship with Vitus over the Arkangel/Carapace dock project. Nadia was guarding Nikoli at the Lincolnia Industrial Park in Arlandria for a meeting with strangers (Thaïs, Benjamin, Zachary and George) on December 3, 1994.

  • Nash, James

    Brujah. James attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 18, 1983 to complain alongside Primogen Jeremiah Banks about a territory dispute along the Route 7 Corridor domain. James was at the Rave in Fairfax on August 5, 1984 when Thaïs bested Bozwell in single combat. James attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 and spent the whole time on the promenade above the throne room with Raleigh, throwing spitballs and being a disruptive little twerp. James has started an Anarch cell with Raleigh and other disaffected youth of Alexandria in the early 1990s. James attended the Franklin’s Pub meeting of Brujah and other malcontents on December 8, 1994, and was one of the Kindred calling for action against the Prince’s edicts.

  • Nat

    Mortal. Nat was Thaïs Wyche-Key’s supervisor at Hybla Valley Motors. He last saw her on her shift on Friday the 13th of July 1984.

  • Nathaniel

    Malkavian Ghoul. Last name unknown at this time (and possibly unknown to Nathaniel), Nathaniel is Prentiss’ servitor. He was intensely jealous of Juniper/Jinx as Prentiss had marked her out for the Embrace. Nathanial made sandwiches for Juniper as she was tied up for the Embrace in Prentiss’ attic. He and Jinx made a truce of sorts. He continues to serve his “mistress” in all things, including driving her around and procuring any number of things she requires. He drove Jinx and Prentiss in their Mercedes to the Smithsonian Castle for Jinx’s Presentation. Nathaniel was waiting in the car on December 6, 1994 at the Ansara estate while his mistress was on duty.

  • Nebasha

    Settite. High Priestess of the Church of Light, Domitor of Anacostia. Nebasha has long been tolerated with her brood in Anacostia by Prince George. She attended the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994 alongside her childe, Marcel. The Settites had a friendly conversation with Vitus and Henry and invited them to meet up some time at the Church of Light in Anacostia. Nebasha and Marcel made their excuses and left Elysium early, perhaps sensing that things were about to get messy.

  • Nerys

    Daughter of Cacophony. Nerys and her broodmate Mi’chell are artists-in-residence brought in by the Toreador-controlled Arts Council to entertain at Elysia for the Domain of Georgetown. The pair were entertaining at the Smithsonian National Zoo Elysium on December 7, 1994 when the Ventrue held a coup and the Sabbat subsequently attacked. They attempted to calm down the crowd with their siren songs, but their pleas fell on “deaf ears,” as it were, as ultimately they were unsuccessful. Nerys fled during the chaos with Mi’chell and their fate is unknown at this time.

  • Nikoli

    Brujah. The man the others in the Russian mob “Arkangel” seem to bow to is an enigmatic fellow only seen at night on the docks. He is overweight. He was spotted by Paulie DiFranco in early June of 1985. He was described by Mr. Wilcox as a thorn in his side, having come back from Russia assuming that all of his old territory was to be his again. Wilcox sent Vito to meet with Nikoli, knowing what he was, to deliver a message. Nikoli was last seen at the vacant parking garage of ManTech International on Tuesday, June 19, 1985 turning his back on Vito after telling him to relay the message to Wilcox to go fuck himself. He was likely at Elysium on January 6, 1986 for Rose and Jinx’s Presentation before Prince George. Nikoli seems to have worked out some sort of deal with Wilcox: or at least has not moved on Vitus’ holdings beyond the small operation he has going. Nikoli attended the Valentine’s Day Alexandria Elysium on February 14, 1989. He had a private conversation with another Russian Brujah on a regatta, but Henry read his lips (in Russian) and relayed the conversation to Vitus. Later that night (February 15), Vitus and Henry go to the docks to spy on Nikoli and his brood. With Henry’s espionage techniques, it is determined that Nikoli is speaking with other Brujah, Nadia and Sergei. They are talking about the giant shipment with a stone pillar and other ancient artifacts and how they are going to smuggle them into Tremere-held Old Town Alexandria. He mentioned something about Otcal or Aughtkl or Oatcow and a heist being performed by the Anarchs to get materials from a Texas Instruments delivery to George Washington University. He sends his bodyguard Jacob to scout around for Italian interlopers and spys. Nikoli attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 alongside Nadia. He and Jeremiah seemed to be having some sort of hateful staring match. Nikoli met with Thaïs after she got his contact information from Jason Li, under the pretense that Thaïs had a business venture to discuss involving shipping. He met with her at Warehouse 1227 in Lincolnia Industrial Park in Arlandria in the wee hours of the morning of December 3, 1994. Thaïs brought along with her Zachary, Benjamin and George. While George was doing most of the talking, he mentioned OTCAL. Zachary then confirmed that his identity and Nikoli’s gruff manner changed immediately. Elated to be in the presence of the Prophet, he thanked him for his life and pledged to take him to meet Samal the following evening. Nikoli met Zachary, Benjamin, Thaïs, Desirée and George at Daingerfield Island in Old Town Alexandria and used Joan’s mastery over Obfuscate to transport them all to OTCAL. Once in the underground facility, Nikoli waited in the library as the neonates (and Benjamin) went past the double doors to be face-to-pillar with Samal. After Zachary emerged from his visions in the morning of December 4, 1994, he sprouted a third eye and Nikoli fell prostrate on the ground, worshipping the Prophet.

  • Normandin, Eric

    Brujah Ghoul. Eric is the manager and “face” of H&H Ranch. He sees to its daily operation, but is bound to Thaïs as her thrall. Normandin procured a cat for his mistress on May 7, 1988 for her to feed her “guest,” the Nosferatu Julia Pine. He then got dressed as well as he could manage (which was not much) and went out, as ordered, to Club Euphonia for its Grand Opening. He ended up waiting in the truck most of the time, but ran to fetch his mistress when she had become totally wasted on drug blood. Eric made hotcakes for Benjamin on December 3, 1994. Later that night, he wrangled horses for Zachary and George to feed upon and lent George a “cowboy” outfit. Eric was still at the ranch when Thaïs returned from her trying time at OTCAL. Normandin picked up his mistress at Franklin’s Pub in Fairfax City on the morning of December 5, 1994 to take her home to the ranch. Nathaniel calmed down his mistress with a shower after she awoke in horror from her very first “blood daymare” on December 5, 1994. He then saw to her needs by driving her around. Eric again procured a cat from the “cat lady” down the street on December 8, 1994 , but this time to hold on to for a future possible demonic ritual sacrifice. That same night, Normandin was sent to pick up Elijah from his home in Reston to get him to the relative safety of H&H Ranch. Thaïs is able to contact Normandin after the dust settled a little. Phones are spotty, but Normandin relays that the ranch is fine: he and Elijah were shoring up defenses, but so far looters haven’t come out that way.

  • Patrick

    Wraith. Patrick is a spirit “gifted” to Gwenevieve Rossellini to help her stay in contact with her Aunt Lucretia during her mission to D.C. He’s also obviously a spy. Patrick (and his fetter coin) were given to Gwen on November 26, 1994 by Lucretia Giovanni at the Family island in Boston Harbor. He “travels” with Gwen to this night.

  • Pepe

    Nosferatu. Pepe helped load a torpid Settite into Cylus Pine’s van at the Bowl America Parking Garage on August 6, 1984. Pepe is a Nosferatu Operative who poses as an Anarch in Georgetown (to get their secrets). Henry sees him in the Undercity from time to time. Now that Henry is an Operative, he sees him nearly nightly. Pepe was at Dharma Coffee House following the Texas Instruments heist and met up with Jinx and Allie on February 15, 1989 when Jinx asked for a major favor from the Anarchs. It can be assumed by those in the know, that the Nosferatu are thus now aware of Allie and exactly who helped her to escape. Henry has heard from Pepe’s reports on Anarch activity to the Nosferatu Intelligence Forces. Pepe was at the emergency commune meeting on December 6, 1994 to discuss the closing of the entrances to the Undercity and the threat posed by the Creature from the Depths.

  • Petrunich, Alexi

    Tremere. Tremere Primogen of the Domain of Alexandria. Alexi was said to be in league with Nikoli and the Russian Brujah in their “OTCAL” project, at least as far as Henry was able to spy to find out. Alexi attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989. She mostly kept to herself there. Some time in the early 1990s, Alexi helped Rose and Jinx with a ritual to make Jinx’s blood unbinding in exchange for a boon. This allowed for Jinx to teach Rose some Auspex without binding them. On December 8, 1994, Alexi was at the door to the Alexandria Elysium with a team of armed ghoul guards. She led Desirée and Thaïs through the “new protocol” of having their blood tested when entering (following the massive attacks on the Domain of Georgetown to the north). Once the two, covered in filth and with ripped clothes, asked her to present them to the Prince, Alexi got the attention of Seneschal Vittorio to take the matter from there.

  • Phelan

    Cainite. Sabbat leader of some sort. Phelan’s Clan and exact position unknown at this time, Rose overheard Phelan make orders and the others follow when he took Vitus into his SUV following the Battle of Chain Bridge on December 8, 1994.

  • Philipe

    Toreador. Toreador Primogen of the Domain of Georgetown. The gilded youth (appearing) stood behind Prince George at the Elysium on July 23, 1985 at the Kennedy Center and the Elysium on January 6, 1986 at the Smithsonian Castle. He appeared to act as an advisor of sorts to the doddering Prince. Philipe was at the presentation of Gwenevieve Rossellini to Prince George on November 27, 1994. He was seen whispering in the Prince’s ear. Philipe stood by the throne in all of his glory at the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. He is an ardent supporter of Prince George amidst the coup attempt by the Ventrue. Once the tide had clearly turned against George, he was lost in the melee. His fate is unknown at this time.

  • Pine, Alfred

    Nosferatu. Alfred is an Operative that is one of Henry’s coworkers now. While they haven’t worked on a mission together yet, he seems friendly enough. Alfred attended the emergency commune meeting on December 6, 1994 to discuss the threats faced by the Undercity.

