Chronicles Read or listen to the first-hand accounts of the Kindred of the Potomac Empire as they experience the Final Nights. Final DaysThese are the stories of the Player Characters as human beings — living their extraordinary lives before the embrace. All stories are written by the Player Characters themselves.One story explores a day in the life of a strange girl, born to the blood of the Rossellini. Another story follows the survival of a teenager abandoned in the woods by a cruel foster father. In another tale, a mafia boss shows his underlings how he deals with disrespect. In another story, a local late-night DJ tells of his disturbing dreams on air, only to get a more-disturbing caller. Another story tells of a White House reporter staring down his own mortality but plagued with a mystery. Another cerebral tale focuses on a young woman gaining control over her emotions. A disturbing tale deals with the making of a monster and her taking back her power. And finally, another tale is told through the eyes of a CIA agent wading through the jungles of El Salvador and doing all manner of unspeakably inhumane acts for Uncle Sam. Final NightsThese are the stories of Non-Player Characters on their last night as a Kindred on earth. Read about the final moments of those swept away by the events of the impending apocalypse.One story is about gentle Nosferatu builder Cheesehead and his final moments of bravery. Another story is about Gangrel antitribu German and his final stand at the Smithsonian National Zoo as he takes on the Camarilla heretics and elder-worshippers. Canticles of the Prophet ZachariahBy AnthonyMalkavian neonate Zachary Sellz, a.k.a. DJ Prophet, has been on the run ever since a man named George came to his door. Then it started raining dead crows. Things got stranger from there. Cronache della SindoneBy XamotGwenevieve Rossellini keeps a careful log of all she observes in her newest Family posting in the Potomac. While the necromancer studies all of those around her, she is particularly interested in the anomaly beyond the Sudario in Manassas. The Book of AsaBy ChrisCampaign notes for the unlife of the hunted Salubri. Rose’s NotesBy AshCampaign notes for the unlife of the former server/streetfighter-turned-vampire. Thaïs’ Rants and RavesWritten and performed by LuiRead a short story and listen to Thaïs’ rants to the microphone as the Brujah neonate ponders the events of the night. The Don’s ViewBy LoganVito takes on his new unlife as “Vitus” of the august Ventrue. His new life is not without a few regrets. He shares his feelings and musings of his misadventures with his dead relatives. He stands over the graves of his parents and tells them of his time with Jinx, Rose and Henry at his manor and all that they did on a number of affairs for the Kindred. Jinx’s JournalsBy Hannah RiveraThe budding Gateway of Chaos left clues of prophesy in the pages of her journal for those who could understand it.Jinx left the journal behind in the manor when she left for Elysium on the fateful night of the Fall of Georgetown. There was a brief moment of quiet in the manor after it was attacked but before the soldiers had moved in when Nosferatu Operative H.B. Kershaw was able to make a quick recon run. He took photos of the pages of the journal and left the manor before the place was occupied by the Sword of Caine. Kershaw was able to get the journal to Mary Pine and the Operatives of the Undercity. The Lazarus FilesBy NateThe Tremere agent Number Seven always put duty above all else. Even as a mortal, nothing deterred him from doing the grim wet work of a CIA operative. In this report, the Tremere put recruit Alazar Makonnen through the paces in a series of tests and missions.