  • Pine, Cylus

    Nosferatu. Nosferatu Primogen of the Domain of Alexandria. Cylus attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 18, 1983 and met Desirée. Desirée and Thaïs spoke with Cylus at Elysium on August 4, 1984 about finding out who stole Desirée’s painting. He agreed to find out the culprit for a muscle service of Thaïs and Desirée’s willingness to use her club in Del Ray. He arrived at Club Euphonia the following night and witnessed Thaïs drinking too much blood from one of Desirée’s ghoul servitors. Cylus tells the two that he’ll do as they say after they have staked and beaten Marcel and brought him to a garage in Alexandria. He later revealed that he had engineered the disappearance of the painting for his own purposes. Cylus met Desirée and Thaïs at club Euphonia for its Grand Opening on May 7, 1988. He gave them cash payment for their most recent job: securing a Nosferatu (“Julia Pine”) in daytime passage using Thaïs’ shipping company. He seemed cold with Julia when the two left together. Cylus Presented Henry as his childe, “Henry Pine,” to both Prince Elaine of Alexandria and Prince George of Georgetown on February 10, 1989. Cylus attended the Valentine’s Day Alexandria Elysium wearing his fine suit on February 14, 1989. He called a Clan-friendly car for Henry’s use in his mission. Cylus attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989. He introduced Thaïs and Desirée to his “childe,” Henry. Henry met briefly with Cylus when he went to debrief with Mary following the Bottleneck incident. Cylus continues to serve as the Nosferatu Primogen of both Domains throughout the early 1990s. Cylus helped to brief Henry at the Operative center in the Undercity on December 6, 1994. He feared reports (or lake thereof) coming in from Baltimore. Thaïs was finally able to get through to Cylus on December 6, 1994. He told her that he would pay handsomely for information from the goings on at Elysium the following evening . . . he would not be in attendance. On December 7, 1994, Cylus spoke with Thaïs over a choppy line on her cell phone after she descended into the sewer following the Ventrue coup and subsequent Sabbat attack on Elysium. He did his best to give Thaïs and Desirée directions until the phone was cut off from the government during a national emergency (terrorist attack). Thaïs and Desirée met up with him on Heart Island in the Underlake below the Potomac River. Their reunion was short-lived as a psychic ribbon wall cut through the ceiling to the sludge water below and sliced Cylus in half. He did not met final death (like Cheesehead standing next to him), but he was gravely wounded. After a conversation about the extraordinary events, Cylus was hoisted onto the rowboat with Thaïs, Desirée and Broadus and the group went to an intersection to allow the Smoothskins to leave the Undercity. They were asked to send word whenever they had a chance to let the Undercity know what was going on topside.

  • Pine, Julia

    Nosferatu. “Julia Pine” was the name the Nosferatu operative gave to Desirée and Thaïs when she was smuggled from Richmond to H&H Ranch on May 7, 1988. Julia had been transported in a shipping crate over the day as a way to traverse the stretch without alerting the Lupines. After sating herself on a provided cat, the putrid Nossie transformed herself into a “beautiful” woman and went out with Des and Ty for the Grand Opening of Club Euphonia. There, she met up with Cylus Pine and the two had a terse exchange before leaving the club.

  • Pine, Mary

    Nosferatu. Mary is one of the leaders of the Operatives, at least one who regularly returns to the Undercity. Henry began his training with Mary on Wednesday, February 8, 1989. As an aside, Rose hid in the mausoleum in Bowie where she is supposedly buried, but obviously isn’t (though he will likely never remember that if he were to ever meet her). Mary held a debriefing with Henry following his mission on February 16, 1989. She was intrigued with Henry’s progress, but was disturbed by the behavior of Bottleneck. She ordered Bottleneck to report to her as soon as he could be found. Henry confided in Mary following the Bottleneck incident. Mary took Henry to the Moravignians with Bottleneck’s “present” in tow. Together, they found that Bottleneck has likely joined the Sabbat and was sending the body parts to his former boyfriend from Baltimore. Mary began her “conversations” with ailing Washington Post reporter H.B. Kershaw over the phone on October 17, 1993. She met with Kershaw under Obfuscation at the Old Ebbit Grill and suggested that the pair go somewhere more private to discuss the Brexco/Donovan investigation. Mary cajoled and then threatened Kershaw into descending the ladder into the Undercity to begin his new unlife as her childe. Mary attended the emergency commune meeting on December 6, 1994 where the threats facing the Undercity were gravely discussed. She further briefed Henry on his mission as the eyes and ears of the Nosferatu topside during this time of troubles.

  • Pingleton, Jason

    Mortal. Jason, with his supermodel looks, was one of Danė’s blood dolls and “boyfriends.” After Danė was sentenced to a decade of torpor in a box on February 14, 1983, Jason eventually had his mind wiped by Sandra Polloch and was sent on his merry way as a model for London Fashion Week.

  • Pole, Sanford

    Brujah. The 13th Generation unauthorized childe of Brock Thompson was intercepted by the Ventrue of the S’eth Adar at George Mason University. He was later put on trial on February 14, 1989 in Alexandria (why there and not in Georgetown is not known . . . the S’eth Adar usually only have jurisdiction there. Perhaps they had been called in as a special favor to Prince Elaine? Why didn’t the Rangers take care of this? All unanswered questions.) and sentenced to two draughts bonded to the Prince and eternal servitude to the Alexandria Rangers (or, well, until killed by Lupines). His erstwhile sire, Brock Thompson, had a Blood Hunt called upon him.

  • Polloch, Lance

    Ventrue. The newest of the House of Polloch, Lance attended the Vencor board meeting on February 13, 1989 as a junior associate. He gave a report noting that now that the last of the (formally) accepted Malkavians, Abraham, had been executed by the Prince, Vencor stood to control the largest blood bank in the Commonwealth of Virginia with the building of the new INOVA Fairfax Hospital. Lance attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989, spending the majority of the time either disinterested or ogling at a ghoul dancer. Lance attends Vencor Board meetings throughout the early 1990s. Lance attended the emergency Vencor board meeting on December 7, 1994 to determine if the Clan chose to depose Prince George at the next night’s Elysium. Lance voted “no” in defiance of his sire/grandmother, but his vote was overridden. Lance stood alongside his clanmates in support during the Ventrue coup at the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. Lance helped to hold down the Prince as Jordan staked him. Lance followed in the Ventrue phalanx as they all marched through the zoo, looking for a way out. According to a report by J.T. of the Brujah on December 9, 1994 at College Park, Md., Lance apparently survived at least long enough to get into an armored vehicle, though his exact fate is unknown at this time.

  • Polloch, Roman

    Ventrue. Roman was at the Vencor board meeting on February 13, 1989 where he gave a report on shipping for the Clan (which he manages). He was concerned that with only Dulles Airport as their major hub, they were shut out of many opportunities, especially Brujah-controlled Union Station and the contested Southwest docks. He was seen slightly drunk (through drinking of drunken vessels) at the Alexandria Elysium the next night at his wife's Valentine’s Day ribbon-cutting ceremony for the multi-million dollar Sandra Polloch Boat House. Sandra got in an argument with her husband/childe Roman. Roman attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 and was heard chatting with Cleo St. Sebastian and Sonya of the Tremere about the Lupine problem to the south. Roman regularly attends the Alexandria Elysium and monthly Vencor Board meetings throughout the early 1990s. Roman attended the emergency Vencor board meeting on December 7, 1994 to determine if the Clan chose to depose Prince George at the next night’s Elysium. Roman voted “no,” in defiance of his wife/sire, but his vote was overridden. Roman stood alongside his clanmates in support during the Ventrue coup at the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. Roman helped to hold down the Prince as Jordan staked him. Roman followed in the Ventrue phalanx as they all marched through the zoo, looking for a way out. According to a report by J.T. of the Brujah on December 9, 1994 at College Park, Md., Roman apparently survived at least long enough to get into an armored vehicle, though his exact fate is unknown at this time.

  • Polloch, Sandra

    Ventrue. Harpy of Alexandria. Sandra did a favor (boon) for Melisand Granger by wiping the minds of Melisand’s childe Danė’s five “boyfriends” on February 15, 1983. Sandra was at Elysium on August 5, 1984 when Desirée’s painting had been swapped out with a stick figure drawing with the text bubble “bye.” Sandra was at the Vencor board meeting on February 13, 1989 where she gave a report suggesting the Clan clandestinely begin buying up distressed properties in the District of Columbia to await their increased value as a money-making venture. She attended the Alexandria Elysium the next night to cut the ribbon at the opening of the multi-million dollar Sandra Polloch Boat House (which she financed). She was seen to be arguing with her husband/childe Roman. Sandra attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 and was hanging out with her fellow “harpies” Melisand of the Toreador and Melinda of the Tremere. Sandra regularly attends both Georgetown and Alexandria Elysium events as well as monthly Vencor Board meetings throughout the early 1990s. Sandra attended the emergency Vencor board meeting on December 7, 1994 to determine if the Clan chose to depose Prince George at the next night’s Elysium. Sandra voted “yes,” and her vote carried. Sandra stood alongside her clanmates in support during the Ventrue coup at the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. Sandra helped to hold down the Prince as Jordan staked him. Sandra followed in the Ventrue phalanx as they all marched through the zoo, looking for a way out. His fate is unknown at this time. According to a report by J.T. of the Brujah on December 9, 1994 at College Park, Md., Sandra apparently survived at least long enough to get into an armored vehicle, though her exact fate is unknown at this time.

  • Prentiss “Mother”

    Malkavian. Prentiss saved Juniper from her attackers only to imprison her and dress her as a doll. Prentiss says she is some sort of “cop,” but on a larger scale beyond Juniper’s imaginings. Fascinated by Juniper, she is grooming her prisoner for the Embrace. She ghouled Juniper on April 3, 1985 and telling her that the next night was going to be filled with adventures. She Embraced her childe and presented her to the Malkavian elder, Joan. A few months later, now bored of her “daughter,” she took Jinx to the Battle of Bowie. Jinx served with distinction and her sire was pleased. Prentiss presented Jinx before Prince George at Elysium on January 6, 1986. Prentiss joined Rose in their investigation into Masquerade breaching murders on the University of College Park campus in February 1989. Rose slipped away after he ran into Jinx and the two had found a frightened Allie who had committed the murders. Prentiss later ran into Rose who told her of Jinx’s visions. She seemed deeply intrigued. On February 17, 1989, Prentiss arrived at Alexandria Elysium to claim her boon for her role in cleaning up the mess from the Brock Thompson murders (technically, she had the boon transferred from Bobby Schroyer after he was incapable of cleaning up the problem on his own). She took special interest in her childe after she had learned that Jinx was capable of visions. Prentiss attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 as Bobby Schroyer’s “date.” Bobby’s boon was transferred to Printess and she elected to hold onto it for the future. Prentiss attempted to gain further insight into her childe’s newfound powers of precognition, but was constantly rebuffed.

Due to the snub, she has become her childe’s rival. She has continued to work with distinction for the S’eth Adar and has a cordial working relationship with Vitus. Prentiss was at the Ansara estate on December 6, 1994 to aid in the investigation into the Ventrue Primogen’s assassination. She entered the smoldering building with Vitus and found a couple of ash piles of fallen Cainites. She scooped up the remains for her childe Jinx to use the sight-beyond-sight on. Prentiss stood on guard to protect the Prince during the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. She watched Jinx with disdain, but otherwise kept a sharp eye. And then, there was a Ventrue coup. Vitus convinced Prentiss to stand with him in the revolution and she helped to depose George. She planted a stiletto into his fat frame as Jordan staked him. As the Sabbat began to attack, she followed with Vitus and Henry as they met up with Rose and Jinx in the panda enclosure. Together, they fought off the attacking Gangrel antitribu. After besting them (and witnessing Vitus commit diablerie), Prentiss and the team joined up with some commandos, scaled a wall, went down a ravine and faced a pack of wolves. Prentiss killed one (and would have killed another if it weren’t shot out from under her grasp). She joined the other escapees in a small caravan of stolen vehicles through the streets of D.C., looking for a way to get south, though all of the highways were packed with panicking families. They all arrived at last at Chain Bridge, but found a psychic ribbon wall blocking the path to any and all Kindred. She, being of high Auspex, was one of the first to sense the presence of the wall. Prentiss went into obfuscation and began sneak-attacking the line of marauding Gangrel antitribu.

  • Priest

    Gangrel. Priest is the General of the S’eth Adar and led the battle from Elk’s Lodge against the Sabbat pack of Bowie, Md. on January 1, 1986. He personally Presented Rose and Rommell Carrillo before the Prince at Elysium on January 6, 1986 and took Rose under his wing, giving him the “Gangrel” rundown of the Traditions. Some time between 1986 and 1994, Priest was made the Gangrel Primogen of the Domain of Georgetown. Rose met with Priest on several occasions including the Gangrel Gathers. Priest mentored Rose throughout the early 1990s and helped them to master their Disciplines. Priest introduced Rose to Big Frieda. Priest was at the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994 and was seen talking with the Tremere Primogen Lord Kairns and the temporarily-appointed Ventrue Primogen Barnaby Wilcox just before Jordan Binham and Clan Ventrue made their move in a coup against Prince George. Priest was complicit in the coup and didn’t lift a finger to help the deposed Prince. Priest joined the Ventrue phalanx as they all marched through the zoo, looking for a way out. His fate is unknown at this time, though Rose called one of Priest’s ravens to them on December 9, 1994 in hopes that Priest is still alive.

  • Prodigy

    Caitiff. Possibly Gangrel? Daughter of Mercy. The thinblood Caitiff is barely tolerated in Alexandria, if only because she had flown under the radar. Prodigy met with Desirée at Club Euphonia for its grand opening on May 7, 1988. She was given permission to feed at the club by her patron, Desirée. Desirée went to meet with her “Daughters” in Burke, Va. on December 9, 1994. She found them arguing (and starving) in their shared haven in the middle of suburbia.

  • Raeger, Karl

    Gangrel. Karl is Priest’s lieutenant and led the forces of the Camarilla in the Battle of Bowie at the Skate-o-Rama on January 1, 1986. While injured, he survived. Some time between 1986 and 1994, Karl was made General of the S’eth Adar. Karl was impressed with the work of Vitus for the S’eth Adar throughout the early 1990s. Karl helped to lead the investigation into the attack on Primogen Martino Ansara on December 6, 1994. He went along with Prentiss, Vitus, J.T. and G McGee into the smoldering mansion to look for clues. Outside, the group deliberated and found that it had indeed been a coordinated attack by the Red Talon Sabbat Pack. On December 7, when Rose returned a call to the General, Karl told them that they might just catch a “blood flu” and not show up to Elysium that evening, but if they did, they would be expected to follow the lead of the Clan in what was ominously alluded to go down. Karl was at the Georgetown Elysium that evening, looking agitated before the Ventrue made their move. Karl stood by as the Prince was deposed. Once George was staked, Karl joined the Ventrue phalanx as they all marched through the zoo, looking for an exit. His fate is unknown at this time.

  • Rachel

    Mortal. Rachel works at “The Spin Zone,” a record and music store near the docks in Old Town Alexandria. She is on good terms with Zachary.

  • Rahman, Dr. Abdul

    Mortal. Dr. Rahman is Asa Armstrong’s oncologist. He gave Asa some bad news on October 31, 1994: suggesting that he look into end-of-life care.

  • Raleigh

    Brujah. Raleigh is rude to the Prince of Alexandria when he is presented in Elysium on February 10, 1989 by his sire, Professor Peter Forsythe. He is friendly-ish to Henry and seems clueless about the World of Darkness. Raleigh attended the Valentine’s Day Alexandria Elysium on February 14, 1989. He was seen rudely making out with another Kindred at the party, possibly to annoy and embarrass his sire, possibly to pluck his nose at decorum, or possibly out of pure stupidity. Raleigh attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 and spent his time up on the promenade above the throne room with James Nash, being vaguely disruptive to the consternation of Barnaby Wilcox who chided Raleigh’s sire, Peter, for his choice in childer. Raleigh continues to be a problem childe throughout the early 1990s, and has started forming an Anarch cell in Alexandria with James Nash and others. Thaïs has met Raleigh on a few occasions for Brujah rants and raves throughout the early 1990s. Raleigh was at the meeting of the Brujah and assorted malcontents at Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax on December 8, 1994 following the Prince’s potestas edictum. Raleigh was among those at the meeting calling for war. He had his arms draped around James Nash most of the time.

  • Ralph

    Toreador Ghoul. Ralph is one of Melisand’s beautiful ghouls. He is seen at Signature Theatre in Del Ray with his mistress on February 14, 1983 as well as on other occasions. Ralph attended Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 as an entertainer/dancer in the Venetian Renaissance-themed event.

  • Ramierez, Marjorie

    Mortal. Supervisor/shift manager as the secretary for the Hospice Center Asa works for. Asa spoke with Ms. Ramierez on October 31, 1994 when he scheduled off of work following some bad health news.

  • Randall

    Mortal. Vandy Rae’s plaything, blood doll and worker. Randall works at The Last Chance in Rockville. He was last seen resting after giving too much blood to Rose on the second floor of The Last Chance bar in Rockville, Md. after midnight but long before sunrise on December 30, 1985.

  • Range, Bradley

    Gangrel. Bradley Range was a S’eth Adar fighter in the Battle of Bowie on January 1, 1986. He was killed in battle by the Sabbat.

  • Rebecca “Becca”

    Mortal. Becca is a graduate anthropology student and is roommates with Viktor, Rin and (until December 27, 1985) Rose. She was last seen at her flophouse townhouse after Rose’s fight at The Red Dog. She is likely very worried about her missing roommate, but who is to say? Rose returned to their apartment on December 7, 1994 in an attempt to find their dog, Thorne. Rose found the remains of Thorne buried in a flower bed, but Becca had moved on to some place else.

  • Rebecca

    Brujah. Alexandria Domain Ranger. Rebecca was at the Rave in Fairfax on August 5, 1984 when Thaïs bested Bozwell in single combat. Henry attempted to make conversation with the Ranger lieutenant at the Valentine’s Day Alexandria Elysium on February 14, 1989, but she seemed uninterested in anything the Nosferatu wanted to speak about. Rebecca was on guard duty at the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989. Rebecca was tasked with bringing “George” (#7) from the airport to the Lighthouse Chantry for the Tremere to sort out after he “arrived” in the city, setting off the alarms on November 30, 1994. She was somewhat flirtatious to the dashing undercover agent of the Inner Council. It is unknown how the Council of Seven have kept the silence of this Brujah Ranger, as she had seen Number 7 when he first “entered” the city.

  • Reggie

    Gangrel. Reggie attended the meeting of the Brujah and other malcontents at Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax City on December 8, 1994, following Prince Elaine’s potestas edictum. Reggie seemed in favor of taking some form of action against the Crown.

  • Reid, Bryce “Boo”

    Mortal. Boo was hanging out with his sister Petra and his friends Thaïs and Drea on Friday, July 13, 1984 in Petra’s squat when he heard a strange noise downstairs. He went to investigate with the much more formidable Thaïs by his side. The creature that confronted them was beyond any of their ability to fight, but Boo tried nonetheless, shattering a television over its head. With Drea and Petra down, Thaïs managed to give Boo the chance to run for help and ordered him to leave. Reluctantly, he did so. Boo had his mind wiped of the night by the Camarilla. Boo was later found to be working as the manager of a gas station in the early 1990s. Thaïs named one of her horses after him at her H&H Ranch.

  • Reid, Patricia “Petra”

    Mortal. Petra was the first set DJ at a rave in an industrial park in Fairfax on Friday, July 13, 1984. She met up with her brother Boo and friends Thaïs and Drea following her set. The four ran through the rain to Petra’s squat in an old warehouse to hang out. After lighting candles, the group played some darts before they heard a strange noise downstairs. Thaïs and Boo went to investigate, but a creature crept behind them and ascended the stairs. When they returned to Petra’s place, they found her unconscious, possibly dead, beneath the feet of a ravening beast. She survived the attack, was patched up, and had her mind wiped by the Camarilla. Petra’s fate is unknown, but Thaïs named one of her horses after her at the H&H Ranch.

  • Rickson, Bill

    Mortal. A reporter at the Washington Post. H.B. Kershaw had a drink with him at the Old Ebbit Grill across from the White House on October 8, 1993.

  • Ricky

    Brujah. Alexandria Domain Ranger. Ricky was at the Rave in Fairfax on August 5, 1984 when Thaïs bested Bozwell in single combat. Thaïs has run into Ricky at various Brujah rants and raves throughout the early 1990s. Vitus has had some small dealings with Ricky among the Rangers in the early 1990s.

  • Rin

    Mortal. Rin is a dancer at The Red Dog and is the roommate of Viktor, “Becca” and (until December 27, 1985) Rose. She was last seen with Rose coming home from work early in the morning of December 27, 1985. She went to bed, none the wiser about Rose’s upcoming ordeal. She is likely very worried about her roommate’s disappearance, but who is to say? Rose returned to their apartment on December 7, 1994 in an attempt to find their dog, Thorne. Rose found the remains of Thorne buried in a flower bed, but Rin had moved on to some place else.

  • Ro

    Nosferatu. Ro is posing as an Anarch of Georgetown. Jinx met Ro at an Anarch gathering at Dharma Coffee House in Southeast. Henry knows that Ro is a Nosferatu operative. Henry has seen Ro among the Nosferatu Operatives throughout the early 1990s. Ro attended the emergency commune meeting at the Chamber of Horrors on December 6, 1994 to discuss the dangers the Undercity faces from above and below.

  • Roege, Andrew

    Mortal. Local reporter at the Washington Post. H.B. Kershaw gets along best with Andrew among the local news reporters. H.B. called Andrew on October 10, 1993 during his investigations into Congressman Bryce Donovan and the pharmaceutical company Brexco. Andrew gave him what he knew as well as some interesting questions to consider.

  • Rosetti, Julius

    Mortal. Julius is Mattie Slaton’s boyfriend and recent release from jail. Julius was last seen creepily hitting on Juniper at Mattie’s shitty apartment in the Mountain View Apartments of Southeast D.C. on April 1, 1985.

  • Rossellini, Agatha

    Giovanni ghoul (Rossellini revenant). Agatha was born a Rossellini revenant ghoul in the Family’s compound in rural New Jersey in 1932. She was born with the deathsight, and that marked her and her twin sister Gwenevieve as special. The pair were sent to the main manor house on the compound from which they would ever leave during their many years of training in the rudiments of Necromancy. The pair were called to be embraced on October 21, 1982. But, it turned out to be a fight to the death between the two sisters: as only one would be deemed worthy of the Dark Gift. Agatha had her sister and would have killed her, but love and mercy stayed her hand. Her sister had no such compunction and stabbed Agatha in the back as Agatha was attempting to call out to the Family to end such a barbaric practice. Agatha was killed, but her spirit serves the Family still.

  • Rossellini, Gabriella

    Giovanni. Agatha is Gwenevieve’s sire, though played little part in her development and actively wanted her sister to best her in a combat-to-the-death at the Rossellini Estate in New Jersey on October 21, 1982 in which the winner was to be granted the embrace. Gabriella was deeply resistant to her part, having favored Agatha for the embrace, but only assented when pressured by her Uncle Giorgio.

  • Rossellini, Giuseppe

    Giovanni ghoul (Rossellini revenant). Giuseppe was one of many children raised in the Rossellini Estate, but he was one of the few born with the sought-after revenant blood the Giovanni satellite bloodline craved for their human family offspring. Gwenevieve had not as yet been particularly close to her brother, having been many years his senior, and not having really interacted with him, but he was assigned to her by the family to help Gwen in her new role in D.C.

  • Rossi, Lorenzo

    Ventrue Ghoul. Lorenzo serves his domitor Vitus as a pimp following Vitus’ embrace in 1985. He made sure Ally and Jinx weren’t poaching on his territory and bade them get the fuck out of the Misty Sands Motel on February 15, 1989. Lorenzo continues in his duties in the early 1990s and occasionally finds new talent for

  • Rudolph

    Toreador Ghoul. Rudolph is one of Melisand’s beautiful ghouls. He is seen at Signature Theatre in Del Ray with his mistress on February 14, 1983 as well as on other occasions. Rudolph attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 as an entertainer/dancer in the Venetian Renaissance-themed event.

  • Rukus

    Gangrel antitriubu. Rukus was a member of the Sabbat Pack of Bowie and was celebrating the vaudlerie on New Year’s 1986 when the Camarilla’s S’eth Adar rolled up in a sneak attack. Rukus fought well and managed to kill Bradley Range of Clan Gangrel, but he was ultimately decapitated by the Brujah J.T.

  • Samal

    Toreador. He has been called a Childe of Toreador, though precisely what that means is not yet known. He has something to do with OTCAL and Nikoli of the Brujah. Joan knew of him. Nikoli told Zachary that he would introduce him in the p.m. of December 3, 1994. Samal was in the belly of OTCAL in Old Town Alexandria, his spirit bound within a giant sandstone pillar attached to wires, tubes and screens. The entity, if indeed it was ever “Kindred,” is beyond what any who have met it could conceive as such. Apparently, he was the force inside the sandstone who Nikoli held more knowledge than all of the Library of Alexandria: and there are receipts to prove it. Suspended about Samal are ancient parchments enclosed in glass which hold the Enochian writings of the antediluvians, including a number of Words of Power. Late in the p.m. of December 3, The Prophet Zachariah entered the chamber as was foretold, alongside his associates, even as his apostles Joan and Nikoli stood back in the library antechamber, in reverence to the entity. Samal communed with his “old friend.” When George read forbidden knowledge, he roused the ancient, who taunted him. Samal’s essence stood by as the Kindred around him gained ancient knowledge throughout the morning of December 4, 1994.

  • Sampson

    Gangrel. Sheriff of the Domain of Alexandria. Sampson was on duty at the Valentine’s Day Alexandria Elysium on February 14, 1989. He mentioned to the Prince that he could use the services of the two condemned unauthorized 13th Generation Brujah childer, and so they were released into his custody in perpetuity. Sampson attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 as the head of security. He had a flirty conversation with Thaïs. Sampson interrogated “George” (#7) at Washington National Airport on November 30, 1994 after the interloper triggered (intentionally) detection. He had his underling Rebecca deliver him to the Lighthouse Chantry, leaving his fate for the Tremere to decide. It is unknown as to how the Tremere have managed to keep the presence of Number 7 a secret as Sampson is aware of it. Sampson had a sparring date with Thaïs on December 4, 1994 at Jason Li’s dojo in Annandale. Sampson continued his flirty fight with Thaïs until he was interrupted by a phone call from the Seneschal of Alexandria. Vittorio apparently had some sort of emergency which required Sheriff Sampson’s immediate attention. Sampson was at the Alexandria Elysium on December 8, 1994 for the Prince’s potestas edictum. Later that evening, he drove with Vittorio to inspect the wall and refugee situation at Chain Bridge. He offered his support to Rose and whatever remained of the S’eth Adar and told Rose to send animals to find him if he can help in any way.

  • Schroyer, Robert “Bobby”

    Gangrel. Robert is the Domitor of the domain of College Park, Maryland. He called upon the aid of the S’eth Adar on February 14, 1989 when his ghouled police officer discovered a body drained of blood with “unlicked” bite marks on his neck. He helped the S’eth Adar officers Prentiss and Rose as best as he could, but is clearly out of his depth. He met again with Rose with Rose’s crew (Jinx and Vitus) to track down Brock Thompson somewhere on campus. He helped in the investigation at the new Arts Centre on February 16, 1989. Following the capture of Brock Thompson, Bobby was left to take care of the Masquerade breach, in return for sharing in the boon in Alexandria. Bobby later told Vitus over the phone that Prentiss would be accepting the boon in his stead, as he couldn’t clean up the mess on his own. He arrived at the Old Torpedo Factory in Old Town Alexandria with Prentiss in tow on February 17, 1989 to transfer his boon to Prentiss. Bobby attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 with Prentiss clinging to his arm as his “date.” He had his boon transferred to her. Rose has run into Bobby at Gangrel Gathers throughout the early 1990s.

  • Scott, Andrew

    Mortal. Andrew is an exceedingly attractive biology student at the University of Maryland College Park. He was last seen at Henry Vasiliev’s final Introduction to Entomology lecture in early October of 1985.

  • Sebastian

    Toreador Ghoul. Sebastian drove his mistress Desirée and her friend Thaïs from Elysium to Del Ray Tower in the early hours of August 5, 1984. The next day, he helped get a man into a cab after Desirée had sipped on him. And then, he had to tear off Thaïs from his fellow ghoul (Theodore) when she drank too much. On May 7, 1988, Sebastian drove Desirée to H&H Ranch and then on to Euphoina from her home. On December 3, 1994, Sebastian drove Thaïs, Desirée, Zachary and Benjamin from Club Euphonia to his mistress’s art gallery. At his mistress’s orders, Sebastian took Thaïs, Benjamin, Zachary and George to Lincolnia Industrial Park in Arlandria to meet with the enigmatic Nikoli. Sebastian then drove the team to the H&H Ranch. The next night, he drove his mistress Desirée and her friend Thaïs to Daingerfield Island in Old Town Alexandria and then took them back to Desirée’s Del Ray Tower in the morning. Sebastian rode with Desirée, Theo and Thaïs to Barnaby Wilcox’s Penn Quarter K Street office. Following the meeting, he dropped off Thaïs at Franklin’s Pub in Fairfax City and continued with his mistress to wherever she wanted to go. Sebastian drove Desirée and Thaïs through a throng of IMF/World Bank protesters to the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. He helped Desirée out of the car and is waiting beside it on the street until his mistress returns. The Sabbat attacked the zoo that night and as Desirée desperately tried to call Theo and Sebastian, no one answered. Sebastian’s fate is unknown at this time, though he is presumed dead.

  • Sergei

    Brujah. Nikoli conspired with Sergei at the grand opening ceremony of the Sandra Polloch Boat House at the Alexandria Elysium on February 14, 1989. The two spoke in Russian, but Henry read their lips to relay the conversation to Vitus. Later, in the morning of the 15th, Sergei was with Nikoli and Nadia overseeing the unloading of large crates from overseas and preparing to transport them to Old Town Alexandria. He questioned Nikoli’s judgement. Once he detected Henry, he gave chase. Henry released his bees and it drove Sergei to frenzy, but Henry managed to give him the slip. Sergei was guarding Nikoli at the Lincolnia Industrial Park in Arlandria for a meeting with strangers (Thaïs, Benjamin, Zachary and George) on December 3, 1994. Sergei attended the meeting of the Brujah and other malcontents of the Prince’s potestas edictum at Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax on December 8, 1994. He stayed mostly quiet, and made no quarrel against the majority.

  • Shadaal

    Mekhetim. This person, similar to the Grey Man though not him, was wearing anachronistic robes and led a force of well-armed (and armored) troops of futuristically-clad soldiers. He had the barn Immanuel was in on fire and surrounded by his forces on December 3, 1994 in Loudoun County, Virginia. He called for Immanuel to give himself up and step outside, but Immanuel elected to martyr himself instead, jumping into the flames. Immanuel had warned his childe that Shadaal was of the Black Hand or the Tal’mahe’ra: a force which controlled at least three other Mekhetim Temples, and that which would never stop until they had found the Prophet and dealt with him.

  • Simkins, Alan

    Mortal. Alan is Alice DuVaule-Simkins husband and step-father to Matthew DuVaule. He in the waiting room at George Washington University Hospital in D.C. on Wednesday, June 13, 1985, waiting for his step-son to emerge from surgery. Following Vito’s initial recovery, he was stern but begrudgingly thankful to Vito for giving his stepson Matthew his kidney.

  • Sinclair, Andrea “Drea”

    Mortal. Drea got the wonderful news that she was to start at her dream job as a nurse at the new iNOVA Fairfax Hospital. She went out with her friend Thaïs to celebrate on Friday, July 13, 1984. A ravenous creature drank her blood and left her mangled for dead. It is unclear as to whether Drea survived the encounter, but it wasn’t looking good for her. Later, Thaïs would learn that Jason Li did not embrace her and she died. Her death was covered up by the forces of the Camarilla. Thaïs named one of her horses at H&H Ranch after her fallen friend. Thaïs had a “vision” of her friend on May 8, 1988, but it was actually Desirée using Presence mixed with how intoxicated Thaïs had become on drug blood. Thaïs saw Drea’s dead body in a dream on December 5, 1994. Drea was calling out to Thaïs and accusing her of letting her die. In the dream, Drea was laying on the ground in a ruined city in the desert behind the wight who killed her.

  • Slaton, Mattie

    Mortal. Juniper’s foster sister from her time at Irina’s. June stayed with Mattie for a short time on her couch until it became a bit of a hostile environment with Mattie’s boyfriend out of jail and being threatening. She was never seen, but mentioned as a part of Juniper’s backstory and was presumably at work as a waitress on April 1, 1985 when Juniper went to Mattie’s house to grab the last of her stuff.

  • (Commander) Smithson

    Mortal. Commander Smithson is an officer at the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Va. He is Alazar Makonnen’s handler before his big “promotion.” He congratulates Alazar for a job well done on Tuesday, May 3, 1983 and tells him to report to Andrews Air Force Base the following day for reassignment. Alazar (now #7) goes on a mission on Monday, May 9, 1983 to place an illegal floppy disk into Smithson’s console while he is distracted.

  • Smith-Walter, Aaron

    Mortal. Aaron is an unkempt private investigator who owes an unpayable debt to Vito Armandasanti. He tracked down information on Matthew DuVaule for Vito. He was last seen at Vito’s Common Commerce Bank office after giving him a packet of photos on Monday, December 11, 1985. In February of 1989, Aaron tracked down several Brock Thompsons until he found one who had gone missing a decade previously. He got Vitus a dossier with a photo. Aaron remains on retainer for Mr. Armandasanti in 1994. His debt now paid off, Aaron works for money (which is nothing to Vitus these days). On December 7, 1994, Aaron was likely contacted by Howard Graeves to try to find information about a sketch drawn of a mystery man. The man (actually Zachary Sellz) was from one of Jinx’s visions.

  • Teras

    Brujah ghoul. Teras is an important middleman in the Arkangel Organizatzii (Russian mafia) who came alone to a meeting with Vito Armandasanti and a few of his boys. He is confident and threatening. He called for a week of no hostilities as he brings Vito’s offer of cooperation to his “boss.” He stood behind his boss, Nikoli, at the meeting between Vito’s forces and the Brujah at the abandoned parking garage of ManTech International on June 19, 1985. Teras was apparently sent to be the getaway driver for the Anarch mission to steal equipment from a Texas Instruments shipment to George Washington University on the morning of February 15, 1989, according to Sergei as he briefed Nikoli on the Southeast docks. Teras was guarding Nikoli at the Lincolnia Industrial Park in Arlandria for a meeting with strangers (Thaïs, Benjamin, Zachary and George) on December 3, 1994.

  • Taylor, Ariadne

    Nosferatu. A Shepherd in the Undercity and Henry’s work buddy friend. She worked as a zookeeper and animal expert in the Smithsonian National Zoological Park before her embrace in 1975. Henry sees Ariadne regularly in the Undercity. She greets Henry in the Chamber of Horrors on February 16, 1989 and notices that something is wrong with her friend. Henry would often see Ariadne whenever he returned to his Undercity home throughout the early 1990s. Ariadne, Droop and Henry all discussed the looming troubles and Bottleneck in the Forest of the Deep together on December 6, 1994, shortly after the emergency meeting of the commune in the Chamber of Horrors.

  • Taylor, Bronson

    Brujah. Bronson is the leader of the Anarchs of Georgetown. Jinx vaguely knows him from an Anarch gathering at Dharma Coffee House in Southeast (she had been invited by her broodmate Comet). He is doing a job for Nikoli for unknown reasons to steal material from a Texas Instruments shipment to George Washington University on February 15, 1989. The following night, Bronson was celebrating a successful job with his compatriots at Dharma Coffee House when Jinx came in with her wondering unauthorized embrace fugitive Allie. Bronson agreed to have Allie ferreted out of the city to Chicago for a major favor from Jinx in the future.

  • Taylor, Darius

    Mortal. Darius, with his supermodel looks, was one of Danė’s blood dolls and “boyfriends.” After Danė was sentenced to a decade of torpor in a box on February 14, 1983, Darius eventually had his mind wiped by Sandra Polloch and was sent on his merry way as a model for London Fashion Week.

  • Temple, Francine

    Mortal. Harold Kershaw’s apartment building neighbor. Harold stopped by on October 11, 1993 to ask Francine if she heard anything strange near his apartment after it had been broken into and rearranged. She hadn’t heard anything.

  • Theodore

    Malkavian. Theodore is a part of the Malkavian brood of Gallaudet/Ivy City. He is often in or near the underground library at the Psychology Department of Gallaudet University. Jinx has seen Theodore on occasion in Joan’s orbit or at Malkavian family gatherings. Theodore minded the door to the Malkavian sanctum below Gallaudet University on December 4, 1994. He let Zachary pass by with his friends only because he said that Joan would deal with them if they weren’t wanted. He seemed to recognize that Zachary was one of his blood. He continued in “guard duty” at the door to the Malkavian library in Gallaudet for the next few nights while Zachary, George and Benjamin stayed in the Malkavian domain. Theodore was a part of the Malkavian mass vision when the Cobweb “expanded” with the siring of Chad on December 6, 1994. On December 7, 1994, Joan asked Theodore to escort the four girls who Zachary and George had rescued from the Ålixir demon to near the George Washington University Hospital and have them walk in, so that they could be ultimately reunited with their families now that their memories had been wiped. He thus left shortly before the Tzimisce attacked.

  • Theo

    Toreador Ghoul. Theo serves his mistress Desirée both as muscle and as an occasional vessel. He was “lent out” to Thaïs on Sunday, August 5, 1984 at Club Euphonia for a quick sip, but she drank too much. He is in serious need of blood on the floor of the VIP area of the club. Theo was along as protection with Sebastian for Desirée as they escorted her from her home in Reston to H&H Ranch on May 8, 1988. He then accompanied his mistress to Euphonia for its Grand Opening. Theo helped to guard Desirée and her guests as they were ferreted between Club Euphonia to Desirée’s art studio on December 3, 1994. Theo stood watch at the door to the gallery and helped George in after he was found bloody at the doorstep. Theo then took the troupe back to Euphonia and then took Desirée to her haven in Reston. Theo picked up George, Benjamin and Zachary the following evening at H&H Ranch and drove them to Daingerfield Island in Old Town Alexandria. Theo rode with Desirée, Sebastian and Thaïs to Barnaby Wilcox’s Penn Quarter K Street office. Following the meeting, he dropped off Thaïs at Franklin’s Pub in Fairfax City and continued with his mistress to wherever she wanted to go. On December 7, 1994, Theo went with Desirée and Thaïs to the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo. He helped Thaïs out of the car and waited outside of it on guard duty until his mistress returns. The Sabbat attacked the zoo that night and as Desirée desperately tried to call Theo and Sebastian, no one answered. Theo’s fate is unknown at this time, though he is presumed dead.

  • Thomas, Chad

    Malkavian. The frat boy was dying on the table on February 16, 1989: another victim of Brock Thompson. However, Jinx ghouled him to save his life and find out more about what happened. Vitus Dominated him to sleep after the coterie got the information they wanted from him and took him in their armored SUV to Vitus’ manor. Jinx wakes Chad and has a confusing talk with him, later enlisting the help of Vitus to figure out what to do with the boy. He stays in the manor through the day under Vitus’ intimidating warnings not to attempt to leave. The next night, the coterie gives him “the talk.” He is, understandably, shaken. He is given more agency than most ghouls in deciding if he wishes to continue down the dark path of ghouldom or face his fate as a “heroin junkie” in Rose’s estimation. He asks the coterie for a night to sleep and think on it. On February 18, Chad elects to stay on as Jinx’s “blood intern” and is nearly killed by Jinx’s feeding. She saves his life by giving him back his blood and he finds the experience to be exhilarating. Chad serves his mistress throughout the early 1990s. He earns his degree, but soon loses interest in anything but what his mistress asks of him. He visits Delia Evans as per his mistress’s request. On December 6, 1994, Chad was enthusiastically participating in a routine feeding with Jinx, but something went wrong.

She (and Chad) were locked in a vision and Jinx took too much blood, leaving Chad dead and his blood used as a medium for Jinx’s fugue prophetic scrawling in her bedroom. In a panic, Jinx embraced her beloved ghoul. When Vitus found the pair in his house while Chad was still going through the Malkavian Change, he had Chad staked and placed into a secure location (Vitus’ facility in Clifton, Va.) to be dealt with later. Simultaneously, the other Malkavians tied to the Cobweb could sense his embrace.

  • Thompson, Brock

    Brujah. The 12th Generation Brujah of Alexandria is at large following his unauthorized siring of three college students for an inexplicable reason. A Blood Hunt was called upon his head on February 14, 1989 by Prince Elaine Montcomb of Alexandria. This deranged individual was targeting college kids for violent embrace and release, threatening the masquerade. Jinx knew his face well from her visions. He was last seen in Jinx’s vision on Tuesday, February 14, 1989 at the University of Maryland College Park embracing Allie, but was staying in a boiler room or something with a darkroom filled with photos of teens in fraternity and sorority sweatshirts. The investigators finally put it together the identity of the mass embracer and then tracked him down: having found his lair with his most recent victim ghouled by Jinx and another victim staked in the closet. Brock was found at the Sigma Delta Tau sorority house, embracing again. He took elder blood from a bottle and gave a fight, but was no match for Rose’s rapid attacks. Brock was staked. Later, Rose drank from him . . . draining him into a staked “mummy.” The coterie transported his torpid body on Martino Ansara’s helicopter to the Old Torpedo Factory (site of the Alexandria Elysium). Vittorio Ghiribaldi had his body taken below for “further study.” His fate a foregone conclusion, his sentencing will be at Elysium on Thursday, February 23, 1989. Brock was sentenced by the Prince to the sun torture and death, though the player characters never actually witnessed it.

  • Thompson, Dr. J.

    Tremere Ghoul. Dr. Thompson leads #7 in a number of psychological and parapsychological tests in his becoming a super soldier at Andrews Air Force Base Hangar 13 in early May, 1983.

  • Townsend, Janice

    Toreador Ghoul. Janice is Danė’s daytime face of his party-planning business and Danė’s ghoul. Townsend’s fate was uncertain after her domitor Danė was sentenced to a decade of torpor in a box on February 14, 1983, but Melisand had Janice shipped to Elysium to be a ghoul of the Crown. Janice attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 as a blood-glass bearer/server. Janice continues to serve Elysium as a crown ghoul in 1994.

  • Townsend, Samantha

    Caitiff. Samantha attended a meeting of the Brujah and other malcontents at Franklin’s Pub in Old Town Fairfax on December 8, 1994. The Kindred gathered there were upset by the Prince’s potestas edictum and debated what to do in response. Samantha seemed to be agreeing with the sentiment that something must be done.

  • Trainor, Officer A.

    Mortal. D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer. Officer Trainor stopped by H.B. Kershaw’s apartment alongside his partner, Officer Hendricks, on Monday, October 11, 1993 after Gerald Kershaw called them in. He was surprised to find everything ordered the way that it was, but after dusting for prints and finding none of note and after nothing could be reported stolen, he gave up.

  • Turlington, Brace

    Toreador ghoul. Brace was a Navy Seal in life and had been working on contracts in a shady world known unto Alexander Chaykovsky. Alexander brought Brace in to Club Euphonia on December 9, 1994 to meet with his mistress, the Toreador Desirée. Desirée used Presence on Brace and then ghouled him having him stay in Del Ray Tower Apartments.

  • Tyler, Karl

    Mortal. Karl, with his supermodel looks, was one of Danė’s blood dolls and “boyfriends.” After Danė was sentenced to a decade of torpor in a box on February 14, 1983, Karl eventually had his mind wiped by Sandra Polloch and was sent on his merry way as a model for London Fashion Week.

  • Vasiliev, Denis

    Mortal. Denis is a retired physician and is married to Maria. He is a first-generation immigrant from Russia but did well for himself as a skilled doctor. Denis spoke to his son, Henry Vasiliev, over the phone in early October 1985 in a state of shock after receiving a distressing call from Henry’s father-in-law Buck Wallace. Denis’ last known whereabouts were calling from his home in Dorchester County, Md. He was told in a letter (sent by the Nosferatu Operatives) that Henry had left for San Francisco to find himself as an out gay man. No one knows how he reacted.

  • Vasiliev, Henry “Henry Pine”

    Nosferatu. [NOTE: Henry was a Player Character from the beginning through BOOK I, Story 3, Chapter 5, part 2: “Up Against the Wall.” Everything the character has done after that will be listed here. To see Henry’s notes as a PC and read his PC Page, click here.] Operative of the Undercity.

  • Vasiliev, Maria

    Mortal. Maria is married to Denis Vasiliev and is Henry Vasiliev’s mother. She was last heard crying in the background during a phone call from Denis to Henry in early October 1985. She was told in a letter (sent by the Nosferatu Operatives) that Henry had left for San Francisco to find himself as an out gay man. No one knows how she reacted.

  • Vasiliev, Sally

    Mortal. Sally was in a “lavender marriage” with her friend Henry. They lived a comfortable life, though she had been spending more and more time with her girlfriend, Jennifer Xi. Things came to a head in her life when she had an explosive argument with her judgmental conservative parents and came out in the worst possible way. She needed some time to process away from Henry after all of that, but she would be deeply distressed to learn of his disappearance. Her last known whereabouts were with her girlfriend in College Park, Md. in early October 1985. She was told in a letter (sent by the Nosferatu Operatives) that Henry had moved to San Francisco to find himself as a gay man. Henry checked up on her later through intermediaries to find that as of 1990, Sally and Jennifer had stayed together and that Sally was working to get pregnant through IVF.

  • Vandy Rae

    Gangrel. Self-styled “Duchess of Rockville.” She has some dealings with the S’eth Adar. Vandie Rae took pity upon a clueless Rose and decided not to Blood Bond him, but to show him the ropes a little bit: in exchange for an undetermined favor in the future. She let Rose into her storage room underneath “The Last Chance” bar in Rockville, Md. in the early morning hours of Monday, December 30, 1986. She later met up with Rose, Jinx and the rest of the S’eth Adar combatants as they prepared for the Battle of Bowie in the early hours of New Year’s Day 1986. She fought in the battle and was nearly surprise-attacked by a Nosferatu antitribu, but was saved by a precognizant Jinx. She was at Jinx and Rose’s Presentation before Prince George at the Smithsonian Castle Elysium on January 6, 1986. Rose has run into Vandy Rae on a few occasions, including Gangrel Gathers, throughout the early 1990s. Vandy Rae was one of the few Gangrel attending the Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994. Vandy was frightened by the commotion and attempted to leave by way of the front exit. There were screams heard coming from the area as the Sabbat attacked, but her final death is not yet confirmed.

  • Venus

    Toreador antitribu. Venus was a part of the Sabbat Pack of Bowie who was participating in the vaudlerie before the Battle of Bowie at the Skate-O-Rama on January 1, 1986. She was viciously stabbed and ultimately staked by Prentiss. Later, she was put through the torturous resanguination-exsanguination treatment, her blood prepared for the feast at Elysium. After enough vitae vials were taken, she was staked for the sun.

  • Viktor

    Mortal. Viktor is a drug dealer and part-time philosopher who lives with Rebecca, Rim and until just after Christmas of 1985, Vincent Rose Blackburn, a.k.a. Rose. He enjoys a good time and is generous with his friends. He bet on Rose in an underground street fight and helped his roommate get back home afterwards. He was last seen in the early morning of Friday, December 27, 1985 after helping Rose return to their shared apartment. He is likely beside himself with worry that Rose disappeared, but who is to say? Rose returned to their apartment on December 7, 1994 in an attempt to find their dog, Thorne. Rose found the remains of Thorne buried in a flower bed, but Viktor had moved on to some place else.

  • Voss, “Lucy”

    Mortal. Blood doll bartender at Club Euphonia. Lucy is an attractive male bartender at Euphonia who is always looking for the “kiss:” and not particularly finicky where he gets it. Though he is loyal to his employer, Desirée first and foremost. Lucy is living and working at Del Ray Tower. He served drinks to the ghouls at the closed club during the “terrorist attacks” rocking the city on December 8, 1994. He was again at the club (even though still closed) on December 9 to keep the troops’ thirst quenched.

  • Vousette

    Sisterhood (Ahrimane). Vousette is a tall Black woman with strikingly beautiful features. Rose met Vousette in the Sisterhood’s mountain cave on December 9, 1994. Vousette seemed to be one of the primary spirit-workers to help Nana prepare the rituals. On December 10, 1994, Vousette aided in the rites to transform Rose into a Sister.

  • Waithe, Andrew

    Brujah. The 13th Generation unauthorized childe of Brock Thompson was intercepted by the Ventrue of the S’eth Adar at George Mason University and was killed. He was later turned into ashen cakes for the Ventrue Clan to have a fine repast at the conclusion of their board meeting on February 13, 1989.

  • Wallace, Buck

    Mortal. Buck is a retired salesman and a hard right conservative married to tradwife Patti. He is the father of Sally Vasiliev. He went with his wife to visit his daughter and her husband, Henry Vasiliev, for a dinner party of disastrous proportions. A huge drag-out fight led to Sally coming out of the closet and Buck making many threats. Buck was last known to have franticly called Henry Vasiliev’s parents Denis and Maria in early October 1985. He had practically disowned his daughter, Sally.

  • Wallace, Patti

    Mortal. Patti is a traditionalist judgemental conservative woman and is married to Buck Wallace and is Sally Vasiliev’s mother (and thus Henry Vasiliev’s mother-in-law). She went with her husband to a disastrous dinner party at Henry and Sally’s house in College Park, Md. in early October of 1985. She was shocked and appalled to learn of her daughter’s lesbianism. She was last known to be fretting off with her husband, likely in their home in Greenbelt, Md.

  • Warren, Branson “Bran”

    Ventrue. Bran is a Ventrue functionary of the Inner Council working within the CEZ to maintain the global Masquerade and Camarilla hegemony. With a veritable army of ghouls, Bran keeps track of the United States Government and turns it to the interests of the Kindred. #7 has had cause to run into him in the CEZ, but has no deep relationship with the powerful Ventrue.

  • Weathers, Allie

    Brujah. Allie was a junior music student at the University of Maryland College Park who was abducted, tortured, embraced and released into the world by Brock Thompson. She had murdered her boyfriend, Billy Fowler, as well as her roommate. She was found on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 1989 by Rose and Jinx. Allie left her apartment just in time to escape Prentiss and went with Jinx to lie low in Southeast. Jinx and Allie stayed in the Misty Sands Motel over the next day and then went to Dharma Coffee House to try to meet up with the Anarchs of Georgetown. The Anarch leader Bronson agreed to have Marci ferret Allie to Chicago in exchange for a major unspecified favor from Jinx in the future. Allie left with Marci.

  • Wilcox, Barnaby

    Ventrue. Vencor Board Member, Domitor of K Street. Barnaby told his childe Vitus that he was born in 1749 in Devonshire, England as a second son in a wealthy landed gentry family and was an officer on the side of the Crown in the American War of Independence before being embraced in Georgetown. Barnaby Wilcox revealed himself to Vito and offered the Embrace, giving Vito some time to put his affairs in order. Wilcox embraced Vito — now “Vitus” — on July 3, 1985 in one of his penthouse Havens atop a lobbyist building on Connecticut Avenue. The following evening, he made a few opening moves on the chessboard with his new Childe and decided it best they go out to the throng of revelers celebrating Independence Day to find Vitus’ first (human) meal. Wilcox led Vitus through his Agoge over two weeks mostly at the K Street Penthouse. He presented Vitus to Prince George of Georgetown on July 23, 1985. He presented Vitus to the Chairman of the Vencor Board, Jordan Bingham, on July 24, 1985. Wilcox is known to be in a coterie with Cedric of Clan Malkavian and Professor Peter Forsythe of Clan Brujah. Wilcox attended the Vencor board meeting on February 13, 1989 where he gave a report on the petrochemical holdings of the Clan (which he manages). He put forth that the Clan should invest in non-renewables and plastic bag production to increase profits. He attended Alexandria’s Elysium the next night for the Valentine’s Day opening of the opening of the multi-million dollar Sandra Polloch Boat House where he was seen to be discussing matters with his coterie-mate Peter Forsythe. Barnaby attended the Alexandria Elysium on February 23, 1989 where he chided his friend Peter about his choice of childer (Raleigh). He introduced Peter to his childe Vitus and helped Jinx socially escape being cornered by her sire, Prentiss. Wilcox often attends Elysium in both domains and is seen by in the company of his friends Cedric and Peter Forsythe in Georgetown. Vitus always sees his sire at monthly Vencor board meetings in Rosslyn, though the two occasionally have a game of chess together and chat about matters and strategy. Wilcox is apparently Elijah Fields’ boss, as he is the silent owner of the petrochemical corporation Elijah is a lead counsel for.

He scheduled a meeting with Elijah for December 3, 1994 at 10:30 p.m., though Elijah did not attend (per his lover’s request). Now angered, Barnaby has scheduled a meeting with Desirée for December 5, 1994 at 1 a.m. Barnaby met with Desirée and Thaïs at his business office on K Street. He found it incredulous that it was only a coincidence that the Toreador had one of her ghouls working in a senior position in his petrochemical corporation. But once Desirée convinced him that was so, he simply fired Elijah and promised to have him blackballed. Barnaby attended the emergency Vencor board meeting on December 7, 1994 to determine if the Clan chose to depose Prince George at the next night’s Elysium. Barnaby abstained, but the vote was made to go ahead with the coup. After Vitus pulled him aside to give him a maudlin pep talk, Barnaby went into closed-door session with the Ventrue leadership. Barnaby attended the fateful Georgetown Elysium at the Smithsonian National Zoo on December 7, 1994 as the temporary Ventrue Primogen. He was seen speaking with the Tremere Primogen Lord Kairns and the Gangrel Primogen Priest. When Jordan Bingham made his move in the coup, Barnaby was standing by his side. Barnaby helped to subdue the Prince as Jordan staked him. As the Sabbat began to attack, Barnaby joined the Ventrue phalanx as they all marched through the zoo, looking for an exit. Vitus used his power of Presence to Summon Barnaby to his side. Barnaby was furious, but was convinced by Jinx’s visions to continue the course of finding a safe spot to build a better counter-attack later. He joined the party as they scaled a wall, fell into a ravine (and was propped up by his childe, a further ignominy), faced a pack of wolves, stole a couple of vehicles and drove to Chain Bridge after seeing all of the traffic on the highways stopped. The team stood by the psychic ribbon wall, unable to cross the bridge to enter the Domain of Alexandria. Barnaby put his sword through the wall, and seeing no trouble, placed his hand in it. His hand was burned away to the bone and he cried out in pain. He joined the others as they determined the next course of action: to get a message to the Elysium in Alexandria.  Barnaby used his cellphone only to find that cell communications had been cut off by the federal government in the State of Emergency following the supposed “terrorist attack.” And so, the team used a murder of crows called by Henry to relay a message from Vitus. Vittorio and Sampson arrived an hour later, by now December 8, 1994. Vittorio allowed Barnaby into the wall as he was a landowning citizen and was willing to pay the outlandish toll tax. He even agreed to pay for his childe and his party, but Vitus had gone into obfuscation.

  • Wyatt, Melinda

    Mortal. Clerk at the Environmental Protection Agency. H.B. Kershaw tracked down Melinda in his research into Brexco and Congressman Donovan. The federal worker was skittish, but wanted to help and expose the wrongdoings of her boss. Melinda met Harold at the Pop Stop coffee shop on October 12, 1993 for a clandestine rendezvous where the whistle-blower told H.B. everything that she knew. 

  • Wyche, Silus

    Mortal. Thaïs saw a vision of her father Silus at the Louisiana State Fair in a fever dream she had just before her embrace on July 13, 1984.

  • Xi, Jennifer

    Mortal. Jennifer is in a relationship with Sally Vasiliev. She is very protective of her girlfriend, but had been in a fight with her over her deeply closeted status. She lives in College Park, Md. Her exact current whereabouts are unknown but she last spoke on the phone with Henry Vasiliev in October of 1985, telling him that his wife Sally needed more time before she talked to him again. Jennifer stayed with Sally and is hoping to raise a baby with her as of 1990, should Sally’s IVF work.

  • Zeke

    Gangrel antitribu. The powerful rage-filled Gangrel was a part of the Sabbat forces looking to sweep up resistance following the Fall of Georgetown on December 7-8 of 1994. Zeke attacked Rose and Vitus amid a flow of bullets from Vitus’ guards. He was destroyed and his heart’s blood eaten. Zeke’s soul now swims with Rose’s.

  • Ziegler, (Professor) Raymond

    Malkavian ghoul. Dr. Ziegler is a professor at Gallaudet University and is one of Cedric’s ghouls. Though the characters have yet to meet him, George read the blood being served to him Dr. Ziegler’s “profile” using his Path of Blood on December 7, 1994.

  • Zooker, Daniel

    Mortal. Photographer for the Washington Post. Daniel was often H.B. Kershaw’s “story buddy” when working. Daniel would take the photos and Harold would write the story. Daniel was with H.B. on his final White House press briefing on October 8, 1993. Daniel was supportive and sad to see H.B. go when he was “relieved” for medical reasons. H.B. setup a stay with Daniel on October 17, 1993 in case his nighttime meeting with Mary Pine went overlong. H.B. never arrived at Daniel’s house after the meeting with Mary.

Unnamed Characters

  • Boy with daggers for eyes

    Unknown. Zachary saw this disturbing boy in a dream on December 4, 1994. The child held something in his hands as though in prayer. He opened his hands and revealed true darkness as he smiled at Zachary. Darkness was unleashed onto the world from a neighborhood in D.C. and the sun was blotted out.

  • Cainite Scientist (Mekhet?)

    Antediluvian? This ancient being was seen in a vision by Thaïs on December 4, 1994 in OTCAL. The being was in Enoch and was calling its childe a heretic. The childe used Celerity and it caused great pain to the assembled Mekhetim.

  • Caine?

    Blood God? Zachary saw a dark-skinned man crying blood on a blasted rock in the desert in his vision when he was in OTCAL on December 4, 1994. Could it have been the mythical founder of the Cainites?

  • “Cat Lady”

    Mortal. This shut-in woman lives alone on a ramshackle farmstead neighboring H&H Ranch. Hundreds of stray cats have made their home with the woman. She has had cats go missing (Normandin took them on the orders of his mistress, Thaïs. One cat was taken on May 7, 1988 to feed a hungry traveling Nosferatu and the other was taken on December 8, 1994 for use in a future demonic ritual sacrifice.

  • Chicago Agent

    Unknown. An agent of the Inner Council met #7 at Chicago O’Hare Airport on November 30, 1994 and snuck him into a waiting area for the day and then placed him upon a flight back to Washington National Airport the following night.

  • Dead roommate

    Mortal. Allie Weather’s roommate was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and Allie killed her in their apartment. Her body was found there with Allie on Feb. 14, 1989 by Rose and Jinx.

  • Druggie fellow

    Mortal. He met up with Rose in Rockville, Md. on December 28, 1985 for a quick toke and to give Rose directions to Germantown, Md.

  • Diabetic designated driver guy at New Year’s Eve party in Bowie

    Mortal. Rose asked him for directions to the Elk’s Lodge on December 31, 1985. The fellow gave excellent directions and was nice to Rose.

  • Dining man

    Mortal? Tremere Ghoul? The man behind an open window gives out #7 his “meals,” which usually consist of pills, at Andrews Air Force Base Hangar 13 in early May, 1983.

  • Euphonia bartender

    Mortal. This man is “in the know,” though not yet ghouled. He was serving drinks to the ghouls at Desirée’s closed club during the time of troubles on December 8, 1994.

  • Fat Man, The

    Ålixir Demon. The Fat Man was first seen by George and Zachary (though not by Benjamin) at Freddy’s Station in Fairfax on December 6, 1994 as George was getting gas. The man was pushing a cart filled with used Barbie dolls. George and Zachary followed it to its fiendish lair where they found a grizzly scene with human remains and photographs of frightened little girls on the walls. Zachary stole the creature’s keys and unlocked the basement where it was keeping four future victims in cages. Zachary tricked the demon into thinking that he was some other supernatural force capable of destroying it. The demon fled into the night as Zachary and George extricated the victims. 

  • Flesh ancient (The Eldest?)

    Antediluvian? A slab of ancient flesh rests in OTCAL. That shard of consciousness called out to Number 7 on December 4, 1994.

  • Gargoyles

    Gargoyle. The two servitors are menacing creatures who protect and watch over Tremere Councilor Meerlinda at #7’s binding rite on May 10, 1983.

  • Grey Man, The

    Mekhetim? The grey-faced man appeared at Zachary’s station on Thursday, November 30, 1994 as the power and phones were cut following the Prophet’s on-air announcements. He asked Zachary “when” the Temple was and seemed frustrated by his answers. He left the shivering mortals alone after Dominating one of them.

  • Heretic Childe (Troile?)

    Antediluvian? Thaïs saw this Cainite in a vision in OTCAL on December 3, 1994. He had used Celerity and his sire called him a heretic. The other assembled Mekhetim reacted in horror. Thaïs saw him again in a dream on December 5, 1994. In the dream, the Heretic was seen bloodied and dying, sinking into the earth wrapped in the arms of his lover: a demon. The earth swallowed them and a horde of Cainites performed some sort of salting ritual, sealing them in their fate. The voices of the Heretic and the demon called to her, begging for her help and rescue. Boxcar, Thaïs demon, seemed to either sympathize with the demon buried below or perhaps is the demon buried with the Heretic: it isn’t entirely clear in the dream.

  • Library attendant

    Mortal. A man stood at the front desk of Gallaudet University Library, checking student ID Cards on December 5, 1994. While Zachary’s use of Dominate and Obfuscation worked on the attendant to get him in and maintain his disguise, the attendant was still suspicious that “Julia Frothington” couldn’t speak ASL. Still, he wasn’t paid enough to care really, and let them in. It was a low-stakes practice round for the new Discipline.

  • Little girl in El Salvador

    Mortal. The little girl Alazar killed on a mission in El Salvador was often a part of his PTSD dreams until the blood of the Tremere washed away all of his doubt. The little girl was seen in Number Seven’s first dream as a Kindred during the day of December 4, 1994. It started as it usually did, but this time, the girl morphed into a winged, multi-eyed horror and sent George/Alazar/Number 7 to the depths of what appeared to be Hell. The girl again appeared in George’s nightmare, taunting him, on December 5, 1994.

  • Little girls locked in basement

    Mortals. Four girls ranging in age from 5-10 were in cages in the Ålixir demon’s basement on December 6, 1994. Zachary was trying to get them out of there as the creature approached. The girls (including Kiesha and Elissa as well as two others whose names are not yet known) were driven to Gallaudet and given to the care of Joan for her to erase their minds of trauma. After Joan had completed their mind wipes, she had Theodore take them from the Malkavian library to a block away from George Washington University Hospital to have them walk there and turn themselves in and ultimately be reunited with their parents.

  • Lupine northern scouts

    Lupines. Two Lupines bayed for Rose’s blood on December 28, 1985. They turned tail when Rose entered Gaithersburg.

  • Menacing street toughs

    Mortals. Since we never got a name during the struggle, Georgie, T$ and Brick were three hoodlums who attacked June in Ivy City as she was looking for a crack house on the night of April 2, 1985. Brick was stabbed to death multiple times by an excited Prentiss. She Dominated Brick to take the blame and for T$ to corroborate the story after she called on [someone?] to dispatch the mortal police to deal with the situation.

  • Motorcyclist

    Mortal. This poor fellow was in the wrong place at the wrong time, weaving through stopped traffic on the George Washington Parkway in Arlington, Va. during the “terrorist attack” panic on the night of December 7, 1994. Thaïs punched him in the side, knocking him off his bike and onto the ground yards away. He probably survived, but not in great shape as Thaïs and Desirée stole his bike. His fate is unknown at this time.

  • Muggers at Route One Corridor

    Mortals. Four young men moved in to attack Zachary and Thaïs as they were hunting in the Route One Corridor on December 10, 1994. They stood no chance whatsoever against the powerful duo. Thaïs used one as a rag doll baseball bat to hit another. Zachary used his Dominate to overpower one and the remaining mugger is stupefied in shock and horror.

  • National Park Service guide

    Mortal. The man was locking up the Manassas Battlefield Park Visitors Center on December 7, 1994 when he was approached by Zachary, George and Benjamin. Zachary used a combination of Dominate and Obfuscate to gain entrance and left the man none the wiser, thinking he had let the NPS manager in to lock up.

  • Newscaster

    Mortal. This crazed man began to give a masquerade-breaching diatribe on the local news before he was stopped as they cut to commercial on May 7, 1988. This was the impetus for the production of the D-list vampire movie Desirée and Thaïs were tasked with producing. As a seal of the breach, the whole thing was chalked up to be a publicity stunt for a movie. It is believed the newscaster was a part of a strange prank by the Malkavains, but which Malkavian was never discussed by Simone Lauentiis when she tasked Des and Ty with the project.

  • Nice woman

    Unknown. This woman stood over Harold and comforted him as the ambulance arrived on October 12, 1993. It is assumed now that this was, indeed, Mary Pine using Obfuscate.

  • Old man

    Unknown. This man appeared in one of Asa’s dreams after being made into a Salubri. The man wore simple robes and seemed kindly. He was unimpressed with the giant menacing creature with three eyes staring at the two of them in the dream. Whether he is connected to Saulot in any way is not known at this time.

  • Sabbat Gangrel attackers at Chain Bridge

    Gangrel antitribu. Two Gangrel antitribu attacked Rose and Vitus in the panda enclosure at the Smithsonian National Zoo during the battle on December 7, 1994. All were incapacitated by Prentiss, Vitus and Rose as Jinx and Henry hid. One was Zeke (see above description) who was diablerized by Rose. The other was torn asunder, assumed destroyed.

  • Sabbat Gangrel attackers at panda enclosure

    Gangrel antitribu. Three Gangrel antitribu attacked Rose and Jinx in the panda enclosure at the Smithsonian National Zoo during the battle on December 7, 1994. All were incapacitated by Prentiss, Vitus and Rose as Jinx and Henry hid. One of the three was being drained by Vitus when Jinx began to read the incapacitated Gangrel’s mind: learning of the massive battle plans of the Sabbat. The Sabbat were not conducting a mere skirmish, but a coordinated siege on all of the Domain of Georgetown. The Gangrel, identity confirmed as “German” (see above entry), was diablerized. The other two were beaten to incapacity, but were not given the Final Death.

  • Sabbat Templars

    Cainites. On November 27, 1994, Ambassador Carlo Giovanni paid off two Sabbat Templars at BWI Airport in Baltimore to grant temporary passage for his charge, Gwenevieve (or at least for them to look the other way for money to go the Archbishop’s fund for widows and orphans as the two independents made a speedy jaunt through Sabbat territory).

  • Satisfied victim

    Mortal. Desirée invited the muscly man up to her private chambers from the dancefloor at Club Euphonia for a quick hookup. She had her ghouls escort him to a cab after she got her sip.

  • Saulot?

    Antediluvian? Asa saw this powerful god-like creature in a dream with three eyes staring at him shortly after Asa was made into a vampire. It is unknown at this time if this was just some sort of strange dream or if this was indeed the progenitor of the Salubri.

  • Shovelhead

    Cainite. The poor creature was being kept in a shed at the Bowie Skate-O-Rama by the local Sabbat. Jinx shot it with her Camarilla phosphorus gun. Karl Raeger punched a hole into the creature’s chest, putting it into torpor. While it’s fate is not known, it was likely either put through the resanguination-exsanguination process for the celebration feast at the Camarilla’s Elysium on January 6, 1986, or it was taken for experimentation by the Tremere. Either way, it likely met a very grizzly end.

  • Staked teen thinblood sorority girls 1 & 2

    Brujah. The coterie hasn’t bothered to determine their identities, but they were both victims of Brock Thompson’s rampage in College Park, Md. Jinx and Vitus had them delivered to Jeremiah Banks at Brown Bear Brewery Co. in Centerville, Va. on February 19, 1989.

  • Theft victim woman

    Mortal. This woman had her purse stolen by a pickpocket on The National Mall during the Independence Day fireworks show in 1985. Vitus tracked down her assailant and returned the purse to her, much to her gratitude.

  • Thief

    Mortal. This man stole a purse from a woman on the National Mall during the Independence Day fireworks show in 1985. Vitus tracked him down an alleyway and had his first meal on him, learning his proclivity for criminals. Wilcox wiped his mind and sent him on his way.

  • Tzimisce attackers

    Tzimisce. Two Cainites using vicissitude joined the “Ant Man” to corner Joan at the entrance to the Malkavian library on December 7, 1994 during the Fall of Georgetown. Joan forced one of them to attack the other, but the Ant Man managed to stake the elder Malkavian. The two were fooled into opening their minds to Zachary who led them into the Cobweb, temporarily confusing them. After they got their wherewithal, they gave chase, but Zachary, George, Joan and Benjamin all got away in a stolen car.

  • Unknown shaking Kindred

    Kindred. This unidentified Camarilla neonate (or at least unidentified to Vitus who witnessed this) was marked for death by Prince George for masquerade infractions, but the Malkavian Primogen Joan interceded, spending a boon to spare the young vampire’s life. Her motivations and the Kindred’s worth to her are unknown at this time.

  • Zoo security guard

    Mortal. He had his key card stolen by G Jones with the help of Henry’s rats as a part of the Nosferatu scavenger hunt at the Smithsonian National Zoo on February 11, 1989. Henry noticed the guard again outside of the Smithsonian National Zoo during the Elysium on December 7, 1994. The area was under attack by the Sabbat, and so the guard is likely dead, though his fate is unknown at this time.

  • Kahenta, “Nana”

Sisterhood (Ahrimane). Matriarch of the Sisterhood. Rose met Kahenta in a cave in the mountains near the West Virginia border on December 9, 1994. Kahenta was surrounded by mountain lions and her Sisterhood. After listening to Rose’s unlife story, “Nana” told Rose of hers. According to Kahenta, she was a shaman or spiritual woman of a people in what is now known as Newfoundland, Canada, but to her, was a sacred place. Vikings landed nearby shortly after 1020 (though, Kahenta was not aware of “dates” for such things until the 1960s or 1970s) and brought with them at least one Kindred stowaway: Helga Frejasdottir. Helga was running from a creature and sought the aid of Kahenta who has never turned away a woman in need: even from this Cainite the likes of which Kahenta had never seen. A “beast” known only as a Jormundander attacked Kahenta and Helga. Kahenta’s spirits fought off the creature, but not before it had mortally wounded Kahenta. According to Kahenta, Helga embraced her in gratitude. Kahenta left her people for fear that she might hurt them. She travelled, but was put into torpor after a battle and rested for centuries until her spirits woke her. She tells Rose that she has since travelled about, gathering her spirits and mountain lions and those Kindred women who would join her in working to preserve a slice of the world from the depredations of an upcoming apocalyptic event.

Kahenta asked Rose to join the Sisterhood, but informed her of the costs. The following night, on December 10, 1994, Nana began the ritual on Rose to transform her into one of the Sisters. She exsanguinated Rose, spitting her blood into the fire, and then gifted Rose her own blood while the other Sisters forced the spirits into Rose’s body. The spirits tore into Rose, renewing her and transforming her powers into the equivalent of an Ahrimane, though the Sisters are unaware of that lineage.